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Everything posted by MrDave

  1. They keep getting taken down because of "permission"* issues. Because of this, I just made a brand new one, and am currently trying to get the game to recognize the normal map correctly. It recognizes the specular, but not the normal. As soon as I can get the game to read the normal map I'll post it for download. *The permission issue is pretty much Dread pirate Roberts syndrome. The model that was uploaded twice now, and removed twice, was not made by the 5 people who uploaded it for Oblivion. It was also not made by the 5 people who uploaded it for Morrowind, even though for both games, they all claimed to be the original authors. The two people who have uploaded it for Skyrim were the only ones not claiming to have made it, ironically enough. The original model came from 3dcafe, where it has been available for about a decade now.
  2. It isn't a texture, it's a mesh with an emitter. meshes\actors\draugr\character assets\ 2 options: fxdraugrfemaleeyes fxdraugrmaleeyes
  3. Just wanted to put in a little damage control. Some of the textures he was using, he got from me, and used them with full permission even though apparently there were complaints regarding this from someone, or multiple people... no clue. That said, he is currently redoing many of the textures himself so he doesn't have to rely on using any images from anyone else, which is perfectly understandable. Give him time, his outstanding works will be back. :)
  4. Pushed ahead in the line up: the Atlantean and Conan's Father's sword from the original movie. So much BS has been going around regarding permissions that I said hell with it and decided a few weeks ago to include both in Bob's. For the record: No one who has ever uploaded the Atlantean sword for Morrowind, Oblivion, or any other game is the original author of that mesh, or texture. It was downloaded by those people for free from 3dcafe. The fact that several individuals claimed to have made it just makes plagiarizers out of them. If you are wondering what I'm on about, simply peruse Morrowind and Oblivion mod sites of any kind and you will see the exact same model uploaded over and over, with almost every person claiming to have made it. I am including this rant here due to people having their uploads for Skyrim, even though they said outright they were not the original authors, removed from Nexus, while the plagiarizers claiming IP who uploaded it for Morrowind and Oblivion go unpunished. Absolute idiocy. That said, I had a WIP shot to upload, but I keep getting "Error this upload failed" warnings... so I guess no preview of a brand new Atlantean. EDIT: Atlantean is finished and looks perfect in Max. Cryin' shame the convoluted way Bethesda chose to handle textures this time around causes me to have to spend 5+ hours per item just trying to get them lo show up in game. I have the sword in, but its normal map isn't working. The specular is, but not the normal. Pretty pointless considering the engravings on the ricasso are in your face in first person. I even tried renaming it to .msn but that didn't work. Only its specular is reading still... it's been 6 hours of messing with it. If this continues to be the case, Bob's may not happen. I ain't wasting 150 hours + just to fight with NifSkope trying to get my content showing in game.
  5. Quick in game test... I may have to leave off the environmental textures. They create some very unnatural shadows and highlights at certain angles.
  6. Have you tried setting the affinity to use more in the task manager? Not sure if access will be denied, but that's where I'd start.
  7. Woohoo! Thank you guys for the MOAR PICS! Those will help let me finish them off correctly. :D I went hunting through Google for some time, but only found a few decent ones. None of my Bob's Armory franchise content will ever overwrite existing items. I was wondering why those links acted to others like the thread was hidden... nos I know. Thank you for the heads up on that. EDIT: If you are wondering on an ETA... well, when it's done. I have a stack of items I want to include, which is going slow since we are working on 3 titles at once right now. I have the assets for 2 of them mostly completed, but it still takes a while. That pretty much leaves me aout 4 hours a night and weekends (sometimes) to get these assets finished.
  8. For Mipmaps, go ahead and check 2. It's really all you ever need, although 4-7 depending on the game is industry standard. There is a filtering option in the center of the dialogue box, click it and check Unsharpen Mask. This will apply an unsharp mask on your Mipmaps, which will help make the transition from one to the next less noticeable. When you open a texture, in the right panel where it says Layers, Channels, etc. click the Channels tab. If you see no channel that says Alpha, go back to the Layers tab and save as DXT1RGB. If there is a channel that says Alpha, go ahead and save it as DXT5ARGB, as the file size difference between 3 and 5 is negligible compared to the quality. Are you resizing these images? If so, when you hit Image-> Size, make sure Scale Styles and Constrain Proportions are both checked. Also, change the Resample Image to Bicubic Sharper and leave it on that setting forever. It works better than Bicubic Smoother for enlarging images. Also, keep in mind that enlarging an image and hitting it with sharpen/unsharp mask will not give you DH or high rez anything. The texture will look just like the vanilla version, but will cost 4 times the CPU to render it. Only increase the size when you are adding in new textures which will lose too much detail at the default sizes. Even with scaling a texture in one direction, that shouldn't make a difference on how the UVW layout gets applied, since the UVW map is set to read off the entire square of the texture, meaning it will stretch with it. See attached image for example. The bottom left mace has a 2048x2048 texture. The top right mace has a squashed 512x2048 texture. Both have the same UVW layout. This means something else is happening to your mesh/textures. Can you please take a screenshot of it so we can see what's happening? EDIT: Sorry, just now saw the other Mipmap question lol. Open them always ignoring existing Mipmaps, and always save creating new Mipmaps when using them. :) Always double check your size. It may just be a pixel or so off. I typo the living hell out of texture sizes all the time lol. I'll bookmark this thread so I can keep up on it. EDIT2: Come to think of it. If you did save with existing Mipmaps, that could be the source of the problem right there. If they are being opened with existing Mipmaps, you will need to check the box in that first dialogue that pops up to Ignore Mipmaps.
  9. Do we really need more armors that make you die of hypothermia? Yes :)
  10. That keeps happening.... I have no idea why. Try going to the Skyrim Mod Authors section and searching? Let me grab another link for it... http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/481379-bobs-armory-skyrim/ Maybe that will work? And any images that help show details are very welcome! I usually leave small differences, like designs in handles or heads, just because, but the better images help me get a good close replica going. :)
  11. The problem here is that any negative comments are being regarded as trolling. If a person has done something wrong, or their mod just plain sucks, for whatever reason, people should be allowed to express their opinions without fear of being punished... this is not the special olympics, where everyone is an equal happy loving winner no matter what. I've seen things from pointless mods to downright harmful mods uploaded. Are the users not allowed to say these are pointless or harmful? I have been restricted in the past, not banned but "restricted", because I was giving advice to someone I talked to a number of times before. Why? I was accused of being arrogant and abrasive. No warning, nothing. And what happened with the person I was supposedly being abrasive with? He had PMed me the same day thanking me for the advice. I was restricted because I didn't just say, "tihs is teh best mod evar"... blowing smoke never helped anyone.
  12. Yes, yes they can! Thank you, now I know which one is Twinkle lol. :D
  13. Hehe I can't do anything about the shine. That's how they set up eyes in their games. There isn't any specular map to go with them. What I have so far for mods.. Eyes: Skyrim http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1430 Texture Resource http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2324 Subliminal Traps http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2653 And once I feel comfortable enough with how many items I have built for it, Bob's Armory: Skyrim http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/481379-bobs-armory-skyrim/ I also have some commercial content that shipped with the game, but it's just texture stuff. EDIT: With any luck, Bob's won't just be weapons and shields. I have a few ideas for armor and clothing, but it's a matter of how well I can skin it for their rigging. If it causes bad issues, such as we have already with the vanilla content, then I'll dismiss it and just stick with the hard surface stuff.
  14. Give this a go and see what you think... the warpaint overwrite female bosmer warpaint 07.
  15. Enemies and traitors to Skyrim die!:P AMEN! ... okay, Ima stop hijacking this thread now.
  16. But... would you really ant to be married to Ulfric? I mean he's always going around shouting... and we know what happens when Ulfric shouts... :D
  17. You can find dozens of places where those have been uploaded, as none of the 'original' uploaders were the creators. Those models have been around for a decade now in one format or another. The actual original model came from http://www.3dcafe.com/ back when they gave out models without having to submit any to be able to download. I'll probably build both of those swords for Bob's, so new versions should be up and about soon.
  18. Weapons basically become static objects once equipped, so no they won't work. If the flex modifier is incorporated into the Id engine (Gamebryo didn't have it), it may be an avenue toward flails and whips. Again though, this is provided that the effect would survive being equipped.
  19. It was supposed to work that way in the original release. Of course, it didn't. Bethesda claimed to have fixed it in their latest patch, but they actually broke it even more instead. :(
  20. Model made, UVW layout started (still not sure on dimensions I'll use). I figured I'd get a quickie start on it... considering the programmer sitting behind me is complaining about the new fuel block system in Eve lol. :D EDIT: Diffuse started. I don't have the specific font used on the swords (odd, considering how many blackspeech, Drow and Tengwar fonts I do have lol), so I am using a photo reference and will fabricate the letters manually. These are still alpha. Diffuse only, no normal or specular yet. EDIT2: Specular and normal are on. Forgive the crudity of the render, it's just a default Max shot.
  21. Nope. The second it is equipped the collision and rigid body modifiers go away.
  22. Flails are very easy to make. I had one that was set up with Havok collisions so it would function properly (took about 40 min from start to finish), but Bethesda has never incorporated any kind of support of this type of collision on a weapon. I tried to get it working in Morrowind and Oblivion, but always ended up with the same negative results.
  23. Which elf race and which eye color would you like it to replace? Also, the red markings can be made by a warpaint tint mask retexture, so you can have both. I'll bookmark this thread so I can check for your reply. :) EDIT: Image removed to conserve bandwidth.
  24. There have been several of these floating around the modding world for many games now. If they don't make their way into Skyrim when I am close to wrapping up the initial release of Bob's, I'll go ahead and make some and include them.
  25. The models for these weapons were pilfered from DAZ and Poser sites years ago and make their rounds through all the games. I'm surprised they haven't been ported into Skyrim yet, but rest assured, they will be soon. :) They are always a nice addition, especially in leveled lists so the NPCs will randomly wield them.
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