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Posts posted by Tragthemercenary

  1. This is not a question about problems with Skyrim, but something that has happened over the last two days.


    On Tuesday, I took delivery of a new Acer Inspire gaming rig. I know that I should have gone to SSE and played in 64-bit. I've wanted to for years. But I've had so many problems over the years with Skyrim that I had to go there, first.


    I've added 76 mods to it ... including the High-Resolution Packs, which I've never been able to use, before. In twelve hours of gaming, today, framerates never went under 60 fps, it never stuttered or lagged once, and I had one crash ... when Steam downloaded an update. I went offline, after that, and gameplay has been perfect. The game looks as good as SSE (except for those using ENBs).


    I've struggled with making Skyrim "stable" since 2014. I've had innumerable problems, crashes, frame-rates dropping to 3-5 fps ... everything you can think of. I had to play on lower difficulties, because on "Legendary", there would be too many swordstrikes (inevitably causing a crash). I had to kill, and quickly.


    Gentlemen and Ladies, I know that gaming rigs are expensive ... mine cost $1200, minus the extra $300 I paid for a 29" monitor. But all of the problems with Skyrim are gone, and forever.


    The only other problem is getting incompatible mods in the same lineup. That will crash the game, every time.


    Witcher 3 is looking pretty good, right about now. Why didn't I get it before? I had 4gb of system RAM. Amazing what 64gb of system RAM, and a NVIDIA 1060, will do for you!

  2. What are the specs, for your computer?


    At this moment ... although I have a new computer arriving today ... my 7-year old computer crashes for no apparent reason. I suspect it is because the old computer (which wasn't a gaming rig) just doesn't have the resources to do the job. Some time ago, I downloaded AVG antivirus, which gives you a "turbo mode" that increases frame rates by about 5. I haven't had any problem entering a gated city, since then.


    It probably is your load order. But don't discount a the computer resources (assuming you don't have a gaming rig).

  3. Yeah, you're new rig will be great for SSE (and just about every current game out there.)


    Don't forget LOOT. Best way to avoid load order related issues.

    I like happy thoughts like that! I've just had my last session with Oldrim, on my Old computer, at an average framerate of 29fps. God, I want that new rig! LOOT is a must ...



  4. I just want to mention one thing. "Nature" has a warm and fuzzy feeling to it, doesn't it? At least, the word does. But nature is anything but kind.


    Many years ago, when my spotter and I went into the jungle ...yes, it was Vietnam ... one of the biggest threats we faced was nature, itself. The enemy was bad enough, but in the several months I was there, besides facing the enemy, I developed severe allergies to the stings of insects, also became allergic to certain plants. If that wasn't bad enough, I was bit by a cobra (luckily, people with my MOS regularly carried antivenon with us, and that saved my life).


    It doesn't matter if someone or something "loves and worships" nature. Nature will kill you just as quickly as any creature. The Hagravens may use nature, but that doesn't mean that everything that is "natural" will love them. Of course they kill Spriggans. If they don't, the Spriggans will kill them. Knowing this, if I had the bad luck to be a Hagraven, I would "murder" a Spriggan before it had the chance to murder me.


    That's the way of nature ... kill or be killed. I think that the developers of the game realized this ... perhaps, instinctively ... and added it to the game.

  5. Since this is a recurring problem with my old computer (which I'm replacing, tomorrow), what are your computer specifications? Both Skyrim, and Skyrim: Special Intensive, are CPU intensive (especially the latter). If you have a computer that relatively modern, then it's either a problem with your SkyUI installation, or a problem with another mod. I'm not a geek, but they're around here. By the way, when I recently downloaded the latest versions of SKSE and SkyUI, I had numerous problems with them, until I figured it out. Ten to one says that your problem, though, is not the same as mine.


    Good luck!

  6. What is the best game that you have ever played


    i started playing game s att he age of 6, 11 years of exp. under my belt.


    best game ever Final Fantasy 7

    Well, I'm a little older than you ... I'm 68!


    My "best game ever" is Skyrim Special Edition. You could literally spend the rest of your life, there, and not run out of things to do. The mods add even more, to it.


    The best wargames come from the Total War series of game, like Shogun, Rome, Medieval. Indeed, for Medieval 2:Total War, you can download a mod that allows you to play any faction in the Lord of the Rings series, from Hobbits, to Rohan, all the way to Dwarves and Orcs.


    I also like space-based games like Stellaris and Endless Space 2.


    My favorite WWII-based game is Silent Hunter 5, which puts you in command of a WWII German submarine, and is loosely based on the movie Das Boot.


    Back in the day, my very first computer game was for the Color Computer II, fully upgradable to 32 kilobytes ... yes, that's kilobytes ... of ram. It was a dungeon in which there were ten levels, Everything was in line drawing, including the monsters.


    We've come a long way, since then ...


    By the way, my son's favorite game on the first Nintendo system was the original Final Fantasy.

  7. Hello Ghost!


    If you wish to debate religion, no holds barred, try out the Total War Center. They have a section on debate, and you can debate religion to your heart's content, there.



  8. I've been a member of the Nexus since about 2014, but just recently went premium, and started writing posts in the forums.


    I'm called Tragthemercenary, after a character in a series of books written by myself, and my brother. You could not imagine how hard it is to get a fantasy/adventure title published, if the main character is not a female. This is especially so when it is your first attempt.


    My favorite game is Skyrim: Special Edition, which I hope to see in all of its glory, tomorrow, after obtaining my first gaming computer. I also enjoy space-based games, and the entire series of Total War games.


    I'd be interested in knowing if I'm the oldest member of the Nexus. I'll turn 69 in July. Anyone older, let me know!


    I live in Illinois, and in my life, I've been a professional singer (Lyric Opera of Chicago), and a Shakespearean actor. If any modders want a polished voice, that can speak in several accents, let me know. I'd be glad to help.


    Thanks for reading!



  9. Thanks, Jones.


    When I get this thing, tomorrow, I'll probably have a couple of hours setting things up. But the first thing that I'm going to do, after setting up antivirus and browser, is download the STEAM bootstrapper, and then SSE. I've got to see this game in all of its glory ...


    ... then, I'll start downloading my favorite mods!

  10. Thanks, Erik005, for the advice. I'm going to add extra cooling to it, as soon as I can, and I always use an external fan on my computers, to keep air flowing inside the case. I would completely open the case and use it that way, if I wasn't worried about dust or liquids getting into it.


    I appreciate the information about the 1060. I checked the specs on my games, and I don't have any that requires more than 1 gig of RAM, in the graphics card.

  11. Firebird,


    A new gaming rig is being delivered to me, tomorrow. It's an Acer, and it uses the 7th-generation 7700 series microprocessors, an NVIDIA 1060 graphics card, a Hybrid 256gb SSD/1 TB SATA hard drive, 16 GB of RAM, and lots of other bells and whistles. Going to the Intel site to watch performance on various games with the microprocessor, I've notice that it consistently outperformed other microprocessors on the same games.


    System RAM is very important. Often, it's the difference between smooth fluid motion, and stuttering. With my new computer, I've also ordered two RAM sticks, to increase RAM to 32gb.


    Good luck, when making your choice, and try to avoid CYBERPOWER computers. They are impressive, but cheaply made.

  12. Flyignite, on the surface, that appears to be a good rig. Be careful of how much system RAM it has. I've heard the "Deliverance" is RAM-intensive. The 1050 ti, which I own, should be able to handle it well. RAM sticks are relatively inexpensive, so I would increase my RAM to at least 16 GB.


    Jim-UK, the answer to your "Question of the Day" is: Yes: He is wrong. He is always wrong. All men are always wrong. I speak from experience ...

  13. Gentlemen (and lady?), I ended up buying an ACER, with the 7th Generation 7700 processor, Hybrid 256GB SSD/1 TB SATA, NVIDIA 1060 Graphics, and 16 gigs of RAM (upgradable to to 64 gigs). I'm a little worried about the graphics card (it's 3 gigs), but just in case, I have a 4-gig NVIDIA 1050 ti, sitting around. Thanks for your recommendations!


    The original computer that was shipped to me was the CYBERPOWER with the Ryzen microprocessor, but I returned it. The thing was not packed properly inside (the disk drive was on the floor of the case, when I received it, and the graphics card was bent downward). It would not even boot up the Windows 10. I did some more research, and the Acer ariives, tomorrow.

  14. A new computer will be shipped to me, on Tuesday of this week. My old computer is 7 years old, and wasn't designed for gaming, in the first place. I've had a problem that I hope a new computer will fix ... note that I'm going to DL the Steam boostrapper and all of my games (half of which couldn't be handled by my old computer).


    When attempting to play SSE, I had two problems. There may be more, but I never got far enough in the game to find out:


    1. When entering the front door of Bleak Falls Barrow, there is a 1-5 second delay before the game crashes. Every single time. I've tried every fix on the net, and nothing works. I've also got rid of ALL of my mods, uninstalled the game, and re-installed. When I got to this point, in vanilla ... you got it ... it crashed.


    2. When Alduin causes a dead dragon to come to life (like at Kynesgrove, and north of Rorikstead), as soon as the newly-alive dragon starts to come out of the burial mound, SSE crashes. Every single time.


    I'm hoping that this is simply a problem of not enough computer power, and having an actual gaming computer will solve it.


    The new computer is an Acer Inspire, and these are the basic specs:

    7th Generation Intel Core i7-7700 Processor, 4.2Fhz, 64-bit

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 Graphics (note that I have a 4 GB NVidia 1050 ti, in case I need it)

    16 GB RAM (upgradeable to 64gb)

    Hyrbid 256GB SSD/1TB SATA Hard Drive

    Wubdiws 10 Home


    Hopefully, this will take care of the problem. I would appreciate any input or help on this matter.

    Thanks! :)

  15. Hello Paul!. I'm obviously doing something wrong, because I have over a thousand screenshots ... primarily from Oldrim and SSE ... but I can't seem to figure out how to get them out of the Cloud on onto mine or anyone else's computer/website. Some help would be appreciated, on this. BTW, I'm getting a new computer, tomorrow, and I'm sure that the quality of my screenshots will be greatly improved over what I have now.

  16. Hi Tragthemercenary,


    I haven't used the Ryzen 5 1500x but having built a new pc about 18 months ago and based it around the i7 6850 I really wished I had waited until the Ryzens had come out. But hey that's why hindsight is always 100%. The Gforce 1050Ti will knock spots of Skyrim especially over old rig. A good place to have a look at your components for yourself is www.cpubenchmark.net...it will make you depressed tbh and fall off your chair at the prices of some of the bits n pieces.


    One thing I have spotted about your choices is the Sata.... if you could grab a cheap SSD to drop Win10 onto you will see a huge increase in performance. If your mobo has a slot for a SSD all well and good but if not you could grab a board for a pci slot and slap it in there.


    Hope this helps.


    Best Wishes to you and yours,





    Thanks very much. I appreciate the advice!

  17. In the next week, I'm going to a Best Buy to purchase a new gaming rig. Note that my current PC is seven years old, and though it functions perfectly, it's barely able to handle Skyrim Special Edition, and cannot handle anything that requires anything over 4 gigs of RAM.


    What is your general impression of AMD Ryzen 5 1500x



    Storage: HDD

    Hard Drive: SATA

    HD Capacity: 3000 Gigs

    Graphics: NVIDEA GForce 1050 ti

    RAM: 16 gigs

    Processor speed: 3.5 ghz

    Type: AMD Ryzen 5

    Operating System: Windows 10


    I'm just buying the processing tower, as I have a 24inch monitor, Razer Ornata Chrome keyboard, and logitec gaming mouse.


    Impressions, ideas, suggestions?



  18. I'm not very familiar with that CPU, but from what I can tell - it will not like the more CPU intensive parts of the game. Your GPU is fine for the Witcher 3 at respectable settings at 1080p though. You would need to upgrade your system RAM though. I use around 5GB's of RAM when playing the game - so you'd expirience stutter with your current setup. Upgrading your RAM to at least 8GB's would be nice. If you want - you could get the game now and try to deal with the potential performance issues and wait for upgrades. Digital Foundry has a video up on YouTube abut their "budget" PC in comparison to the PS4 when playing the Witcher 3, that may be a good place to look when learning about the settings menu and what things to try and lower. I suppose you can always return it if things don't work out.

    Thanks for your reply. My computer is seven years old, and runs perfectly. However, I do know that its hardware/software has limitations. I'm strongly tempted to buy a gaming rig (which this computer was never designed for). It's not like I don't have the money to buy. I'm old-fashioned, and that part of me says, "Don't throw something away that still works." However, with each new title that comes out, I find myself wondering, "Will it work?" That not very fun, either! In the last year, Steam refunded three purchases I made, and I'm getting punchy.


    Once again, thanks!

  19. I'm interested in the Witcher 3 series, and I was wondering if my computer will handle it. Note that I am able to play Skyrim Special Edition, which appears to be similar in prerequisites. Here are my specs:


    OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
    Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
    Other OS Description Not Available
    OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
    System Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
    System Model HP Pavilion P6000 Series
    System Type x64-based PC
    Processor AMD Athlon II X2 250 Processor, 3000 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
    BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 6.04, 4/22/2010
    SMBIOS Version 2.6
    Windows Directory C:\Windows
    System Directory C:\Windows\system32
    Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
    Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.24000"
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 5.00 GB
    Total Physical Memory 5.00 GB
    Available Physical Memory 2.21 GB
    Total Virtual Memory 10.0 GB
    Available Virtual Memory 7.29 GB
    Page File Space 5.00 GB
    Page File C:\pagefile.sys
    Note that I use a Geforce GTX 1050 ti. Also, I have 114gb of free space, on my hard drive.
    The price seems right, as of now, and the game looks interesting. The main thing that I'm worried about is physical memory.
  20. I've been playing Skyrim, for over a year now. I've got about 1350 hours, on it. By the way, the avatar I use is the very first screenshot I took.


    What I've spent a lot of time doing is learning how to prevent CTDs, freezeups, grey-face bugs, and so on. In the last two weeks, I haven't had a single CTD. If I weren't playing Skyrim, I would be playing any number of different wargames.


    By the way, I posted a topic about the grey-face bug, but I'll briefly mention how I stopped it, here. I run only one NPC overhaul mod, and use Apachii Sky Hair. That's it. No gray-faces! As much as I like the Bijn series of mods, that ... along with other mods that do much the same thing ... cause the grey-face bug, on my computer. However, Immersive Wenches, Luxury Suite, and so on, don't cause the bug.

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