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Posts posted by tredmillion

  1. https://www.humblebundle.com/


    basically a dirt cheap collection of THQ games :) only open for another 13 days! I know im gonna be buying it :)


    I also recommend checking back every so often to see what other deals they have :) I've seen some great ones in the past.


    In case you don't know how the humble bundles work read this :)


    Pay what you want. Buying all these blockbuster titles and soundtracks on their own would cost upwards of $190, but we’re letting you name your price! Just one dollar is required to get Steam* keys (beat the average price to get a Steam key for Saints Row: The Third), and the soundtracks are yours for any amount!


    oooh good taste in pipes!


    also thanks to dudeman for reminding me of that mod :D


    might have to talk to the mod authors and get some permissions so i can make a tobacco flavoured version/lore friendl version :).....if i do ill keep u posted :D...although im not skilled enough to do everthing required so it'll probabl take awhile :P


    no promises tho

  3. Ohh if you ever have the time when you need to access your games offline with steam, its been fixed. You don't need to set it for offline mode before actually going offline.every steam game will run just fine, even torchlight 2 which is a online game works. Everything just works..




    u jus made me dai :D

  4. from my perspective i think its perfectly fine carrying on as you are, its not a full time thing, it could scarcely be called a part time thing! sure it may be undeclared but so much stuff is, the government dont try and muscle in when you sell something to a friend do they?


    all in all i'd say carry on as you are mate, your doin nothin wrong :)

  5. We're doing origami in design theory class. Well, I call it abstract art. I made a rock too :happy:


    oh god, you've just broken rock paper scissors o.O does a paper rock beat itself?...making it the majorana particle of rock paper scissors!

  6. i must admit the game is far too taxing on my computer, i can run skyrim with a decent framerate and have it looking great, but with PS2 it runs abhorrently and looks abysmal :P


    if i had a decent gaming rig im sure i'd be great at it and enjoy it immensely but on my mid to low end laptop its a no go :(


    verdict; a great game if you got yourself a good gaming rig....im just gonna stick to TF2 and A.V.A :)

  7. lol tredmillion :)


    I think my biggest problem is the fact that it feels like shameless attention grabbing.


    "CHECK OUT MY OTHER IMAGES AND RATE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE"... I have an admittedly cynical viewpoint about these things lol


    But it is mental how quickly images get buried, so I can understand to a degree. I uploaded a pic the other day and within minutes it was about 2 pages down the list lol


    lol it is shameless attention grabbing!....then again its considered far too normal in this day and age, advertising companies will use any available means to get the word out about their product, they're the really shameless ones!


    i think i prefer someone saying "check out my other images" than spamming up the description with 30 other images, although its all irrelevant to me, if i like what they do ill look at their other stuff anyway, no need to tell me to xD


    and yes image share is crazy popular, and i cant understand why xD...theres a few decent images that are nice and i like, but the majority of the stuff is pointless and bad anyway xD

  8. basically i'd distribute lots of posters and get lots of word of mouth around, advertise in local papers, anything you can, get a name as a quick professional and well priced service, to go legit your going to need to build a large customer base and a good name, your gonna have to have daily call outs and be doing more than 1 persons work for a while before you'd be in a position to hire another person, but then again it also depends on the terms of employment, you could give them a percentage of how much you make an hour from said call out.


    as for actually registering your business you'd have to check your governments website on various tax rules, you'll probably have to get legal advice and advice from an accountant on how to go about setting up.


    making the transition from cash in hand to legit business is not easy and is the downfall of many many small businesses, unless your really raking it in i wouldnt bother making it official.

  9. So i was just thinking about housing mods and such like and how it would be cool to make a feature where you "plan" your quests, things like the thieves guild quests or something, and then i started to think, what if you could code it so that a book in your inventory would auto update everytime you get a quest or everytime the quest updates, serving as a journal which you can read through previous exploits as well as keeping all important information written down instead of some magical mind journal like what we have now!


    so heres my question, is it possible to using scripting to make the text of a book change upon certain conditions being met, obviously for a full journal change you would have to go through every single quest stage and add them in as conditions to the text being changed, also if the first thing is possible, is it then possible to draw the text directly from the quest descriptions rather than having to recompile then as a book, obviously it is wildly unrealistic to even think about making seperate books to fufill all possibilities of quest completion.



    would love to hear peoples thoughts and ideas on this (especially if its even possible)

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