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Everything posted by Moraelin
Hmm, not sure if they actually spawn weapons they're not given (although that does include any levelled lists, inherited stuff, etc) but I suppose they can pick up stuff.
Wouldn't it be easier to just make sure they don't get a bow in their inventory?
Can't say I had it in SE either, unless some mod was interfering with it. Again, I would advise you to start a game without any mods except race mods. Technically even SKSE or SkyUI aren't needed at this point, unless your race mods say they need SKSE. Hell, even race mods you can add after the cart stops and the game drops that first hard save in Helgen, if you're paranoid.
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Hmm, I only had that if I have Helgen Reborn active when I start Skyrim. Well, or at least the ancient version of it that I have. They may have fixed it in the meantime, but I never checked. Anyway, same would apply for any other mods that cause a problem. Unless it's a race mod, you don't really need it active right from the start. You can just start the game without most mods that you don't absolutely need in Helgen (such as, again, race mods,) get to Riverwood, and then get around to activating them one by one.
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Well, if it's any excuse, I can blame it on Corona. About three bottles of it, in fact. Just kidding, of course. It was, of course, spiced mead to get into the proper Nord spirit(s).
Whelp, mystery solved. I had gotten retarded and forgotten I had to look it under S not E, in that huge library list of mine.
Been busy trying to see if I can fix it myself somehow. Turns out that I can get the version I backed up from the old computer does work, at least after I had a look at the plugins.txt and removed the Fallout4 esp and esm that it was trying to load, for no reason I can possibly imagine. Still, I shouldn't have to install the game from a backup, so yeah, I'll have to take my chances with support.
Ok, so now I'm seriously pissed off. So I get an idea for another sword I could make for Skyrim, which means hey, let's install Skyrim again. I go to my Steam library and... it's gone. It's not in my Steam library any more. I can't tell Steam to install it, because apparently now not only I don't own it any more, but Steam doesn't even know what Skyrim is any more. Copying the files from an old computer doesn't work either, which may or may not have anything to do with the fact that as far as Steam is concerned if they check, I no longer own the game. Elder Gods <bleep>in' dammit... I didn't even just buy it all in one go as the Legendary edition. I paid like a couple hundred bucks for that game and all the DLCs, as they came out one at a time. And someone could just decide that I don't own it any more. Effectively I've been robbed. Edit: oh great, looks like now I don't own the Skyrim Special Edition either :(
... and yet you used it to try to " prove " your " point ". :huh: Okay, well .. time to move on. Enjoy your game fellow Dovahkiin, enjoy! :cool: Err... no, I didn't? I only used examples of what is supportable by lore in the TES universe? Learn to read, maybe?
Glory is actually pretty high on my list of evil characters. Giving a synth "new memories" always struck me as basically erasing the old person from existence, and reusing their body for another person. Think of it this way: after you put Curie in G5-19's body, who do you have with you? Is it Curie or G5-19? Yep, it's Curie. G5-19 has ceased to exist in any meaningful way, and Curie is now using her body. And Beth even made sure to point it out to you, e.g., in the talk to Ada about her personality module. Her memories and personality really are what defines her as a person. Turn it off, and it's just a generic robot. Well, that's what the Railroad does to synths. It's an industrial-scale operation of erasing synths out of existence. And back to Glory, SHE KNOWS IT. When it's about using G5-19 as host for Curie, the whole talk takes a whole other tone than "saving synths". It's as if you intend to kill G5-19. Which, essentially, you are. And if you talk to her afterwards, she says something like, "G5-19's sacrifice better be worth it." Because really that IS it: you sacrificed the synth and reused her body for CURIE. And Glory KNOWS IT. But she has no problem goading other synths to the memory den.
Ehh, Legion were ok. Fun fact: if you kill them from stealth with a silenced weapon, you don't lose Legion reputation. Not even if someone else sees you do it. I had killed more legionnaires than the Antonine Plague, and they gave me the key to their safehouse :tongue: That's stealth builds for you. But even without that, people attacking me I can deal with. If I get to them before my companions do, that is. Someone marked as essential that just follows me around to abuse me is a whole different level of annoyance.
Because I don't give a flip about batman or superman myself? :tongue:
And I'm saying that it's equally LORE, supported by hard in-game stuff, that if I wanted a lightsaber or anything else in Skyrim, I could: - ask Meridia to make me a "sun beam blade" or such -- if you will, a SABRE made of LIGHT :tongue: -- so I can better smite undead in her name. Again, it's LORE that whatever a Daedric lord can imagine, they can force it to exist. - publish the mod for Oblivion first, where my character BECAME Sheogorath. I.e., past that point anything I can possibly imagine, the lore says I can make real, because I literally BECAME a Daedric Lord. And, hey, who's to say that Sheogorath wouldn't get it into his crazy little head to bring it to Skyrim? - pretend that I used the chim (or the other 5 ways to that effect) to achieve the power of creation in Skyrim itself. Again, it's LORE conform that mortals can get such powers if they become enlightened enough, and survive it. (It's very likely to be just destroyed instead.) And it can even go all the way to becoming an actual God, such as Tiber Septim did, and for that matter the Morrowind Tribunal did. It's all in the in-game books, so it's LORE. So there's nothing to stop me from imagining that my character gained that power - use my mastery of conjuration to create that "bound sabre" I was talking about on the previous page. It wasn't just taking the piss. The LORE is that bound weapons are basically some poor daedra schmuck who gets pulled into Tamriel and forced to be a weapon for a while. There are no constraints in the lore for what shape that poor daedra can be forced into. - use my mastery of conjuration to pull it from any parallel universe I can imagine. Since that's how conjuration works in that LORE. It doesn't create anything, it just pulls stuff through from other worlds. - discover some previously unknown or lost combination at the Atronach Forge to summon such an item. - use an Elder Scroll to pull such an item from a distant future. Yeah, it's kinda even central to the main story that Elder Scrolls can screw with time. And a few other things. The funny thing about TES lore is that actually Beth didn't just decide to give us a Creation Kit at some point, they actually went and made the in-game lore for why that kind of thing is totally ok.
Also, since we're talking actual TES lore, even more strictly lore-wise the gods and daedric lords can manifest anything they can imagine as a real item. They're not strictly speaking limited to the existing daedric artefacts. In a sense, they're modders. If a daedric lord could imagine a blade made of pure light, and found it worth it in any way, even for a lark (I'm looking at you Sanguine;)) then yes, it is very lore conform that it could exist in Skyrim. This is also not limited to existing Daedric lords. See, as actual in-game lore, Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes, Book Three. There are no less than 6 ways to achieve essentially god power by basically being enlightened on how the world works, and surviving it. One of the 5 is the Chim, which that book deals with, and which is, "the secret of how mortals become makers, and makers back to mortals". Roll that around in your head: mortals CAN become makers. In game lore even gives an example on a tremendous scale: Tiber Septim used Chim to basically terraform the whole of Cyrodiil from jungle to temperate. So, yeah, that mod that makes Skyrim tropical? Totally justifiable with in-game lore. But that's just one example. If you reach a fundamental understanding of how the world works, which isn't easy, but it's possible, you can be essentially a modder. Justified by in-game lore. You want stormtrooper armours and lightsabers? Yeah, the chim could do that :tongue:
The real bottom line is that it's a single player game, and what makes sense for you to be in there is not necessarily the same that makes sense for me. You're essentially trying to argue what _I_ wouldn't find immersive or serious in a combination. And really, you don't know that. Point in case, nirnroot exists both in Skyrim and Fallout 4, so that would make a plausible point that both are the same universe or parallel versions of the same. Meanwhile, as per the Fallout 2 lore and that crashed shuttle, the Fallout universe is a parallel universe to the Star Trek one, and quite possible to cross over. Which would put Klingons and Romulans for example either in the same universe as Skyrim or a parallel one, in a multiverse where, again, it's possible to cross over. That all is based on ACTUAL stuff that exists in those games, which is to say, actual lore. As opposed to the whole "whatever I like is lore" that most of the silly lore police gang are doing. So it actually makes perfect sense to me that I could play an Orion with a bat'leth, that got put there by Q, as part of his elaborate pranks. I assure you I can take that very seriously. You can't? Well, then definitely don't donload that bat'leth. But please stop trying to tell me what _I_ can't take seriously :tongue:
Well, as they say, hindsight is 20/20. There is nothing in the game to tell new players "don't build beds in THIS house, and be sure to remove all chairs in it too, or you'll regret it." Nor, "build a pub NOW so Marcy will have some other passtime than abusing you." :tongue: And, sad to say, in spite of being Wolfgang's best customer, I never got visions of the future like Mama Murphy, so I had to get thoroughly abused by that idiot before discovering how to somewhat mitigate it :tongue:
Dude. Like, dude. Just giving her an out of the way job is not enough. On my first two or three playthroughs for example I made the mistake of building beds in the building where the crafting stations are. Turns out that if I came back there in the morning or evening, and spent any amount of time pondering which new barrel I want to put on what gun, she'd have to pass by me to get in or out. Except she flippin' wouldn't. She'd stop in the door and keep abusing me for half an hour straight. And if it wasn't her, it was that cretin Sturges. He'd stop there and go in a loop: "Hey." "I'm busy" "Can it wait?" "I'm busy." "What's up?" "Can it wait?" Well, fer fork's sake, so go get busy then and leave me alone. This would also be worse if I didn't or can't build them a pub. Because then all evening they literally have nothing to do except hang around on that porch. Gods have mercy if you're trying to do something there.
Well, you can also tell you "No, I'm not your saviour" after doing the Tenpints Bluff mission, which will make him put a cork in it. Still, just not dealing with Marcy either... it soo makes it worth leaving them to rot in the museum. That said, that would be another nomination from me for the disgustingly and aggressively stupid NPC of the year: Marcy Long. Look, I get that she lost her home and her son, bla, bla, bla. But A) I'm not to blame for that in any way, and B) while she saw her son killed like a week ago, I saw my husband shot and my baby taken like an hour ago, as far as my character's internal clock goes. My character had even less time to get past their grief. So WTH is solved by taking it out on me? Doubly so when she'll actually actively follow me around the flippin' settlement to tell me she doesn't have the time to talk to me (so flippin' stop talking to me, then), and otherwise abuse me. How's actively abusing another victim solving anything? Seriously, WTH? And yeah, I know she and Jun are supposed to become non-essential after a while, but, dunno, for me it never happened. Might be some obsolete mod I'm having or something. I dunno. I end up either giving her a bedroll under the bridge -- because quoth Valentine, I thought trolls live under bridges -- and a workplace as far as possible from my workstations, or do the Evil Queen thing and send her out with the royal huntsman. Well, I mean, mark her for delete so she disappears when I'm away. But I like to think she got taken on a nice trip to the woods by the royal huntsman :tongue:
Nope, just hit the left mouse button. And preferrably play a kitty with the gloves of the pugilist, if you're serious about playing an unarmed character.
Just Ada, in one of the two following configurations: - what I call the "reaper configuration": one of the bodies that can take a sentry head, twin miniguns, tesla coils, voltaic armor everywhere, reaper helm. The exploit there is that each piece of voltaic armour adds a separate 1 energy damage attack to each bullet that hits, with its own separate chance to proc the decapitation, which is an insta-kill. Doesn't matter how much HP the target has, doesn't matter how armoured it is, when that effect procs, anything non-essential and non-protected just instantly dies. And that's a LOT of proc chances per second. Really, heads explode everywhere. If it's a sentry body, you can even add twin mininuke or cluster bomb launchers, BUT be sure to have the perk that makes you immune to companion damage. Otherwise in tight spaces she WILL murderize you to death by carpet bombing the room you're in. Con: essential or protected NPC will remain alive, but headless, until YOU personally put them out of their misery. Which I find immersion breaking. - If you want to be even more exploity, and don't fear mods that are a little bit OP, you can even do the above but put dual repeating shotguns on her. That's all those proc chances PER PELLET. Yeah, everything in front of her just instantly dies. On any difficulty level. Con: collateral damage. It will explode all cars along the road, and murderize any passing by merchant or provisioner to death. - what I fondly call "turbosquid configuration": Mr Handy body (which includes the same accuracy and range in the body itself as a robobrain head), assaultron arms, dual gatling lasers, 3 Handy arms with buzzsaws, tesla coils, voltaic armour everywhere. That configuration is the absolute maximum number of voltaic pieces you can put on a robot, so the maximum damage boost you can get to energy weapons. And anything getting too close gets one hell of melee attack. It really has a DPS comparable to 3 Knights with gatling lasers. I call it the turbosquid because, well, it has 5 arms and a jet engine up the *ahem* rear end. NB, never put lasers or whatnot on the Handy arms in this configuration. The AI will then either fire the gatlings or a laser off the Handy arms at a time, which actually REDUCES the DPS. - either of the above with dual nuka quantum launchers. It's not the highest dps, actually, but it's fun to carpet bomb your way through everything. Again, be sure you're protected against companion damage.
Depends on the mod, really. It's typically the heavily scripted ones that can screw your game up if uninstalled mid-game. Just weapons and armour tend to be just fine.
Personally I went with the Empire from the first playthrough. Primarily because the running gag, so to speak, with my characters ever since Morrowind was that they are stealthy agents of the honourable shogun of Akavir. (*cough*ninja*cough*) And a united and stable empire is easier to keep an eye on than a small heap of warring factions. Also it explains why I'm always in prison. They probably caught me in Tullius's room lockpicking the case with the secret documents. ... Ah, who am I kidding? The kind of chucklenuts that I play, they probably caught me trying to steal Tullius's underpants off him. While he was addressing the troops :tongue: So, you know, no hard feelings for trying to give me a haircut with the axe. I very probably deserved it :tongue:
I will admit that that IS very convenient, plus Nords are probably the easiest race to get a pretty character. Still, I personally prefer to have some protection across the whole spectrum, than be immune to ice and boned against fire. More importantly, though, among the several LPs I've watched (not all to the end, mind you), the last three have all been Breton, none were Argonian, and only one ever was a high elf. I seem to remember ONE Argonian character showing up in a "Skyrim Let's Play" search once on YouTube, but I haven't watched that one. And even as search results go, it was as small a minority as it gets. Probably not a statistically significant sample, mind you, but still... I'm not sure where the OP gets the idea that "Thalmor" and Argonians are the most popular.
Also, just for the record, Bretons have one of the best racial bonuses in the game. Dragon breaths count as magic. Bretons have an all time 25% magic resistance, and can get a 50% magic absorb once a day, which stacks (albeit multiplicatively.) Add the Atronach Stone, and once a day you can be almost immune to magic and any dragon breaths. So, you know, there may be a reasonable reason why people play pretty Bretons.
Have you looked at a vanilla bound sword recently? If I actually gave a flip about obeying lore, I assure you I could make a "bound rapier" that is using that exact texture and is quite indistinguishable from a lightsaber. Or I could go even more lore-conform and call it a "bound katana", since in all TES games before Oblivion katanas were straight :tongue: