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Everything posted by magiii

  1. i think maces are the worst. being so slow for a dual wielder(you are a dual wielder arent you?) then the sword's bladesman is not that great either. i say you first go with axe and try all of them. when you're high enough for one the three skills get the skill of the weapon that most suits you
  2. " they used the same fast travel system from oblivion" tell me if im wrong but its fast travel!. you open the map and choose where to go and done. no other thing in it. i think its really the same in any RPG sandbox game(i havent played anything beside skyrim for months thanks to the no-copyright law) if anybody can tell me how a different system works ill appreciate.
  3. well as many of you may know it is possible to see the white gold tower and morrowind in skyrim if you go high enough. so i was thinking that if you are not going out of skyrim why should bethesda bothers himself by adding this? maybe in later DLCs or expansions you will go to other regions and fight thalmor there?
  4. can i ask why do you want to watch the feet?
  5. what people think about these days....
  6. who cares? i dont know anyone who want to jump for 30 minutes in a forge! takes less to level it the right way
  7. maybe the tsaeci cast some kind of forgetting appearance spell on them? :biggrin:
  8. about the dragon guard. there were some men on akavir until they got eaten by the Tsaeci. the elder scrolls are beings of "unknown origin and number". and i remember somewhere in the game its mentioned that they are shards of creation being left out or something like this(if that true they have never been "written").
  9. the only reliable source is the Mysterious Akavir book. serpent-folk, golden scales. they are not humans. they look a little like them but again they are not humans. and it says when tamrielics think of the akaviri they think of serpent folk! no humans!
  10. i think they maybe faster. i never used light shields
  11. we do know why your being captured. as ralof says you were crossing the border illegally and they caught you with the storm cloaks. and @landy the background of our char is what we say. its the whole point of role playing. your what you want. im currently a dunmer mage and i chose storm cloaks. because my toon was cast out of morrowind and fled to cyrodiil. there he had a family. in the great war he became a soldier and went to war. after the war when he came back he saw his family gotten killed in the sacking of the imperial city. he wanted revenge on the Altmer but saw empire does nothing. he wandered for 20 yrs in cyrodiil and after that he wen to skyrim. he wants to get revenge both from altmers and empire so he chose storm cloaks.
  12. cagrenac used the power of a god (heart of lorkhan) Vivec, Almalexia, Sota Sil and Dagoth Ur they used the heart to and gained their powers form it. camoran gained the power to create the realm with the power of dagon. he closed those gates by getting the sigil stones and he just killed some lesser daedras (which are weak) and that mortal who killed alduin is a dragon born. that makes him a direct son of akatosh himself
  13. its 2-handed??? i always get the one handed version
  14. you might say there are several topics like this but this one is different. im not asking about morality or other things im asking about military power. which one is better? which one has better equipments etc?
  15. a black tactician! mwahahahahahahahahahaha
  16. magiii


    i want thalmor invasion. they should give us a chance to join thalmors, imperials or storm cloaks(if you havent done the civil war) i also like to go to arteum.(spelled it right?)
  17. but face it. noone excepts the blades and grey beards and ghosts know that you killed alduin!
  18. Killed by the kajiit they want be the only kitten in skyrim :) or the khajiits are the cats? like velociraptors turned into birds. but in reverse like the cats turned into khajiits.
  19. hmmm... he sounds familiar. wonder where i heard from him
  20. you mean sting?? :P anyway. my bees dont sting me when i catch them to!
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