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Everything posted by Plastrader

  1. You are welcome. :) About resets. Say that you have, from the CK added 3 items in the chest. 3 types of fish I presume in this case. If so, the game will have those fishes stored in the container. If you Reset() on it, the same 3 fishes will be re-added. Even if you took them or not. However there are some "packages" with items in them which you can use, like the "NPC default pickpocket"-thing, but I haven't looked into them deeper. But bottom line is that everything you added in the container from the CK will be re-added. However, as kromey said, any item you put into that container whilst playing will be lost for ever when you do Reset() Also, you should disable respawn on the container as that might interfere with your "scripted" reset. I haven't worked with plants in CK, but if they're ObjectReference I guess this script should work on them too, but I think all plants are forced with respawn(set in the ck) *edit* Then there are a lot of other things going on in the container as far as scripting is concerned. Like events being triggered when an item is added to it, or removed or.. well a lot of stuff. If you chose to implement(add sorry) those events in your script that is. It'll take a while to explain all of them in detail.
  2. Right :) Then we'll have change the script a bit. Again, read the notes. RegisterForUpdateGameTime - Form Scriptname MyResetContainerScript Extends ObjectReference ;This script is attached to the chest from the CK UI Event OnInit() ;This event will fire as soon as the chest is initilized in the game. RegisterForUpdateGameTime(48) EndEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime() ;This will call the Reset function on this object(i.e. itself) ;can be self.Reset() too, use what you like. Reset() EndEvent *edit* Those "RegisterFor..." functions work in the following way if you're interested. (Briefly explained) Function RegisterForUpdateGameTime(float afInterval) native "Hello script engine!" -"Yes, what is it this time?" "Would you mind giving MyResetContainerScript a shout in 48 hours?" -"Hmm, sure... I'll do that..." 48 hrs later Script Engine "Hey! Wake up MyResetContainerScript!!" "AARGH!, I was minding my own business!" Now OnUpdateGameTime() is triggered. And the conversation starts all over. (No I don't really have much to do atm)
  3. I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself. High Texture Mods vs. my new PC That used to have an animated sequence :/
  4. I'm unsure what the timer on "respawn" is when ticked on a container. Anyways, if you want it to reset every two days you could have a look at: RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime - Form If you want it to update in game time. IMPORTANT: Read the notes and warning and etc on this function. Then you have to rewrite your script as follows Event Onclose(ObjectReference akActionRef) ;Case game time 2 days. RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(48) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() ;This will call the Reset function on this object(i.e. itself) ;can be self.Reset() too, use what you like. Reset() EndEvent Note: I haven't compiled and tested this code, but it should work, if not, please tell me. Make sure you have papyrus logging enabled :) *edit* Didn't see kromey reply until now, I was buzy writing and looking at the ck-wiki... *edit 2* The script provided with ofc require that someone opens the chest after those two days have passed. If someone does come around before the 48hr limit you have to implement a way to handle that so the reset-timer doesn't reset twice. Or, if you want to reset the chest every two days regardless, let us know what you'd like.
  5. This looks like a "don't have the .seq"-file thing maybe? If you have created the .seq and its in your Data\Seq folder I dunno, if not, check out this thread(read all of it)
  6. I tried looking for an answer by searching these boards but the threads I found was about neck seams and using CBBE with other body texture replacers. So here goes. DISCLAIMER! If you're an adult and can cope with seeing a naked rendered woman in a game from behind, download the attached .zip. If not, close this thread now! That settled, lets continue with my problem. I have installed CBBE v3-2-2666-3-2-3 as per instructions only using the default Texture/Mesh. And I have no other mods installed. The image shows Lydia with me standing at some distance. As you can see there are black lines which shouldn't be there.(or atleast I don't think they should) 1: Between feet and ankle(gap actually) As I thought this could be similar to the neck seam problems I ran the texBlend tool, but that didn't do any difference. 2: Buttocks(where the underwear should be normally) 3: Left shoulder. 4: The line from the shoulder continues over the shoulder. Anyone else noticing this and have a solution at hand? Thanks in advance. PS. Please don't suggest I'd use UNP.
  7. Hi again, sorry for not responding. I was trying to make this work as I wanted, but noticed I was doing something fundamentally wrong... I was editing the vanilla scripts... Something I noticed other mods were doing too and I want to aviod that. Stuck message: I'm unstuck, please read next post.
  8. For the first question I'm sorry to say that I don't know as I haven't come to dialogue boxes yet. I'm stuck at the quest dialogues... :( And the dialogue bug... For the second one. Seeing I haven't worked with these things I'm just taking a wild guess. You need to play around with "Conditions" If this isn't the messages you're using, which ones are you using? And you might also have to extend your script even further to cope with those conditional items. Please see screenshot for reference.
  9. I don't know if I should laugh sarcastically or cry out loud. The amount of .... I'm still at the "trial and error"-phase with the creation kit and this "bug" struck me badly. Skyrim is at and still Bethesda hasn't fixed this. I have to say I'm quite dissapointed... Neither the steam work around or the "fire once with creationkit.exe" works as a sustainable solution for me. The TES5Edit tool can be used but takes a while to load, and seeing it holds a "lock" on the myroflcopter.esp you have to close that app down in order to continue your "trial and error" However! Whilst "trial and erroring" I discovered something which may be of interest. The reason to why "creationkit.exe -GenerateSEQ" from the command line doesn't work the second time is that Mr Steamy thinks he should override your launch option(i.e flag or whatnot) So If steam is running. :1 Kill it :2 Run the command :3 Test your stuff in game. goto 1
  10. The question has probably been asked more than a thousand times. hehe! I'd like to see such an application too. But I guess its too tricky for us mortals to develop such a thing. So it's up to Bethesda. Data file? Do you mean the .esp? Unfortunately its not as simple as just removing the reference to the plugin file. The application would need to scan the types and editor ids of said .esp/.esm Then the application has to find connected scripts and scan those for global variables as these are also stored in the save game, this is turn would require a proper script decompiler. Much of the things needed(except the decompiler & save game edit) exists in the CK so if Bethesda made an plugin for the CK it might work. There's probably more things to it than this I'm afraid... Anyways, below is my idea how this plugin or application could look like
  11. Yes the properties looks good. Unfortunately the CK and how things are connected to eachother is a 10000 piece jigsaw puzzle for me at the moment so I can't help you with this. Have a look at the link Sjogga posted :) And you're welcome, I'm glad to assist. Btw, here's some posting tips if you're interested. the [ code][/ code] (ignore the whitespaces) tag is a neat feature. That tag will let you post text with tab and so on so you can copy paste from your editor. but still keep the format. Good for posting code(naturally) and it'll even add some coloured text as it was an editor Either type it manually or select the text/code and use the "<>" icon in the post editor And if you feel that your code or text is awfully long you can use(click show)
  12. I dunno really but I'd think its a matter of load order. So your mod would have to be loaded before the other one.
  13. As the error message say "variable PowerBretonAbsorbSpell is undefined" I thought all spells were already defined as variables that you could use too, but unfortunately that's not true. You need to play around with properties. 1: Find and select your script 2: Click "Properties" 3: The "Properties for script" dialogue is opened. Click "Add property" 4: The "Add Script Property" dialogue is opened. Use the drop down to select "SPELL"(or type it in) as your "Type" Write pPowerBretonAbsorbSpell as your "Name". This way is "quick" way of doing it which I'll explain below. Click OK 5: Now you're sent back to the "Properties for script" dialogue. As you see "Pick Object" is already selected for your "PowerBretonAbsorbSpell"-spell, this is because you namned the property "pPowerBretonAbsorbSpell" So basically naming the properties p<Spell name> will let the CK pick up the corresponding spell automatically, so you don't have to scroll through x^y number of items. Neat hu? (Thanks bethesta for that one btw) Click OK 6: Edit the source for your script. Now you see the property "SPELL Property pPowerBretonAbsorbSpell Auto" Repeat step 1 - 4 for all your spells. Then change the variable names you have with these properties. Hope this helps(and works) Attached to this post are a few screenshots for your reference
  14. I did! But I thought that my property declaration would be a variable that was visible for the whole script... And yes I was to change the ObjectReference to Actor as suggested. Ye, I read that this method was inefficent aswell. So basically the wiki function return value is invalid then, thats great!! Right I'll try that, thank you.
  15. There are two functions that may be of interest: RemoveSpell - Actor and: AddSpell - Actor Then to figure out which race uses what spells. I couldn't find any scripting functions to cover this but they can be found in the CK Object Window>Character>Race On the General Data - tab you have "Specials" which lists the spells connected to this race. I haven't tested this if it actually works, but now you have something to look at atleast :)
  16. If I ever wrote something in a thread that I wanted help with I really failed this time, my apologies :/ Actually my function look like this: (I was copy pasting the wrong function when I created the thread...) Function someFunction(ObjectReference NPCReference, Actor NPCActor) ;This as I tried with both reference and actor for the NPC NPCReference.RemoveAllItems(pPlayerRef, false, false) ;NPCActor.RemoveAllItems(pPlayerRef, false, false) ;This only removed weapons not the gear. EndFunction Wouldn't changing the PlayerRef property to Actor be the same as: NPCReference.RemoveAllItems(Game.GetPlayer(), false, false) As according to GetPlayer - Game Game.GetPlayer() returns Actor This didn't work either as I mentioned but I'll try changing the property and get back with the results. Thanks to both of you for helping me out! :)
  17. I'm sorry in my frustration I forgot the obvious... The script is assigned to a quest. ScriptName <name of script> extends Quest Conditional. Thanks for the enlightenment about the properties. And yes those were the once I was thinking of,
  18. I've tried to find anything on these boards that explains this but I can't. And now after too many* hours of "trial and error" I give up... RemoveAllItems - ObjectReference Function RemoveAllItems(ObjectReference akTransferTo = None, bool abKeepOwnership = false, bool abRemoveQuestItems = false) native However I can't seem to get the items transfered to my inventory. ObjectReference Property pPlayerRef Auto ;This points to Cell: Any, Reference: PlayerRef('Player') Function someFuntion() NPCReference.RemoveAllItems(MyPlayerRef, false, false) EndFunction NPC is cleared but items doesn't show up in my inventory, same goes with: NPCReference.RemoveAllItems(Game.GetPlayer(), false, false) I've tried changing the player reference to about every possible property but to no avail... I also tried with a container ObjectReference Property pEmptyBarrel Auto ;This points to Cell: where the barrel is at, Reference: id of barrel Function someFuntion() NPCReference.RemoveAllItems(pEmptyBarrel, false, false) EndFunction This barrel has the following script attached to it: Scriptname Script_ContainerItems extends ObjectReference Event OnInit() Debug.Notification("I AM VERY ANGRY!!!") EndEvent Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) debug.trace(self + " akNewContainer :" + akNewContainer + "\n") debug.trace(self + " akOldContainer :" + akOldContainer + "\n") EndEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) debug.trace(self + " akBaseItem:" + akBaseItem + "\n") debug.trace(self + " aiItemCount:" + aiItemCount + "\n") debug.trace(self + " akItemReference:" + akItemReference + "\n") debug.trace(self + " akSourceContainer:" + akSourceContainer + "\n") EndEvent The "I AM VERY ANGRY!!!" text is displayed but nothing shows in the script logs. (Script logs are set to max.) And another question I have regarding scripts. The properties you set in the UI where you point out the references where are they stored? I'm guessing those are compiled to the .pex but I don't know for sure. So if anyone could help me out here I'd be very happy and grateful! *About 11+ hrs actually...
  19. There are as far as I know two different places where the "preview" link is showing. 1: The "Latest Files" This preview link works http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/latest.php?page=8 (May ofc be higher number of pages depending on when or if someone decides to look into this) 2: The "User files" list. This doesn't http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/modules/members/index.php?id=3827904 I only found this site error with my only addition(thus far) to the community. i.e. Easy 3rd person Screen shot
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