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showler last won the day on November 17

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Community Answers

  1. I'm guessing it's some group that got into a bunch of old unused accounts and is spamming the same malicious links.
  2. One thing to remember is that many mod authors will create mods for games when they are playing them, but not really keep them up to date if they stop playing the game. They move on to other games. Or real life gets in the way. It's a hobby, not a job. In the vast majority of cases it is something they made for themself while they were interested in that game and decided to share.
  3. You have two choices. Either use the 1.5.97 version that was the last release before the "Anniversary Edition" or use the most current version. Both have issues but they can be avoided if you pay attention.
  4. Looking at those mods it appears the game was updated after the mod was released and the game update broke the mod. It happens. Nothing you suggested could prevent it from happening. Look for mods that indicate they have been updated for whatever the current game version is.
  5. Thousands of mods per day at times, especially when a new game comes out. It's not possible and no one ever told you such a thing could happen. If you aren't willing to take a chance, only download older mods that other people have checked for you.
  6. The guns are easy to explain. "Make retro atomic punk futuristic guns for the game" "What the hell does that mean?" "I don't know. Just google some old guns and mix and match parts with sci-fi guns." Personally, the only thing I wanted from the guns was separate ones for power armor and non-power armor with super mutants having to use the power armor ones due to size.
  7. Can you get someone to delete the spam here: https://feedback.nexusmods.com/posts/3287/mark-mods-as-obsolete-in-the-same-way-we-endorse-them It's been up too long and I hate to see them potentially benefit.
  8. The "Vortex Mods" folder is likely your deployment folder. Does it have sub-folders for the different games you mod? Vortex downloads mod archives to the download folder, then it installs the mods to the deployment folder and then it creates links between your game folder and the deployment folder in order to make it work. As such the "Vortex Mods" folder is important because it's where the actual installed mod files are kept.
  9. I'd make a "Vortex Downloads" folder. Just to keep your deployment folder nice and clean. When you change it, Vortex should move the files automatically.
  10. Using the default deployment method the mod staging folder has to be on the same drive as the game. The downloaded archives can be on a different drive. However, since it uses links to deploy the mods rather than moving the files, it doesn't actually take up double space. One file is real, the other is just a pointer to the real file.
  11. MO2 wurde nicht ersetzt. Vortex wurde von Nexus Mods unabhängig von MO2 entwickelt. Es war jedoch der Entwickler von MO2, der Vortex erstellte, und er betrachtete es als Verbesserung von MO2.
  12. There's three folders. Game folder, mod folder (deployment folder) and download folder. You've said "game folder" and "mod folder" but not "download folder". The download folder defaults to your AppData folder on your C drive. Did you move that to the 4TB drive as well?
  13. The patcher converts the EXE to match the Steam one.
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