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Everything posted by MrDave

  1. In response to post #24681829. #24686464, #24687639, #24689534, #24690734, #24694409, #24695224, #24696659, #24697089, #24697214, #24702624, #24708044, #24708509 are all replies on the same post. To the OP, I 'd love to see Immersive Armors on the paid section. I could use an extra 110,000 dollars from the subsequent and immediate lawsuit. You see, while you are on your bashing rant about people being "crybabies" (getting reported for that by the way), you completely forgot to pay attention to the fact that most of the mods out there use content that was made by other people. So instead of coming on here and attacking people for rightfully being angry, why don't you do yourself a favor and actually read current international copyright laws.
  2. "Some mod descriptions are buried underneath change logs, latest news, FAQs, information about the author's dog in the vets and so on and so forth. Sometimes it can be a real struggle just to find the freaking description of what the mod actually does." In regards to this, it's an ever growing trend to floodfill the description page with Reddit like spam. Screenshots, memes, all sorts of garbage that has no business being in the DESCRIPTION. I complained on one mod and was immediately attacked by white knight psychos having childish temper tantrums, so from now on any mod I see abusing the description section is getting reported instead. I suggest others do the same thing until this idiocy is stopped.
  3. In response to post #24637759. #24704994, #24713564 are all replies on the same post. Something that needs to be addressed here. So far I've had to report (flag) several of the "Paid Items - Under Review" for illegally attempting to sell assets not created by the author. This includes models purchased from marketplaces such as Turbosquid, sections of textures which were gleaned from the internet, or created by another modder. And then there re the non existent mods that were being spammed. Valve has removed the non existent mods fairly quickly. Actually amazingly quick for Valve. They removed several in less than 24 hours for being non existent mods. But the illegal mods are all still up. ;)
  4. There is a simple divide in the modding community that will come into question. That divide is, those who use existing content and content other people made, and those who actually make their content. Do those who use the works of others get the same price considerations as the very, very few of us who actually make our own content? And what about all the folks who ask to use the content someone else made? I have pieces out there that are so popular they are in the thumbnails of literally hundreds of YouTube videos, yet neither my original mod they came from, nor I am mentioned anywhere. Only the people who re uploaded my original content are mentioned. I've also seen a few cases where people were hired on with studios simply for re uploading the work of others. You can see the problems arising. Also, as has already been mentioned, what about theft? Steam and Nexus are fast at removing illegal content if the one who actually owns it is reporting it. Nexus is fast at removing illegal content when someone else reports it. But Valve can take over a year to remove an illegal item if it is not the owner reporting it. Their average time in this case is 9 months, if any action is taken at all. And even then, the perp is still able to repeat the offense, since no action is taken against them. I won't even get into the quagmire that is Linden Research, who is the most plagiarism friendly company I have ever encountered.
  5. Not sure if you had seen this yet, but I believe this is your yataghan. Just thought I'd give you a heads up. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=354355510&searchtext=
  6. Soolie, go here http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12060/? and pull all my spears. You have explicit permission to use them for your endeavors. See above post lol. :D
  7. Oh man... I'm really sorry. I lost my link for this thread and just found it by accident in my profile "my content" link. I have that keg done for you and set up at the moment as just a replacer for the static containers you find without lids (even though the barrel has a lid). Throw me a PM and I'll hook you up with it. You can edit to suit and upload it. :)
  8. I sent you a PM with my email... I'm still not sure if I ever set that to public or private lol.
  9. Can you put a detailed asset list together please? Be it categories, or just randomly scrawled in a list... either way is fine. :)
  10. Yup! Just tested it out and for the first time ever, was able to hit bandits when they were 12 pixels tall! Thank you for that info, Ishara! Until now, 12 pixels was the cut off point for impact. I use no crosshair of any kind (ruins immersion and gets in the way of targeting so + and eye are removed), and always had to close in until the target humanoids were at lest 13-14 pixels tall on screen, or the arrow would pass right through them as if they didn't exist. Now they hit! Thank you! :D
  11. Hehe... I asked about prefs, not custom. :wink: Anyway, if that didn't work for you HOWSE, can you do us a favor and check folder, data-> meshes-> actors-> list the creatures folders you find in here. It's just a hunch. EDIT: Just read your last reply. It wasn't there when I was typing lol. Please ignore this post. :D
  12. I think Ishara is on to something there. It may help. Ishara, that goes in the skyrimprefs.ini, under [actor], or the skyrim.ini?
  13. Actually, if you look back throughout history, women frequently had the same roles as men. There were many Viking leaders who were women. There are several accounts of women defending castles throughout Europe and households in Japan. So, yeah... life back then was pretty equal opportunity by necessity. But just like most anything, we only get to hear about a few of them in the mainstream world, such as Joan de Arc.
  14. Do you have the mod installed that allows you to play as any creature using the console commands? Hit boxes (not sure how many) were altered on some of the creatures. I couldn't ever hit spiders until I uninstalled it. That's the first thing that comes to mind. I also have auto aim disabled. Have since that mod was released. :)
  15. Sorry for the long winded delay in getting this finished... I side tracked myself with a ton of Ottoman stuff for Bob's Armory. I'm going to omit the bottles and just leave in the mug, along with the barrel.
  16. Oh, but it does... Sanguine. :D Got a screenshot of my character showing him the mug. EDIT: Doing the ESO beta stuff right now, so there will be a delay in finishing the bottles...
  17. LOL I was just looking at one of the Hearthfire houses for possible placement outside (first thought was near the smelter where I spend 99% of my game time)... There are huge mead barrels in the cellar, along with a few container barrels and some useless ones. Maybe replace the few pointless clutter barrels with them? I've stopped fighting with the transparency for the bottles. Still gotta unwrap them and make a real texture. Right now they just have solid brown applied. I'm really not happy at all with the way the bottles turned out though. They are horrible. I did fractal noise on them to give that wobbly hand blown glass look, and it's fine in Max, but just looks like something a 5 year old with no electrolytes in their system built *twitch twitch*. The mug looks fine, like an old ram horn mug that has seen better days... and is huge... like dire ram huge.
  18. Mug is done. I hosed the collision as I figured I would lol and had to rebuild the .nif. So to avoid that from happening again, I just made a ground mesh for it so it sits on a table properly. The barrel is set up as a container, but I have no clue about it's manufacture or placement. I could set it up to be crafted at the forge, but placement will be a pain lol. EDIT: The glass refuses to be semi transparent... as usual. Even running 4844 with 100 to 128 it's still acting like 1 bit. So the bottles are solid with that same opal reflect the mead bottles have. Not sure where to stick the barrels though.
  19. Yeah, it's that whole "back to stamped art deco" movement. Ugly, plain and pointless... kinda like going from Elizabethan garb to a T shirt and sweats. Anyway, the barrel has been done for a while now.... I decided it needed some toys to go with it, so I'm making a horn mug shield (it's bloody huge) and am gonna make a beer bottle weapon to go with it. ... just getting ready to alpha test the shield in game. Will probably have to spend the next couple hours fighting with the collision so it will stand up correctly...
  20. Gimme 5 minutes... I'll just make a new barrel and add the logo to it. :D ... but first, gotta go grab a cig... EDIT: PFFT! Went to dig out a Wacom to sketch the logo... found two Wacoms and one pen lol. Anyway, no screenshot for you! Apparently I can't upload it... I'll get the normal and specular finished up and toss it in game.
  21. This mod solves the issue, although you do have to use the console to get it. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5540//?
  22. So I had created a skin tint add on mod last year which worked great... until that last little ninja update to the CK a number of months back. It hosed a few of my mods, including totally obliterating my skin tint mod. All of the races still show as being edited, but all of the custom skin tones are now gone. The only place they exist are on the saved characters I was using for testing. It took a few days to make the mod, and I really don't want to have to do all of that guess work on the values again. I've tried Wrye, FOMM and hex editors in an attempt to find the values for my now lost skin tones in those save game files, and am wondering, does anyone here know of a way I can retrieve that information? It can be either in hex, or in RGB values. Either way, I can use them to rebuild the mod.
  23. If you still have issues after the above, add this line in [general] sLanguage=ENGLISH Or set it to the language your game is in.
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