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Everything posted by Moraelin

  1. BTW, while it's harder to estimate in Fallout 4 than in Skyrim, at least unless someone made a mod to actually show the slider positions, I find that THE best starting point in any game with sliders is to just bring them all to the centre position first. Then work from there. The centre tends to be whatever face the dev's 3d modeller actually sculpted, and it must have looked good at least to that guy. The more you deviate from there, the bigger your chances to land face-first in the uncanny valley. (So basically Uncanny Valley Girl;)) In most games, including FO4, I also find that it's usually a good idea to go light on the makeup. Semi-natural looking tends to look better than a clown face. There's a reason why you have intensity percentages in the character creation. (Although, if you want to actually fit the theme is 50's, you can feel free to be a bit more generous with the lipstick. They didn't DO "subtle" in the 50's.) I also find that Bethesda's face textures look like ass. Actually, no, that was mean and uncalled for: the average ass has smoother skin than Beth's faces :tongue: The reason being that they insist on some texture with huge pores, which don't just look old, but also make texture stretching more visible. (Again a reason to stay near the centre. Go to far and you get more stretching.) Worse yet, if you stick with their textures, their idea of an optional Ultra-HD texture just makes those huge pores more pronounced and visible, not any smaller. So you might actually get better faces if you DISABLE Bethesda's Ultra-HD texture pack. Finally, something I found works well with just about any game or game engine I've ever tried is to give those mouth edges a slight upwards turn. We tend to be more attracted to smiling people than to someone who looks royally pissed off. Downside: if you go to far, your character might literally look like the Joker in some Batman comics when they actually try to grin. Like for example during in some Silver Shroud dialogues. Oh, right, and while it's not about how you sculpt the character, be sure to check your character from other angles than dead-forward too. Nobody looks at their best in a deer-in-headlights kind of photo. There's a reason people look slightly to the side in paintings and photos, and why almost nobody looks good on their biometric passport photo where they have to look into the camera.
  2. You're still seeing the notification, because it's outside the if block. So basically regardless of whether the workshop already got moved or not, you're displaying the message anyway. If you want it to be displayed only when you can move the workshop, the move it into the else block.
  3. Well, nobody said you had to focus on 4k over everything else. Just that the notion that you absolutely can't see any difference is false, and quite trivially so. That you don't have to mind the tiny difference, that's also true, but it's a slightly different issue.
  4. Well, then it's like this: Define a keyword in the CK. Say, "WorkshopAlreadyMovedKeyword". Make it a property in your script, say, by the same name. Easiest to make and initialize is to just use the "Create using form" option. In your onActivate function have an "if workshopnewloc.HasKeyword(WorkshopAlreadyMovedKeyword)", and your "MoveTo" in the "Else" part of it. Also do a "workshopnewloc.AddKeyword(WorkshopAlreadyMovedKeyword)" after you moved it. On a complete tangent, if you want to actually show the user a message, Debug.Notification is not how you do it. Because if the user didn't activate debug logging, they'll never see the message. Use .show() on your own actual Message object, if you want most users to actually see it. Of course, if it IS just debugging, and you couldn't care less about the user seeing or not seeing it, then, yeah, the Debug script is just right.
  5. There are several ways. E.g.: A. You can add a custom keyword to already moved workshops, with addKeyword, Then test if your reference has that HasKeyword(). B. Make your workshop mover is a one-time thing that you build, push the button, and then it's gone. To prevent the user from clicking half a dozen time before the script finishes anyway, you can just use states (see the tutorial on Beth's site) or just have a "bool alreadyMoved" variable below the properties. C. If there's only one mover, you can have an "ObjectReference[] alreadyMovedWorkshops" array as a variable, and just add already moved workshops to it. It even has a function to check if an array contains a specific object, so basically you don't even have to iterate through the array yourself. D. Use a custom FormList as a to your script property, that starts empty. Then just add the workshop to it when you move it. Since it's a global thing, it gets shared even among multiple buttons, Etc. Personally I'd use the keyword, but otherwise it's up to you.
  6. Well, dunno about the others, but I really wish I had a recipe. It would have saved me a few dozen hours of trying hard. The only shortcut that comes to mind is really just downloading someone else's preset.
  7. 1. Actually, I would argue that beyond a point, that has to do more with LATENCY than with FPS. And one thing that TFT monitors brought along is, depending on the monitor, several frames worth of latency. Add triple buffering and whatnot, and you can be operating on information that can be 0.1 to 0.2 seconds old. Add network latency if apropriate, mouse latency if you have a cheap old one, etc, and you'll feel it all right. There's nothing crazy about feeling a difference there. You do feel it. They actually tried to see the effect of latency on pilots, drone jockeys and such, more than a decade ago, and it's real. People become increasingly more inaccurate when they have to put a bomb crosshair on something, the more latency you introduce in the loop. It doesn't actually contradict the science that you shouldn't be able to tell much of a smoothness difference between 60 fps and 100 fps, unless you're a fly. Because it's not about looking smooth to the eyes. It might be perfectly all right for watching a movie. But when you play a game, it's about introducing lag into the feedback loop, and that throws it off majorly. And really nothing in our evolutionary history had to deal with that effect. The brain does compensate for its own "lag" in processing the input, but throw more than that into it, and really there is nothing in there that evolved (or was created by God/aliens/whatever, for people who believe that) to deal with extra latency. 2. Not all frames are rendered in equal amounts of time. In a lot of situations you can average close enough to 60 fps, or 30 fps, or whatever, but end up with something like every x frames, one takes a lot longer to come out. You CAN sense these flukes, rather than the average.
  8. Luckily we don't even have to move our heads for that. Just look up "saccades". And yes, one effect is to increase resolution significantly. I'd also add that getting anything out of 4k is also a matter of size, not just distance. Which is another reason I'm weary of absolute statements about which resolution is too much. For example, at the same resolution and distance, the pixel size will be 3x as big on a 40" monitor as on a 13.3" laptop. So what's too much resolution for the eyes to see any difference on the latter, may not be too much on the former.
  9. BTW, just for the record, I only avoided the same fate by virtue of not scrapping Red Rocket until MUCH later. I tend to not put any settlers there anyway, so I can have some peace and quiet while I use the crafting stations.
  10. Come to think of it, that's even easier. Good idea.
  11. It's not even a hypothetical, btw. I write this on my 43" gaming monitor. On which even with my less than perfect vision in my old age, I can easily tell the difference between full HD and 4k.
  12. Heh. Yeah. I know how that feels, unfortunately.
  13. Well, these are my recent derp moments when playing Fallout 4. Please do share your own. 1. So I discovered using mods or "scrapall" to just scrap everything instead of spending the first two hours (RL time) scrapping everything in Sanctuary. Long story short, I may have gone... over-enthusiastic with it, and I may have scrapped Carla's brahmin :tongue: 2. I finall found out what the xp ding was when recording my last artillery demo. Let's just say that while the flare was thrown comfortably outside of where the Drive-In settlers wander, that place is also my Mercer Safehouse, and it definitely wasn't outside of where the Railroad guy wanders. Teh oops :tongue:
  14. Pretty sure the boat is a scripted activator. As such, you should be able to do whatever you wish to the game time in that script.
  15. You can just use FO4Edit to copy records from an .esp to another, including to a brand new one to be created right there. Probably the easiest way to make sure the record ids stay the same is to copy them as an override of the source file, not as new records, then delete them from the source file. You'll get a dependency on the other file in the process, but then you can remove it from the file header with the same FO4Edit when you're done moving things.
  16. From the artillery script: Sound Property FXProjectileArtilleryMinutemen Auto Const ;Play the whistling sound as it falls FXProjectileArtilleryMinutemen.Play(targetMarker)
  17. Well, not a mod, but I managed to not know about the "scrapall" console command until very recently. The first time I used that on Sanctuary instead of spending the first two (game) days running around scrapping every branch, broken bed, etc... man, it felt good. In fact, it felt so good that I needed a cigarette and a cuddle afterwards :wink:
  18. Meh, looks like the site ate my earlier answer. What else is new? Anyway, none of the mods on your list ring a bell when it comes to the Special category in the build menu (*), but the issue doesn't have to be related to the minutemen. Technically any really old building mod could be the culprit. Bethesda reworked that menu in almost every DLC, and any building mod that wasn't updated and messes with the building categories, could be it. But on the bright side, you know it has to be a mod that adds building stuff, so you can try disabling those one by one and see when does the problem go away. Edit: personally I'd start with Repairable Sanctuary, if you say it doesn't work for you anyway. Not only you already know it stopped working right at some point -- so it's worth checking out exactly to what extent it doesn't work -- but if it doesn't work for you, you haven't lost anything by disabling it, amirite. (*) However, when it comes to OTHER categories, Homemaker WILL disable other categories if you don't also get the Settlement Keyboards mod and the SK patch for Homemaker. E.g., it can and WILL disable the structures from the Vault-Tek DLC, effectively rolling back 90% of what your money got you in that DLC. It may not even be the only one: almost any building mod that was last updated in 2016 or 2017 can do that. So, you know, be sure to check if you still have any categories if you use anything like that. Mind you, that's not to say that there's anything wrong with Homemaker per se. (Nor for that matter with Repairable Sanctuary.) Homemaker is a quality mod, and it ranked up there with sliced bread at the time. It's just that it stopped being maintained before Bethesda was done messing with the game, and it was one of the many mods hit hard by Beth's changes. However, other mods have been updated, while Homemaker stayed frozen in time at that point. Hence, needing third party mods made by other people.
  19. I wouldn't know about Vortex. I haven't even seen it yet :tongue: Personally I just unpack things manually. It's not that hard if you have even minimal idea what you're doing. And if not, well, you can always ask. Mind you, I can definitely see the advantage of having a mod manager if you just want a no-frills ticking mods on and off, but if you say it's not working for you, I'd try taking matters into my own hands. I mean, absolute worst case scenario, you can just delete the data directory if you've totally borked your game, and then tell Steam to verify the integrity of game files. And then it will download the vanilla data directory all over again. Or I suppose you could check out the built-in mod manager in the game, that can pull the mods off Bethesda's own site. I swear it's the worst mod manager ever, but if nothing else works and you absolutely need one... well, I guess the best that can be said is that it IS one. And at the very least the unofficial patch IS in there. As for CBBE, well, while it does look good, it's also the easiest to refrain from, if you just can't get it working. There are enough outfits for the vanilla body too. I didn't have any particular problems with installing it, mind you, but as I was saying, I don't use Vortex, so you may have a whole other set of problems than I did.
  20. Well, for bugfixes, Arthmoor's unofficial patch is almost a must. Other than that, I would say it really depends on your own tastes and playstyle. E.g., I could recommend manufacturing mods, for example, but they won't do much for you if you just buy your ammo and stuff instead of watching a machine stamp them out, 10 rounds at a time every few seconds. You get the idea.
  21. It's possible indeed that that was one of the inspirations, but the similarity is somewhat lower with Fallout 1 and 2, and a lot less with Fallout Tactics. If we're talking the series, that is. Fallout 1 and 2, for better or worse, had their stoves indoors, and I definitely don't remember the huge piles of tires and such. That said, though, I think most post-apocalypse movies and games rehash a finite set of (highly unrealistic) tropes, so it would be harder to find one which DOESN'T look like more of the same. Or like Fallout. But I guess it's the kind of thing that humans find easy to swallow and interesting enough to watch. It's really a case of keeping it at the point of being an MCI (Minimally Counter-Intuitive) for the audience. Veering in any direction from that point gets you a story that's either less interesting or less believable.
  22. Pretty sure I've seen a mod that replaces the default robot with an assaultron. Just search for "robot" and flip a few pages there.
  23. Just to make it clear, though. The workshop and workshop parent scripts ALREADY make a difference between robots and total pop, when counting settlers. No, really, they actually have different variables for it. They're just not smart enough to actually assign beds only to the non-robots. THAT said, you also have to remember that robots don't actually HAVE a happiness, and are NOT included when calculating the average happiness. So if a settlement ONLY has robots, it doesn't matter if they want beds or not. So if you either A) only assign supply routes TO Greygarden from the other side, but never FROM Greygarden, and/or B) only build more robots in Greygarden, including as a provisioner to link to your trade network (which, yes, you CAN do with Automatron) ... then it doesn't actually matter if you build beds for the robots or not. I'm currently rocking a Greygarden with the original 6 robots, a couple more of my Automatron Mr Handys as scavengers, a couple of Loader Protectrons from home defense for even more scrap, and a couple of Securitrons as defenders, and there isn't a single bed in the cell. Sure, the game thinks I need like 20 beds, but since the robots have no happiness, it doesn't matter. As long as there is no human or ghoul settler in there, anyway. Alternately, I THINK, but haven't conclusively tested this idea: you can download the Supermutant settlers mod, which has some beds usable ONLY by supermutants. Nobody else can be assigned to them. So you might get away with adding supermutants to a robot settlement, and only have to build the supermutant beds for the supermuties.
  24. Well, thing is, there is one single mod that can do that, without creating the mother of all conflicts. Namely, Arthmoor's unofficial patch. IF I read the workshop scripts right -- which, granted, is a big IF -- any attempt to edit the script where that happens would conflict with the unofficial patch which AFAIK edits the same files. So would I rather build extra beds or have a mod that conflicts with the unofficial patch? Pretty sure I'd lose every time, if people had to choose between my mod and the patch, 'cause, frankly, that one does a lot more good.
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