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Posts posted by Shadiva

  1. Many problems do come when running with low quality on shadows, i recommend you using the highest possible to get as little flickering and other strange things to happen, sweet it's solved, and im realy happy i could help some :biggrin:


    have a good night to yourself my friend :thumbsup:


    Chive on!





    Yeah do so, will be interesting to hear from you about that :laugh: glad to be of any help to you :biggrin:

    Ok, I kind of found out the problem:





    Are at this height, the problem is gone (or just can't notice by the human eye).

    But when I tweak a bit like:




    It's baaaack :P

    If I just can't lower the shadow then I'll either keep high shadow res or just deal with the bug.

    Thank you for your help :)

    Good night!

  2. Hello friend! :laugh: try out this link



    this link is mostly a ENB that needs one more ENB on it, as it is mostly a fundation for others ENB's


    so try scrolling down this link for many wonderfull ENB's :biggrin:



    No idea how Skyrim might look like with a complete Demon Blade look, perahps totally awsome! :woot:


    you could probably create one of your own with this




    and a near ENB installed first


    Happy modding friend ;D

  3. Yeah Skyrim works that way that it loads al over again after Tabing, like if you change anything in a ENB you can do it with the game on and just tab it ones to make the changes take affect. :woot:


    if you still have the 298.xx something driver left on your drives, i suggest you try it out first, Skyrim can have some issiue itself and no other game is affected, same goes for ATI cards, there is a flickering in the shadows on some drivers, am myself using an older driver cuase of that :tongue:



    The driver I'm currently using is 306.97, I have installed them upon finishing installing Windows since I changed my SSD setup due some raid issues.


    Skyrim has the DLCs installed and that's all, both Dawnguard and Hearthfire.


    My computer plays many games just fine including Battlefield 3.


    I haven't tried an older driver, the one I was using previously was 298.xx or something like that.


    It's weird because whenever I alt-tab it gets back to normal but introduces more bugs like the mouse cursor and it eventually crashes.

  4. First bakup your ENB files your gonna change


    then download ENB customizer




    and then change these lines to something like this in your Skyrimprefs.ini














    Or go to the ENB mod itself and ask there for a solution




    i recommend the later as the mod author could probably help you better then me,


    a good idea before going to the mod is to test another ENB to make sure it is that ENB or anything else that cuasing it, some grafic drivers can be buggy, are you using the latest, then try several version older to see any diffrance


    Hope any of this was of help to you :sweat:

  5. Your char has a very cute name :laugh: well are your Skyrim up to date? are you using any mods? are they also up to date?


    Sounds like a mod to me that is making this, cant think of anything in original files that could even be close to creating this :woot:

  6. Almost any ENB will make the game a hole lot better experiance


    am myself using:


    ENBSeries v0.119 by Boris Vorotsov





    Cinematically Realistic ENB


    with SSAO - SSIL off


    here is a taste of how the light can be seen with those On





    These mods will eat some FPS so dipending on wich hardware you have i recommend the highest possible settings, especially shadows, as there can be flickering in them otherwise,

    Hope al this was of some help, ask on if there are anything else, happy modding mate! :laugh:

  7. Not entirly sure how animations work but try delete the contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character


    that should get rid of al modded animations


    try look at these links for a perhaps better understanding of animations mods







    Oh sweet, the problem got solved, thats nice! :laugh:

  8. Yeah many mods dont support Dawnguard, have you still any bakup on the original? try them at first to see if the problem get solved, and then try out diffrent other animation mods later with trail and error i suppose if there arent any mentioning about Dawnguard support in the readme or text description on the mod sites



    do you have dawnguard installed by the way? as this was the main issue of Dawnguard DLC combined with wrong update and / or custom animation mods without Dawnguard support


    I DO have dawnguard installed. I also have RBS which I think changes some anims.


    What anim should I download and replace whatever I have with?

  9. The beauty of is that if it messes up, just add the files you deleted and it was as before, so dont be afraid, but try do a full copy of hole skyrim folder, and then try delete the files you seem needed to be deleted, if it screws anything up, only copy/paste it bak the Skyrim folder and it was a it was before :) bakup on saves aswell ! :thumbsup:




    thanks for all the great input.....Id be telling a lie if i said i wasnt nervous about deleting the files manually....ive have never installed manually or deleted manually before. It just seems weird that after like 6 months of using NMM and switching between 1000 mods, that now this is happening and i cant uninstall or uncheck any mod thru my NMM....however i will try the manual thing out.


    thanks again.

  10. yeah. it could be done. I've seen the heads move in the creation menu.... so I know the heads can be turned, etc. I'd also like it when the PC was idle, it could look at the people or creatures walking by.


    or when some npc comes up to talk automatically while you're in third person view, have the pc actually look at them instead of gazing vacantly into space!


    edit: never mind, seems that somebody linked to a mod doing this. :)


    Have you tryed the mod ghosu linked, i am doing it right now, and its wonderfull! seriusly give it a try, it does exactley what you wanted there :biggrin:

  11. That was very cool, seems to work like wonders, no problems with diffrent pipes either, just a placement issiue, though it was abit to much smoke for my taste, but thats a smal thing, thanks for showing mate :thumbsup:





    There is a Mod for Oblivion that is pretty similar to your Idea. http://oblivion.nexu....com/mods/11892

    I would love to see something in Skyrim.

  12. Yeah MShoap13 put it in a better way :biggrin: Thanks! i even have a bunch of typos, sorry about that :sweat: was very tired hehe



    One of the reasons i always manually download, so i can see exactly what and where i have my mods/files

    that way i can easaly see what contents there is in any mod i am using and easy to delete and also see what it changes/overithe

    in case of i need to bakup anything before installing, and most mods dont have the function to be installed true NMM and some just aint gonna work from

    using NMM either, so i recommend atleast download manually, and put them in a map outside Skyrims, like make one on plain C: like "C:/Skyrim mods" :thumbsup:


    its sweet to have a full picture of everything, it gets confusing as it is sometimes still :biggrin:



    hope it was of some help to you

    Happy modding mate!

  13. Best way then is do it manually, delete al conetns of themod in data and just uncheck them, look inside the zip for the mod and see what content i has to be removed, but with so much mods, you'll prolly need a lot of bakup from times before the mods were instaled, that might be a problem for you perhaps?
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