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Everything posted by kn1ghtfall

  1. Does anybody know what is required for a house mod to make it fully Hearthfire-compatible? (i.e. to allow your character to move there along with his/her family and to allow adoptions) I can't find this information anywhere so I thought I'd ask here... Seems like adding a kids room, beds and chest in the CK is not enough, so I'm basically stuck with the vanilla/DLC homes.
  2. Nevermind, I was able to fix it somehow. I used an old save and redid the whole process, and now it lets me add the rooms. I'll have to redo some quests but at least it works...
  3. I'm using Skyrim 1.7 plus the Hearthfire DLC and I have a problem: basically I can't fully upgrade my home and I cannot adopt children. I bought Proudspire and its decorations/upgrades, but two dialog options for the "buyable" rooms always remain, no matter how many times I choose them: "alchemy room 500 gold" and "children bedroom [...] gold" (yes, with dots instead of the actual price). When I visit the house, instead of the laboratory/children room I see cobwebs, like if I didn't buy that upgrade. And of course I cannot adopt children. The same thing happens with Breezehome... Anyone having the same problem or knows how to fix it? Or at least how to "reset" the house so that I can start over again? Edit: I'm also using the Unofficial Skyrim Patch and I have already tried with and without the Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.
  4. I second the request. A mod allowing easy renaming of items (without the need for CK and enchanting altars) would be quite useful.
  5. I had the same problem (with Oblivion mods only), but I checked now and it works for me.
  6. Well, I can't endorse or vote for any mod in the Oblivion section, and it's not just me as others also have the same problem. For example, after I download this one it says I have not downloaded it and it doesn't appear in my files history: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/42594
  7. While there is a growing number of great looking saved games for females, most guys are kinda ugly mandible-y, Conan lookalikes and retired 60-year-old heroes... I already looked into mods like "Good looking Characters" by zex89, "Better males" by Chris57, and "Beautiful Characters Savegames" by PyHarmonic, but I don't like them. Can someone please suggest a few alternatives? (mods or saved games) Thanks in advance. Edit: nevermind, just found Geonox's hires facemaps and made my own character.
  8. In his first post OP simply expressed an opinion (skyrim feels a bit empty, that's true) and suggested that it would be great if modders "could give the world some more personality". And it's true that in TES npc's got the depth of a puddle in charecter personality. The old argument "TES vs Sims" is... well, old and boring. And "Moron" as an answer seems to me a bit far more off the handle, rude and disrespectful than anything said by any other person in this thread. BTW yes, people who don't like the game and paid for it are entitled to air their grievances on a forum and suggest improvements like the OP did. Unless the forum is called "Bethsoft forums" that is.
  9. I don't know if it works without Steam, anyway the following new files have been installed in my skyrim directory: CreationKit.exe flowchartx32.dll ssce5432.dll Papyrus Compiler (directory)
  10. Click the Skyrim loader icon on your desktop, wait until the steam icon appears in your system tray, double click on it, go to view menu > tools > creation kit. Edit: of course you must be running Steam in online mode.
  11. An interesting project for once. Unfortunately it looks like this project will be published elsewhere as the Nexus moderators banned both Bongfu (questioning of Staff action) and hrusai (vulgar language)...
  12. :laugh: However... unlike fanatics, cynics do have a point considering how we've been treated lately by Beth and the rest of the gaming industry. My vote is for them. On second thought, yay CK ! We're not worthy! :woot:
  13. Rearrange stars? As far as I know HAARP consists of a powerful radiowave-beaming technology (180 antennas, 3600 kilowatts each), its uses include long range communications and anti-missile technologies. A byproduct of these technologies are extremely low frequency waves (useful for communicating with submarines at high data rates, but can lead to adverse health consequences). According to some HAARP can also alter weather patterns because these waves are generated by heating the ionosphere with high-frequency radiation.
  14. ACTA, SOPA, PIPA... I sense a great disturbance in the Force. Who here remembers BBS's? Lots of fun, no commercial crap, spam, or censorship. The internet was around then, but Tim Berners-Lee was still some time away from announcing a thing he was calling the World Wide Web. Good times.
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