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Posts posted by tredmillion

  1. well i did go sleep and now im unasleep xD


    i cba to read all those posts, but werne, theres a ridiculous amount of swearing in english, hell talk to me outside of the nexus and most of the words out me mouth are swear words xD i distinctly remember getting shouted at when i was 7 at primary school for saying c**t too much lol


    also ahwahahahahaha, i gotta memorise a few hundred of those and just go mental at people when im angry xD

  2. i feel evil, and strangely proud of that rofl




  3. lol when im raking in a few k a month ill finally be where i always should've been lol


    and im great i love faceless void



  4. you and me both iv!


    i prefer to think like fear and loathing in las vegas


    "There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. "


    spose that goes for most of us nutters from the lounge lol

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