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Everything posted by Moraelin

  1. Hmm, I suppose I could recolour some t-shirts and stuff while waiting for FO4SE to update. What exactly do you have in mind as hippie clothing, though?
  2. Mate, as the Wicca motto goes: as long as it harms no one, do what you will :tongue:
  3. Who said anything about it being only in Fallout? If I may use myself as an example, if you look at my Skyrim portfolio and pictures posted, you'll notice the same thing: as far as I'm concerned, if something isn't stopped by 6 ft of good sharpened steel, then it was probably immune to magic too :tongue: In fact, I never ported even my wand to Skyrim or Oblivion, because I don't actually want to use one in Tamriel. That's right. I'm even less interested in magic in Skyrim than in Fallout :tongue: The rest is simple: - why fallout is mainly technical? Because Beth said so, and that's that. - why not talking animals? Err, have you actually played Fallout 2? Between the whole vault full of talking deathclaws and the Pinky And The Brain thing, talking animals are quite standard lore. But ultimately, it's the same question: what business is it of yours why I'm not playing a mage? I'm not asking why you want to play one. If you want to play one, play one. You don't need to convince everyone to approve of your choices. Look, we're not judging. You want to wear a dress... err... robe, and play with your staff and (crystal) balls, there's nothing wrong with that. But unless you're Bethesda, no amount of handwaving and talking nonsense is going to make it canon. Why is that so hard to understand?
  4. Because any vanilla record that you edit by hand is a possible conflict, basically.
  5. Mate, there is enough space for doing whatever the heck you want in your single player game. You seem to just need approval for your choices from everyone else. Why? What you do in your game doesn't affect them, and viceversa what they choose as fitting in their game doesn't affect you. Why does it matter then if they approve of your choices? And the lore is just what the authors of the book/movie/game put in it. Period. It is what it is. You can't change Batman lore by arguing he should throw fireballs, unless you're in charge of making that decision at the publisher. Same thing here. You can make your own fan-fic, which is what some of us do with mods, but it's never going to be official unless the ones holding the copyrights and trademarks decide to make it official.
  6. My advice would be: don't. Well, if you must, in the CK it's really a drag and drop job. As in, drag and drop your armour or weapon or other levelled item into the list, set the level and stuff, there you go. And has a help page on the CK site too: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=LeveledItem Granted, it's somewhat half-assed, but it's technically a help page.
  7. Why does it matter if it says "not lore friendly"? You can still use it, can't you? All that those keywords do is help people who don't want that kind of stuff not have to wade through pages of stuff they don't want.
  8. Hmm, ok, as someone who actually had an 1080 ti, I can say that's definitely not normal.
  9. While I'm more into melee than anything else, I'm also into SF and quite enjoyed using lasers, phasers, blasters and the like in other Fallout games. Obviously not on the melee character, unless we're talking lightsabers. But in Fallout 4 I find myself actively avoiding them. Why? Because if I shoot a laser at night -- and yes, as a mainly stealth player I am mainly nocturnal -- or in some dark interior, I have just blinded myself, thanks to the stupid eye adaptation. So here's the question: does anyone know if and how can I make a beam or energy bolt that doesn't trigger Beth's eye adaptation?
  10. BTW, the most important piece of information is: in what resolution does that happen? Because there are 4 times more pixels in 4k UHD than in 1920x1080 hd. DSR does count. And if you're playing in 5k (e.g., 2560 plus 2.0 DSR), well, 25 fps sounds about right. Forcing multisampling AA for transparency in the drivers can also have a HUGE impact on frame rate, if you have a lot of textures with transparency on the screen. Dust clouds, grass, etc, all count.
  11. Not sure how the two are even comparable. One, as you say, involves doubting science, while the other is trying to make some consistent sense of what little inconsistent information Beth gave us. Or did you just want to hear yourself polishing your statue about how great you are that you don't do that? Well, you know, if you have to say yourself how totally smart you are... :tongue:
  12. That said... does it matter, though? I never got this whole lore-mongering some people do. I mean, I fancy I know the lore of both Fallout and Tamriel pretty well, but does it matter? It's a single player game, so whatever you want to have in your private copy of that universe, is nobody else's business. I ran through New Vegas as an elf with a magic wand, or as a half-romulan in ST uniforms, or as a stormtrooper with blasters, or as an Orion with a bat'leth. Some of that in Skyrim too, actually. If that's the lore I wanted to have, that's what matters. I don't see how it's any different for you and magic. The only question really is if anyone wants to do that for you, or if you want to learn to do it yourself. I'd recommend the latter, as I was saying before, but you could get lucky and find someone who'll do that. Probably won't happen, though, but it could.
  13. Well, I suppose you could always learn to make your own meshes, if it bothers you enough. I mean, it worked for me. Back in ye olde Fallout 3 days, I needed a cup to draw a circle. Fast forward a couple of years, and after a lot of practice now I can also use a glass, or a bottle, or one of those vitamin tubes :wink:
  14. Can't say I've seen it personally, but it should be trivial to check out. Just head south to the radio station, recruit Anne (AFAIK she only needs a minimum number of settlers to recruit), assign her to a level 3 clothing counter (so she can function as a level 4 vendor), see if she sells anything like that.
  15. Just to add something about the technical side, in Skyrim the spells are basically weapons. They work kinda like a wand (or "staff" as Skyrim calls them) except you equip a little ball of fire in your hand or such, instead of an actual weapon. Or rather, it IS an actual weapon, it just doesn't look like one. The only real difficulty from a technical point of view would be a new weapon animation. E.g., you might want to shoot lightning from the fingers of an open hand, like Palpatine in Episode 6, rather than from a fist like an invisible pistol. In which case you might need an animation where you push your empty open hand forward instead of squeezing a trigger. Far as I can tell, there are very few people on the Nexus that can do new animations, and I'm not one of them. Wands or some similar form of hand-held magical focus, on the other hand, are quite trivial. I made a wand of fire bolts for New Vegas and it worked just fine as a pistol. I might make one of lightning for FO4 just for lulz. Well, that was the "how" side of things. Whether one SHOULD make spells, that's quite another question. But hey, it's a single player game, so it harms no one. And, as they say, as long as it harms no one, do as you will :tongue:
  16. Did you get the load accelerator yet, btw? Because most of that waiting at the loading screen is Bethesda loading a bit, waiting for the next frame, loading a bit, waiting for the next frame, etc. Most of that time isn't even spent waiting on the HDD, it's spent pointlessly waiting for the vsync, for some unfathomable reason. Bethesda programming at its finest, folks...
  17. Well... there's always Mama Murphy, so I suppose the door has already been opened to paranormal stuff. Edit: hmm... I can see it now... some kind of magic that only works if you're currently higher than a kite on at least two different kinds of drugs :tongue:
  18. Way I see it, the biggest problem there is that the Lewis (or for that matter the Russian Degtyarov designs) would need a new animation for reloading. Far as I can tell, there are very few people around who can make animations, and sadly I'm not one of them.
  19. Just about the same thing. The game isn't very complex in that aspect, really. There is a point of no return, but that's about it. As long as you didn't reach it, it doesn't really matter how many quests you've done for them.
  20. All factions are "decent" in that they put on their pants before going outside, but that is kinda the extent of it :tongue: Well, ok, the minutemen do have their heart in the right place. Their head is up their rear end, but their heart is in the right place :tongue:
  21. A Beth game being balanced? Hahahahaha.... Oh wait, you're serious? In that case let me laugh even harder. HAHAHAHAHAHA :wink:
  22. Why would you want to have three groups of idiots getting into fights with each other all over the Commonwealth ever after, though? Because it's not like you can get them to stop shooting at each other and at everything else that gets in the crossfire. You can't do the Skyrim thing and mediate a ceasefire. I keep hearing about how this is somehow the "the best ending", but best for whom? It's only "best" for the kind of player that wants to wash their hands of actually making a choice. It's certainly not "best" for the people getting in the crossfires because of it. Hell, it defeats even the whole point of siding with the RR -- much as I don't consider them a good faction at all -- if then you let the BOS keep running amok trying to exterminate the synths anyway. Effectively it's just a way to avoid making that kind of decision.
  23. BTW, I don't see the load accelerator in those lists. Grab it ASAP, unless you actually like to wait ages at loading screens.
  24. Yep, that more or less mirrors my experience too. And yes, I know I need to set a keyword. Did that for the blade options and it worked perfectly. So far it looks like it's just that the ap_melee_MeleeLogo is somehow excluded from showing up in the workbench. (And for that matter, the same seems to be the case with ap_gun_Handle.) It's a real attach point, too, by the way. It's where the logo goes for the world cup baseball bat. So, yeah, it actually is used to attach a mesh piece. And it works to attach a mesh piece to my sword too. Just the option to change it doesn't show in the workbench. Moving the handguard to ap_melee_Material (and renaming the attach point in the .nif to c-Material and p-Material) seems to work just fine. Of course, now I had to move the actual material to ap_gun_barrel, which seems to work for just about anything. Ah well, as long as nobody looks under the hood to see that my sword technically has a barrel (at least as far as keywords are concerned), it's better than nothing :tongue:
  25. I am working with xEdit, actually. And yes, I HAVE created an Object Modification, a Constructible Object and a Misc Object for each cross. It doesn't appear in the workshop anyway, when the attachment point is the logo. The rest of what you wrote, I assume it means stuff, but I don't know enough to understand what it means I have to do.
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