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Everything posted by Crabcakes56

  1. This is a simple request.Can someone make a mod where when you donate to the Follower's,you also gain karma.That way you have a decent way of getting karma outside of killing ghouls and fiends.
  2. This thread is 8 years old.Your not gonna get a response.
  3. Is there a way to change the way stimpacks and radaway work back to vanilla? As in,instead of working over time,it works instantly? Only part of the mod I dont like.
  4. You shouldnt use mods or very many while your doing the tutorial stuff.You really should wait until you exit the vault but before you leave the cave before you start modding.Exceptions should be mods that need to be active at the start of a new game.
  5. If your talking about Brauns office,you CAN get in there but you need the password to the terminal for it.
  6. Remove the sprint mod.FWE includes it.Also consider dropping Fallout 4 ranks as there is a slight conflict with it and MMM.
  7. I've read up on those.Both of those has issues I guess from what I read.Endless Warfare has LOD issues or something if you have Far Harbor and Nuka World installed and one of the cells is edited that is needed for Automatron.War of the Commonwealth is broken or something and isnt being supported.While both of those are nice,I would perfer a mod that just increased enemy spawns for outside and inside.
  8. Would it be possible for someone to make a mod that increases the amount of enemies you encounter outside as well as indoors where enemies spawn?
  9. The link works just fine for me. It took me directly to the page. is not the link, is the download, is a trailer not a dlc..... And? That's what the description said,genius.If you want the DLC,buy it off of steam.
  10. Lol,no.This mod was talked about back when the game was released.This was abadoned.Furthermore,this isnt Fallout 4.Fallout 3 has NO mod support on consoles.Period.
  11. It's a mod called Darn.Cant find it on the nexus.But you can find it here. http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1045221-wipzbeta-darnified-ui-f3/
  12. It isnt planned.There is no talk of doing such a thing.It's a discussion and nothing more.
  13. It was a mod and it was uploaded for a time.But then it was taken down.
  14. Then why are you posting here for? This is only for REGULAR Fallout 3.Not TTW.If you break something,no one here can help you.
  15. Could anyone make Melody,that little girl found at the fort,be adoptable? Make her like a companion? I would love to be able to adopt her and get her out of there.
  16. If your using the More Quests all in one mod then you shouldnt be using part's 2 and 3 with it since those are included.
  17. So,after not playing Fallout 3 for a while,I decided to give it another shot again.And once more,it's crashing.My load order is attached below.With my luck,it's probably a mod conflict of some kind I bet.Hoping someone could help me out despite this forum being kind of dead.
  18. It's not a mod causing issues.Because I've unchecked all of them except for the updated unoffical fallout 3 patch since that's just bug fixes and such.Still crashed after 15 minutes.
  19. So,I can play Fallout 3 for about 15 minutes before it just crashes and I have no idea why.This is my load order. [X] Fallout3.esm[X] Anchorage.esm[X] ThePitt.esm[X] StreetLights.esm[X] BrokenSteel.esm[X] PointLookout.esm[X] Zeta.esm[X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm[X] AWorldOfPainFO3.esm[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm[X] Hazel.esm[X] Point Lookout Reborn.esm[X] DelaySteel.esp[X] delaypl.esp[X] delayzeta.esp[X] Delay ThePitt + Anchorage.esp[X] Dree Perks.esp[X] Almost Perfect Anytime Bobbleheads.esp[X] Classic Fallout Weapons BETA.esp[X] Better Caravans.esp[X] Meresti Metro Station Entrance.esp[X] Better Companions Ess.esp[X] LucyWestCompanion.esp[X] Action_Boy_hacking.esp[X] T3T_MiscItemIcons.esp[X] Level50BrokenSteel.esp[X] Simple Saves.esp[X] New Uniques.esp[X] TranquilityEnhanced.esp[X] Less Skill Points.esp[X] 100% Force Lock Chance.esp[X] 100% Pick Pocket Chance.esp[X] Kentbury Way.esp[X] Fallout3 redone.esp[X] GaryIterrogationHolo.esp[X] overhead.esp[X] FO3 RWL GOTY.esp
  20. If your using the Updated Unoffical Fallout 3 patch,that makes it so you lose karma from killing creatures such as bots.Which is a stupid change and shouldnt happen.Just a heads up if anyone is using it.
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