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  1. Glad you got it working. You inspired me to go check the new version. Yummy....64bit version :) I saw your post on the L3DT forum and downloaded the fix as well.
  2. Hard to say what might be causing this. Just make sure that you have merged all layers in PS and save as a Photoshop RAW 16bit image and selected IBM and 0 header. L3DT can easily handle 16384x16384 RAW files, but it will take a while to load it. Not even sure how you end up with a map size of 16384x16384. 3 x 4096 gives a map size of 12288 x 12288 Also make sure you are importing the heightmap correctly. Check your settings against the tutorial settings, changing minimum and maximum height to match your own original map. **If you wat to, you can zip up your original project files or heightmap and upload them somewhere, then PM me and I'll take a look.
  3. The LOD texture files have to be extracted from HighResTexturePack02.bsa You will find the textures in folder textures\dlc01\lod These will have to be extracted, converted to .tga format and placed in the Source\TGATextures\LOD folder. Exact same process you have to go through for vanilla textures LOD.
  4. I created a full tutorial for this. Most of it can be skipped over if you already have the L3DT project. Best bet would be starting at the Setting the Horizontal Scale section.
  5. Firstly, there is no easy way to do this using just the Creation Kit. A small worldspace...yes. A large worldspace...no. To create a large worldspace, you will have to use third part software. There are several approaches to this. I prefer to use an application named L3DT to make / scuplt the land and the heightmap, then create a usable Skyrim / CK plugin with Tesannwyn. I've created a tutorial on ho to do this - L3DT Tutorial Your next obstacle is the size of the worldspace. Skyrim / CK has a maximum size of 512 cells in the x and y direction, but the x direction bugs out if you exceed -64 cells to +63, giving you a total width of 128 cells in the x direction that can be used. I did make a worldspace in the shape of the UK that was 512 x 512 cells, but as stated, it could never be used ingame. See screenshot below. http://tambomedia.com/Site_Pages/images/UK.jpg
  6. It's not as simple as that. A worldspace that size is going to require LOD and to preserve your sanity, you would have to make the worldspace 512 x 512 cells, then map out a border area on the x axis that doesn't exceed the -64, +63 bounds. I have covered a lot of this in my tutorials. You might want to take a read - Tutorial Index
  7. It should be -64 +63 for a total of 128 playable cells on the x axis. The actual worldspace can exceed this, but the Havok bug kick in when NPC exceed this limit. The y axis is unaffected by the Havok bug. The maximum number of cells on the y axis is 512 cells ( -256 to 255 ) or 16384 pixels A Skyrim cell is 57.6 metres (63 yards) on all four sides, meaning that a worldspace that is 128 cells square is only 7.372 km in width and height. The maximum size of the worldspace in the game engine can be 512 cells in both x and y, but as mentioned, the Havok bug kicks in if you exceed -64 or +63 on the x axis.
  8. @Tascani I done this a long time ago and I'm pretty sure Oscape generates the LOD for inland lakes that are higher than default sea level. I it wasn't Oscape, then the CK LOD generator will do it. I've never tried DynDoLOD.
  9. Open your worldspace in the Cell View window. Right click on one of the cells (in the Cell View window) that you want to raise the water and select 'Edit' The box that appears is where you set the water heights for the cells. You'll have to edit every cell in this window that your lake covers.
  10. The easiest way is making a new region. Open the menu World > Regions. Select your worldspace fron the drop-down box (1) Right click in the 'Region Name' area and select 'New' (2) This should show some white squares in area (3). The squares showing are representations of cells in your worldspace. With the mouse pointer in the grid area (3), use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out. Click middle mouse button (scroll button click) to drag the area to the top right. If you move your mouse in the black area, you will see that there are cells there, you just cannot see them (4) Move your mouse until you are in cell -32, -32. Left click. This will place a X in that cell. (5) Drag grid area and move mouse to 31, -32. Left click. This will now draw a red line between both points. (6) Drag the grid area down until you can place a X in 31, 31. Another line will be drawn. Drag right and place your last X in -32, 31. If you make a mistake at any point, right click and select 'Clear Last Point' Right click in the grid area and select 'Done' The fourth line will be drawn automatically and join up with the first point. You will now see the full grid for your worldspace. Give the region a name (7) and tick 'Border Region' ( 8 ) - (optional) Click Apply (9)
  11. Not sure how big your worldspace is, but you can use Tesannwyn to create a map for you. Pretty sure it will have to be in multiples of 1024 (32 cells). You can follow this tutorial to create a map, which helps you map your regions and then place coordinates in the Region Editor. http://tambomedia.com/Site_Pages/tutorials/tips.html#_Border
  12. I think it's a matter of taste. No hard set rule on this one. On a new worldspace, I like to generate LOD straight away so I can see the whole of the surrounding landscape. I then continue to generate new LOD if I make any significant changes to the landscape or textures. Each to their own I suppose.
  13. Grass is not an object you can place directly in to the render window. Grasses are associated with textures. When you paint a texture that has a grass associated wit it, the grass will be applied along with the texture. Look at the landscape textures and apply the ones that have wgrass or w_grass (with grass)
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