In response to post #54660448. #54660493, #54661078, #54661098, #54662668, #54662753, #54662853, #54663293, #54663353 are all replies on the same post. I have to say I agree. This new site to me feels chunky, clunky and bulky.
My assumption is that Bethesda will not allow nudity mods probably to respect to the children that play the game as well. Not because they are puritanical.
would someone please do this. i am looking for a mod that will convert the male idle whistling (in-game) to female voiced whistling, after all a female should not sound like a male.
In response to post #23594109. #23595359, #23595524 are all replies on the same post.
I agree wholeheartedly with you @lazyskeever. As you stated "many shady people would end up there trying to make a quick buck on others' work." It is a shame, so sad to think about, but it will happen.