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showler last won the day on November 26

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Community Answers

  1. Is there anything worse than a (former) user that is both vile and boring?
  2. Then perhaps you have the UAC set to a higher level than previously.
  3. I think so. There should be just one Vortex folder in there.
  4. Don't install games in the Program Files folders.
  5. Vortex info is stored in your %AppData% folder in your user folder.
  6. Probably won't work but I've seen people have success fixing this kind of thing by power cycling their router to renew all the connections?
  7. Should such a problem occur to a new modder they can contact the moderators to have the comments section disabled.
  8. Shockingly, when making decisions Bethesda has to take into consideration their customers who don't use this website as well.
  9. When you're adding the game manually it asks for the "folder" that the EXE is in. Since it's only looking for the folder it won't show the EXE file (or any files). You just need to select the correct folder and you're good.
  10. A game having a mod section on the website DOES NOT mean it is supported by Vortex.
  11. There should be a "join community" button near the top. You have to click that before you can post.
  12. Y'know, this was information for how it affects real users. It wasn't really a request for suggestions on how they should do their job. This is just the part of the protections that's visible to and could affect some mod authors not all of it.
  13. It pretty much already exists. Go to the main page for the game you are searching for (for Fallout 4 it would be: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4 ) then click on the "mods" drop down menu at the top and select your download history. It will be filtered down to just mods you downloaded for that particular game.
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