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Everything posted by CrisSpiegel

  1. I owe much of what I know now to this tutorial: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_1 Also, if you want to do minor changes, like resizing, combining meshes, deleting specific meshes from objects, recoloring and reshading meshes, etc., nifskope alone may be enough. Be sure to check nifskope's online help to clear doubts.
  2. Oh, yes! That's quite similar to what I had in mind, but with a fundamental difference. In Vahlok's Tomb, the body triggers the opening of the doors. My idea was to have a body in place and then trigger the opening of the door by using a lever. Still, that made me go back and stick to the corpse-dragging puzzle. So what did I do to make it work? Simple: copied the puzzle from Dragonborn! :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: But still with a difference: the trigger accepts the living! :devil: :devil: :devil: I still have problems to overcome. Right now it's not triggering with corpses. Living creatures are cool, but if the player kills all the enemies in that area, there will be noone to be thrown to the pit. This means work to be done. Thank you, guys. Your help was awesome. EDIT: Sometimes the stuff doesn't work properly. Creatures fall and the door will not open. Maybe I should work with states, but never got the hang on that. It seems I have to prevent redundancy by going to an empty state, but why gotostate() comes before other functions and not after? EDIT2: Man, this is perfect!! I don't need to use corpses to trigger it! I'll just make it so it will work with living actors and leave Reanimate Corpse scrolls in a chest in another room! If the player leaves no living enemy remaining, he can reanimate and sacrifice them! He can even use the goat!! Thank you guys! You've been awesome!
  3. Thank you. But I started to think my idea is a bit complicated for a puzzle. I think I'd rather put a pressure plate with a flamethrower. That way the player will be able to open the door putting whatever he fancies on the altar.
  4. Try to imagine this: you have a closed door, an altar and a lever. Also a corpse of some enemy. You grab the corpse and drop it at the altar. Then you push the lever, fires burn the corpse and the door opens. The thing is, how do I detect there is a dead actor at the altar? Is there a function or script that detects what is inside a primitive? It's not a specific corpse, it just needs to be dead. Can it be done? Thanks for the attention and hope someone is able to help me. http://i.imgur.com/5ksI8eR.png
  5. I found how to make the sword yellow. You've got to open boundswordencheffects.nif in NifSkope. Choose the first level in the block list, press * to open it completely. Then look for color entries ( http://i.imgur.com/02EwkWo.jpg?2 ) that are not gray, black or white and change them to the hue of yellow of your liking. After that, you have to save the modified .nif file to the folder of the game it would be if it weren't compressed inside the.bsa file. That would be Skyrim\Data\Meshes\Weapons\BoundWeapons. This one will override the copy inside "Skyrim - Meshes.bsa". What did you to turn that aural flame yellow?
  6. Thank you all, people. Matth, your argument is very solid. Going by layers makes you able to see it all globally at the whole time of production and, at the same time, we keep the mindset of the stage while we're in it, so when we learn something new, it's easy to go back and apply it on a problem we couldn't solve earlier. I think I just have to concentrate, keep the rhythm and resist temptations like fleshing out a new monster to the end when all I need is just a placeholder. But, of course, I can always take a break from the main thing and try something different. Thanks, guys!
  7. You've made great progress, padawan! Going like that, you could make a mod with color variant spells so the player would be able to select which color he prefers. (It's just a sugestion. Other one would be replacement with different versions.) Congratulations.
  8. So I have a doubt regarding the process of creation. I have been doing the thing lacking the needed discipline. The whole thing feels like a Swiss cheese. So I have to decide what I gotta do. I have two strategies in mind: hasting through the main basic design with no attention to details and, only after all is defined, going back to the beginning and flesh it all out. The second one is to start a city and only stop after the last character and the last house interior is done, them moving into a dungeon and doing all that should happen there. And them, moving on to the next quest/dungeon/city. Thank you for leaving your opinion.
  9. I have a problem similar to yours, but it's the inverse (I want TrapTriggerTimeInterval to work only after the player uses the lever). As I'm working on it now and just saw your thread, I took a little time to see if I could solve yours. I don't know if it's the ideal solution, but it's what I found. It will only work while the player is still in that cell. Once he leaves and comes back, the trap will reset to periodically triggering, but as long as he stays in the cell, TrapTriggerTimeInterval will stay turned off after switching the lever. It's quite simple. First, go to the TrapTriggerTimeInterval reference and set the lever as its parent. Then, create a script with the following content: event OnActivate(ObjectReference ActRef) unregisterforupdate() endevent Once the player uses the lever, said lever will then controll the pistons instead of TrapTriggerTimeInterval. Go away, come back and the pistons will reset, but use the lever again and they will stop. I hope it helps. UPDATE: Someone would think that disabling or deleting the TrapTriggerTimeInterval reference through the script would make the change permanent but I've tried it now and it doesn't seem to work.
  10. Hi, people. So, in my mod, I've created a worldspace. All was happy times until things started to disappear in-game. Static objects like houses, hill sides, walls, arcs, etc. It happens after saving the mod plugin in the Creation Kit. Not always, but when it happens, its only after that. The objects are there, but they are not rendered. Some stuff come back after returning from an interior cell, which is not an ideal solution and not all of them may appear anyway. Some of those objects are tagged as "is full LOD" and that makes no difference, neither if the player is near of far. I'm tired of replacing references of said objects. Will that problem end after I create LOD for the worldspace? Right now, meshes pop up too near the player. "Is full LOD" helps, but some stuff render before other ones nearer. I have not made LOD yet because I'm still changing stuff, but if that helps with my aforementioned problem, I may create LOD earlier than ideal. (Rarely, that may also happens in interiors, but since it's rare, it's easier to deal with replacing references.) On other topic, can anyone tell me if I can change the weight of an actor on the fly through scripting without using SKSE? I was thinking about changing from skinny armor to big armor during an attack, for instance, a creature will punch and its hands morph into a tentacle and then back. Thank you, people and good modding for you all!
  11. I think the first come from here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24318//? by HoneyVanity. He say that the hair are from zzjay's Cazy pack For the second, i dunno. Thanks :dance: :wub: The second one is by Eiries http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/221996/? You snapshooters are pervs... :-O :-P I'm kinda embarrassed to make a thread to ask a little question that may be answered with a simple No or Yes. I considered asking those kind of things in the chat, but I though it was not a good idea. If there was a thread for very quick little doubts, I think it would make life easier for people learning to mod like myself. Are we allowed to ask questions like that in this thread? What I wanted to know is if there is a way to change the weight of a NPC in the fly by script without using SKSE. I was planing to make transformation through armor piece. Having a thin normal hand and a Tetsuo-like tentacle stuff as the large hand and increase the weight of the NPC in an attack. SKSE has functions that set weight, but I'd like to make it compatible with vanilla. Other doubt I have is about those freaking disappearing statics in-game! I've made some tricks to make them come back, like (in CK) Ctrl+F to another object and than Ctrl+F then back, but it doesn't work always. It happens a lot in the WorldSpace (the one I created), but I've seen at least once inside a room. Will it stop after I make a LOD for the WorldSpace? Thanks and good night for those like me and have a good day of work/study for those starting the day.
  12. Have you contacted user Eiries ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/users/35431 )? He seems to be the creator of these characters (which may be the same with some modifications). Please, where do I go when I have a little doubt about mod making but I don't think creating a new thread would be appropriate? Can I ask this kind of stuff in this thread?
  13. UPDATE: Ah, nobody is gonna see it, but, anyway, problem solved. Now I'm gonna make a better mesh for the projectile and go on with my modding. Sage. Let it sink. Cheers. I'm trying to make a new projectile. It's just a lump of flesh Tetsuo-style. I tied it to a custom spell, but no matter what, it always CTD. If I change the projectile art or object to a vanilla arrow, it works fine. But for some reason, it does not work with my custom .nif, despite I've tried to make it as similar to vanilla as I could. I'm putting a link to my .nif file and I'd be really grateful if some one were able to help me. I've also tried to make it based on a spider spit, but it looked like a shopping bag made of flesh, and also on Flames, but it didn't look good either. http://www.4shared.com/file/EESpoEeO/aaaCrisTetsuoProjectile.html On nifskope, you'll see it's using falmer arrow textures as a placeholder. If you're wondering why a lump of flesh that looks like Tetsuo stuff from Akira, I can show you a pic hoping to get your interest: http://static2.nexusmods.com/110/images/110/3778628-1381938271.png It's consuming the time I should use studying. Please, give me a hand if you can. Thanks.
  14. In a mod I'm making, I've added an NPC and a chair to WhiterunTempleofKynareth. That was done in an early stage of my mod, so I did this some time ago. For some reason I don't understand (at least I don't remember why), a duplicate cell was created and the NPC, the chair and other references (vanilla stuff I may have inadvertently moved) from WhiterunTempleofKynareth ended up there. The original WhiterunTempleofKynareth cell has no * on it, so I can't revert it in the details window - it's simply not listed there! Now I don't know how to move it back. If I copy them, I'll be creating new references. Please, help me save my mod! :sad: :sad: :sad: EDIT: I realized the moved stuff appears in TES5Edit as overrides, so I deleted them and they went back to the original cell, but the NPC and the chair are added stuff, so I think I'll have to put them back manually. I also discovered more weird stuff happened: references from other cells were also moved! There are traps from WarehouseTraps in the cell of a house I've made! I think the Creation Kit is haunted...
  15. I think no one will be able to help me, but if I don't ask it is like already receiving a no as an answer. I'm making a dialogue boss. Yeah, like in Deus Ex: HR. I did a very emotional voice acting to the player go along with easy. The problem is that body expression is not where Skyrim excels. Is there something to teach us how to make a character more believable? Like listing the best animations for each expression, how often shoud I split a line into two or more so I can use more animations, etc.? It is just too painful to load the game everytime I want to see if the actions of the NPC go with the speech. I accept the sound of the wind, hay balls rolling and crickets as an answer, too.
  16. I'm 32 this friday and I was feeling old, but now I see this forum has elders! This is awesome! UPDATE: And if some of those old man users writes some stuff and then rolls the papers, we'll have... The Elder's Scrolls! :-P
  17. Attack on Titan - ep 21 A guy beside me in the bus was watching Game of Thrones, but I think that doesn't count. :-P
  18. I have tinnitus since always, so I cannot relate to your problems because I have no problem hearing. It's just "factory defect" for me. And I do listen to loud rock and metal, have used earphones, now using headphones. When making music on the PC, I sometimes use headphones for some especific reason. Despite it all, it seems to me that my ears are fine. It's been a long time since my last audiometric test, but it was ok by then. Maybe I listen to music for a smaller period of time than the usual to cause harm or maybe I listen to it with lower volume than needed to harm myself. I may go through days or weeks without music just to start a period of massively listening to one or two bands through most of the day for weeks. I believe that my ears buzz all the time, but only when it's silent I can hear it, usually a high pitch sine wave. Sometimes it's fun to pay attention to it. Other times it's a pain trying to sleep with the damned noise in my head. Maybe if I'm eventually cured, I'll miss it. Although I'm sorry for the impact you suffered on your lifestyle, I think you should try different things. If you want to hang out with friends, try a cafe instead of a disco. Wanna listen to music but don't want to go "deafer"? Look for recitals and chamber ensembles to attend. If classical is not you're stuff, you'd be amazed of how many different genres are hiding behind the name 'classical'. Oh, you're ok with classical. Good. There're also folk bands travelling the world, you may find one playing in your city. Hopefully the volume of sound will not make harm to your ears. Use this as an opportunity to discover new things. Not really new, but new personal pleasures. If all of that fails, can't you use earplugs in an noisy place? You want have the best experience, but still it's an experience. Better than none. Take care of yourselves. I wish you both good health, even if to a limite, may it be the best inside that limit.
  19. You can try using Google's cache. Search what you need then click on the triangle after the page's URL. But you won't be able to access links from inside the page. It seems that not every page is in the cache, though.
  20. UPDATE: SOLVED. Never mind. I'm trying to make a group of slaves being watched by Dremoras. All of them spawned by leveled lists and in the same faction. When I test it, the dremoras kill the slaves. The only way I'm able to avoid that is by lowering the agression of the dremoras, but then they won't attack the PC either. I don't know what I'm missing. Isn't it possible to put a NPC next to a dremora without it being attacked? I'd appreciate any help.
  21. Is there a topic to help people find objects in the Creation Kit? I'd like to find something that would work as glass floor. I've tried an inaccesible oil trap, but the colors are too trippy. I want something that looks cleaner. I can't edit models and texture, I only make rooms and basic stuff like that. I wish I could stop the texture of some water pool through CK. If anybody comes around some glass walls and floors as modders resource, please give me a shout
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