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Everything posted by Blessing01

  1. hey guys try changing there Class as seen to something like a CombatSorc http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/vokus1111/photo4.jpg and add some eazy known spells to start off with Testing http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/vokus1111/photo5.jpg ever seen a Chicken blow fire MAHAHHAH
  2. If you are looking for them and they are not showing up as seen in the photo make sure you have the Skyrim.esm loaded and what ever plugin you made the packages on. if you did both and they are still not showing it could be due to a problem CK has if not ran as ADMIN so run CK as ADMIN always to avoid later on problems. New Packages,items and ect if made changes and you messup big time just delete the Plugin made this will let u start form Scratch you dont have to worry about the changes being made to the skyrim.esm it's self http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/vokus1111/photo3.jpg
  3. Hello i had the same problem and i found out it was the Voice i picked it seems not all the voices carry the same dialogues The video posted on here i seen it and it helped me up to the following. So this is what i picked http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/vokus1111/photo1.jpg Common voice seems to work and not many others. Also make sure this the AI packet is on http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/vokus1111/photo2.jpg hope this helpped
  4. have you tryed Right clicking on it going to Proprieties > Compatibility > Check off Run this program is Compatibility mode > drop down to Windows Xp Sp3 > Apply and try again
  5. Do you have the Fix applyed for the HD Texture Packs?
  6. This is a well known problem with the HD texture packs.
  7. you have to add it to the NPC by CK
  8. Glad you where able to find everything out lol i would have never guessed different language hehe
  9. did you put down a Navmesh? if not watch this Creation Kit Tutorial Series - Episode 5: Navmesh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raM9TBZZyQY
  10. you can always make it a recipce that u need things to make it or place it in the world to farm or go into CK and drop some in your house i had to do the same just a little ago with some DragonHearts because they ID didn't want to Display in the Item for the name is the a Space for Pepper pile or is it as stated PepperPile for all the line names? sometimes the space will effect looking it up.
  11. Try doing ~ type in Help PepperPile if it gives u a ID number then do player.additem Number 1 IDs are not always the same as they are in CK
  12. Make sure you have Deadly Dragon mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3829 installed aswell also setup so the dragon drops more loot. had to fix what i said earlyer sorry i don't know how to help you other then give u a heartbypass this is no way a replacement for anything it just for ur hearts then u can remove it http://www.mediafire.com/?wnhs0kls33q8bql Hearts will be in your Breezey home in the back room You still need DeadlyDragon Mod http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/vokus1111/TheElderScrollsVSkyrim-02-23-20121-56-58.jpg
  13. umm do you have the HD texture pack? if yes did you fix it? How to Install
  14. i dont know about the rest i made this and everything is working for me i did have to remember to make sure check add water on the cell because it made some of my water effects vanish for good i would say check the area lighting area of the cell and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2yFpo2jKuo and try out some of the Imagespaces for your fog http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/vokus1111/step3-3.jpg
  15. so self area trigger with (Key Req Door) but no key exist hmm that should work. this make it to so the door never opens inless u walk into the self Trigger area that is invisible so u can place it where u need SelfTrigger will play as a Activator aka lever for the door make sure it's a parent activated only to. for the Magic area barrior effect u will need a off on to link it as a Enabled partent to a Xmarker and go to the self Trigger and link ref the xmarker u will need an off and on switch script sadly i do not know one off hand atm
  16. O.o add a key they get for the door once they complete that Stage or u can get a take a diffident item slap a Door nif on it and make it do nothing at all just look pretty. don't think u could do it any other way really or lock and and when time comes make only the NPC beable to open it but still req a key
  17. http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/vokus1111/step1-2.jpg http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/vokus1111/step2-2.jpg or if any of your mods happen to retexture any items ingame and you happen to have the Official Hi-Res texture pack
  18. This should help you if it's what u are looking for follow the pic and this will be the end results and no Scripts needed http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/vokus1111/Ghost.jpg what it looks like after ingame http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/vokus1111/TheElderScrollsVSkyrim-02-22-201219-49-37.jpg
  19. Been using CK for personal modding of the game but would like to learn more =) so i'm down
  20. Was wondering if anyone could help me i'm almost done with my mod and one of the lighting effects i would like to add is a Lever that can flip and Light all the Torches in the room and Flip again to turn them off. i have tried very many different ways of doing this, have also been to more then 4 other forum as well as the troubleshooting forum here and some other sites. Non with the answer or replys. I hope someone with good Knowledge of these things could shad some light on this for me i would be grateful. if you do know please give me details on how to set this up :wub: Thank you, Blessing <3 <Fallout tut's didn't work>
  21. Bump ... :( Any advice on how to make a Light Spawn when the lever is flipped? i tried almost everything. Im not very good at Scripts if that is what i need donno.
  22. -Update- I tried it out, Sadly it still didn't work i also tried some other stuff <nothing worked> why it toke me so long to replay the switch works i can open and close a door with it.
  23. Thanks i look it over and see if it will work =) will reply soon
  24. This is a small test to show u what im trying to do they go out but is there a way to make them turn on again is the problem The Delay is from me adding a 1sec delayer on each one
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