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About SpectralDragon

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  1. Those annoying little rocks, believe it or not are actually attached to grass textures. There are a few mods which put in a blank texture to hide them: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55240/? <My preferred since it's a fomod installer> And the second solution will also thin out your grass meshes a bit but also does the small rocks, look for the "Ruffled Feather" download under the Misc category http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11/?
  2. There used to be a joke mod on Nexus that, when the executioner goes to chop your head off in Helgen, he actually does it and the game ended right there. I can't seem to find it anymore on the site for some reason.
  3. I already knew based on my previous experience with other game "remasters" that I shouldn't expect too much with this one...but overall it is much better than vanilla unmodded Skyrim. Just wait a little while, and most of the essential mods will get ported. Some have already been done, like SMIM. Also, the new CK isn't out yet, so for now it is better to just wait.
  4. Someone on another thread apparently fixed their shiny landscape texture issue by deleting the normal map...so they must have moved specular and possibly other maps into that. Some textures will need to be partially redone it seems. Comment was here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4990870-fix-anyone-who-gets-shiny-landscape-textures/
  5. I had the same issue too. All I had to do was contact Bethesda support and it got fixed straight away :happy:
  6. A lot of mod authors are against their mods being showcased in a YouTube video...especially if said video is monetized. There is no way currently for a mod author to get paid for their work other than setting up a donation link here on Nexus, and hoping someone will donate if they like the mod. If someone asks for a mod to be removed from a YouTube video, I would think the polite thing to do would be for the Youtuber to edit the showcase out...but some of these guys are stubborn, like some mod authors. If he won't remove that mod from the video the mod author will likely put a copyright claim on it...which ends up hurting not only the Youtuber who made it but also gives more fuel for those subscribers loyal to him to incite hate. YouTube used to be a good place...but now it's turned into a corporate entity, almost, where greed and stupidity mix and mingle.
  7. If you have Hearthfire, Hearthfire Extended will also allow you to craft shrines.
  8. This has got to be the most unbelievable request I have ever seen...
  9. Not going to happen...and if it does the mod will be instantly banned because it's against site rules, and people are very sensitive to these sorts of things. Best to just forget about it.
  10. Not a good idea for Skyrim...it will try to reapply AA and AF after you already turned it off for ENB. If you are not using a ENB it should be fine though.
  11. This attitude...right there...is the precise reason why some felt a need to steal mods in the first place! Absolute "pc master race" elitism, a perfect example. There is absolutely no reason why mods cannot be for everyone...if not to share with others, then what is the point in releasing a mod in the first place?
  12. Well, there is a mod out to fulfill one of those requests already. No More Noisy Meridia Light Beam As for the rest of those...not sure.
  13. Sounds like Gemling Queen Jewelry might be what you need. It even has various texture options for the rings and amulets. Also works with circlet texture replacers (not mesh replacers though).
  14. Multilayer Parrallax Tutorial Hello everyone! There is a large myth going around that you can't use Parallax without ENB. People have been making textures around this myth for years now. I am here to tell you it is only partially true. Multilayer Parallax is a powerful form of parallax that is a form of depth map. A depth map differs from a height map in that instead of raising the detail, it lowers some detail of a texture. In Skyrim, you can also fake subsurface scattering with this map, but this tutorial will not get into that at this time. Regular parallax, as some of you know, is a height map. It is a single height texture. This form of parallax is not the strongest form of parallax out there. It is, however, the one youcannot use in vanilla Skyrim. Thus, the myth about parallax is partially true in that you cannot use the height-map based parallax. You can, however, use the more powerful, depth based form of parallax and that is what I am going to show you. Time from now until complete implementation: roughly 5 minutes for seasoned texture artists. 1) Open your Diffuse map in Photoshop. go to the channels section, and click the "add new channel" button. http://www.darkcreations.org/static/uploads/gallery/monthly_2015_08/large.Untitled-1.png.f9b2cbf7e6c52a24c72b21da643a1ff1.png 2) Open your normal map for the same texture, and make it a height map: 1) Select: Filters => NVidia Tools => Normal Map Filter http://www.darkcreations.org/static/uploads/gallery/monthly_2015_08/large.Untitled-1.png.1edd94cc1ca3f8f1b8530bb0ac761e64.png 2) In the window that pops up, select "convert to Height Map" and hit ok. (Note, there are specialists programs out there such as Crazybump and Xnormal which may be a better option for this step.) (you may need to invert the X channel.) 3) With the results of that done, hit "CTRL+A" to select the entire image. Then "CTRL+C" to copy that result. 3) Go back to your Diffuse map, and select your new alpha channel. Make sure it's the only thing selected, then hit CTRL+V to paste what you just copied in there. What you just pasted was an alpha layer that makes certain parts of this diffuse disappear so your second diffuse can show. 4) Save the results of this as DX5 format. I like to suffix these with MLP so I know I am making a multi-layer parallax specific texture. 5) Now, in that same file, select your alpha channel again, and hit "CTRL+I" What this does is inverts the results of your height map, turning it into a depth map. 6) Save the results of that file. I like to suffix it with MLP_D to tell me it's a multi-layer depth map specifically. You should not need photoshop after this point so if you like, close it out. 7) Open the .nif file you wish to apply these multilayer parallax textures to. 8) Select the specific NiTriShape you want to apply Multilayer Parallax to. 9) In that NiTriShape, select Skyrim Shader type at the very top and turn that into Multilayer Parallax. http://www.darkcreations.org/static/uploads/gallery/monthly_2015_08/large.Untitled-1.png.45ce4154bc4f4fe82929989091eff76e.png 10) In Shader Flags 2, ensure that the Multilayer Parallax Flag is check. This will open up the multilayer Parallax flags at the bottom. Ensure no flags for environment maps are checked, as you cannot use an environment map and multilayer parallax at the same time. You also cannot have a glow map with multilayer parallax. If you want either of those in your nif, you need to model them as separate objects/NiTriShapes. I would also advise beginner to copy the flag settings I have below if you are unsure which flags you need: http://www.darkcreations.org/static/uploads/gallery/monthly_2015_08/large.Untitled-1.png.190e3b85449a1d3c9f5f63519050924c.png 11) Scroll down the the sections that have the word Parallax in them as shown in the picture below. Play with these settings to your hearts content and find out what you can get away with in-game. Here is what those settings do: Parallax Inner Layer Strength: This is how deep you want your depth map to go. Numbers appear to range from 1-100, but this hasn't been thoroughly tested yet.Parallax Refraction Scale: This controls how much your maps wrap around your normal map. Numbers appear to go from 0-1, with 1 being 100 percent. Worth playing around with.Parallax Inner Layer Texture Scale: This controls the scale of the UV map for your inner layer Diffuse, unless you are doing advanced mapping this needs to be at 1, 1.Parallax Env Map Strength: Controls how much your top Diffuse effects the entire texture. Goes from 0-1, with 1 being 100% Suggest less than 1 and worth playing around with.For those who want some suggested settings that work, see pic below. http://www.darkcreations.org/static/uploads/gallery/monthly_2015_08/medium.Untitled-1.png.983c941b97d0187452b49ac70a826ced.png 12) We aren't done yet, time to plug in the textures. Go into BSShaderTextures by clicking the little arrow and plug your MLP into slot one, your normal map into slot 2, and your MLP_D into slot seven. At this point it should be ok to save the file and test it in-game. http://www.darkcreations.org/static/uploads/gallery/monthly_2015_08/large.ScreenShot7.png.399981f2c2e3f3915f2c1f070b2915f0.png Total prep Time: 5 minutes or so. It really is worth doing and will boost the quality of your work an incredible amount. Credits: Everything I learned was from this link, the rest I figured out on my own over the course of a night in order to make a modelling claim for Beyond Skyrim that much more special: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1188259-bslightingshaderproperty-basics/ (I figured we needed to start putting modelling and texturing tutorials in here ;) )
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