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Posts posted by tredmillion

  1. get a grape, cut it in half but not completely, leave a bit of skin on one side intact, then whack it in the microwave, cut side up, turn on and watch da plasma form :D...oh and it might make loud "electric" noises hehe.....oddly enough i got that one from me chemistry teacher, who had a proclivity for explosives, was bald, had no eyebrows, was welsh and turned out to be a paedophile.....xD


    another one, get a glass bottle and a blowtorch, heat up said glass till its really hot, put in microwave and watch it melt :D

  2. cheers for the info vindekarr, been lookin at a few vids and stuff but theres nothing like an appraisal from someone u know :D


    now i simply must play it! sounds like the zombie game i've alwaus dreamed of :D...and im a mucho realism fan so all the survival skills and such like will keep me entertained for hours!


    one thing i would like to know, is it possible to setup a base....like nailing boards on windows and such like...because that would be awesome!


    also i saw some tents in game, is it possible to get bivvy bags? (if u dont know what they are, they're like very mini tents, like just big enough to get a sleeping bag in)


    oooh im all excited now, not often a game gets me this excited!

  3. Nothing feels better than drunken haze.


    Except sex http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif

    Both at the same time? :teehee:

    That's... that's... BRILLIANT!!! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif

    Will definitely try it later http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/yes.gif

    Word of warning you WILL annoy the neighbours :tongue:


    if your doing it right you will always annoy your neighbours xD

  4. found some real nice knives and flashlights to buy :D

    What, do you work at a box company or something?


    wow, at first i thought no i dont, but actually i do lol, dad runs packaging company, but i want knives for various things, getting into backpacking and go camping a fair amount, plus the're useful for everything, and flashlights are useful a lot too :D

  5. gotta have some cheap carlsberg


    and i'd get some kraken rum, ferkin lovely stuff!


    and you have 2 have jack daniels!


    a bottle of absinthe makes a great party piece, especially if you have the proper fountain, glass and absinthe spoon...not to mention it burns well and gets you absolutely slaughtered!


    a good bottle of cot de rhone deserves a place, for white Chablis is a nice choice, a bottle of rose and at least 1 bottle of prosecco and champagne


    i'd make sure i had a good range of values too, all bar's deserve at least a few expensive bottles of something nice! and a few medium value bottles and a whole bunch of low value everyday tipples!


    if you've got the money to afford all that lot personally i'd buy a whole bunch of lovely beers and ales, the ones u buy one at a time, make sure theres at least 4 to 7 of each, its always nice to mix, match and try new beers!


    also get some limes, lemons, salt, sugar cubes, plenty of glasses in all sizes, boxes of salty treats i recommend pork scratchings, 2 or 3 flavours of crisps and even some small packs of sweets for when you just need that sugar.


    you'll need at least 1 mini fridge, a mini freezer would also help


    i could go on for a while on this lol, made extensive plans meself :)

  6. wow no barb fans :(


    having a barb with a couple of lightning sabre phase blades and using frenzy as a main attack and a whole bunch of other godly gear is Simpy insane, ma all time favourite set up :)


    as for rune words I wouldn't say they are that important really, good golds will put you in better stead most of the time :P


    also plugy lets you get ladder only runewords and equipment (even battlenet special events like uber diablo and the other event I can't remember) and by default the difficulty is higher, like your playing in a party of 4....or 8, I forget :)

    What's plugy?


    is mod for d2, i does lots of cool stuff


    PlugY, The Survival Kit is structured as options that can be enabled or disabled by editing the configuration file.

    This plugin is localized in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish.

    Availables features list :

    - Infinite storage space in the stash (up to 4,294,967,296 personal pages!)

    - Shared storage space in the stash (up to 4,294,967,296 shared pages too!)

    - Enabled the ladder only runewords out of realms.

    - Local World Event and Uber Quest for singleplayer and multiplayer off-realm !

    - Can open Cow Level Portal even when player have kill the Cow King in that difficulty.

    - Unassign assigned skills and stats points.

    - Change the selected language.

    - Always regenerate maps in SinglePlayer like in MultiPlayer.

    - Automatically execute /players X when you launch a new game.

    - Added some pages for display more characters stats like %MF.

    - Display item level in its popup.

    - Launch any number of Diablo II games on the same computer.

    - Increase the stash to 10x10 squares.

    - Change the save path directory.

    - Always display Mana and Life values above the globes.

    - D2 can load all files, even those opened with Microsoft Excel (disabled by default).

    - Display the stats current value (without magical bonus) like Magic/gold find or maximum resistances.





    Ho, ho, ho, you son of a b**ch, no one trespasses in my airspace :devil:


    i think santa will have something to say about that



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