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showler last won the day on February 8

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Community Answers

  1. It's normal. They use extensions to update Vortex functions without having to update the entire program.
  2. It's just you. You can't be bothered changing a config line or installing required tools.
  3. You can disable auto-sorting and assign a specific mod index number to any mod you want.
  4. Well, never mind then. Apparently I ordered a Snow Wolf Cuirass and then spent a month asking about a Snow Bear Cuirass...which is why he never told me it was ready.
  5. So, I gave six snow bear pelts and 6000 drakes to the guy at Thirsk who says he'll make me armor and it's supposed to take 24 hours, but it's been about a month now and he still only says he's currently making me a piece of armor. Anyone know how to unstick this?
  6. Vortex isn't game files. It's just a program. You can install it in Program Files as normal and still have all the downloaded mod archives and installed mod files on secondary drives.
  7. They're not hiding your real hands, they're replacing them. You might be able to go into the CK and redefine what body parts are replaced, but I'm not sure.
  8. Not having the extension enabled is probably part of the problem. The extensions that are built into Vortex contain important functions and shouldn't be disabled.
  9. Click the "contact us" link at the bottom of the page and send an email to the support email address. This type of problem usually requires them to get information from you that shouldn't be posted on a public forum. Contacting the email address directly will speed things up.
  10. No. Been there since day one. Always wanted to use mods to build a Vault in the big hole that remains.
  11. There's definitely something that's gone wrong, but I'm not sure what. The mod should be separated by game rather than what you're seeing.
  12. You're not looking for "move staging folder", you're looking for "mods staging folder". Changing that will cause Vortex to move the staging folder and all mods in it. And make sure you're choosing "mods" from the top list of tabs after hitting settings (should be "interface/Vortex/mods/download/workarounds/theme"), not from the list on the left.
  13. You're missing the version numbers of all those mods. Which seems to indicate that you are installing them in a way that prevents Vortex from identifying them or what game they belong to. That's why they aren't getting separated. As far as Vortex is concerned every mod you have is "game unknown". How are you downloading and installing the mods? Are you using the mod manager download button or downloading manually? Are they backups installed from a hard drive rather than downloaded? There should be a way to have Vortex query Nexus Mods to get the information you are missing in the right-click menu.
  14. This isn't technically from the Warnings and Bans forum, but...look at this nonsense. The "person" came back and edited a spam link into the period at the end of their sentence. What is the point?
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