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Everything posted by MalachiDelacot

  1. *I Like* that I have changed what I was going to say here three ( 3 ) times before I typed this line and decided to leave it as is. *I Like* that I changed the third "I Like" line in this post 5 ( five ) times before I decided to leave it as it stands *I Like* this "I Like" line was changed just so I could comment about it in the "I Like" line before this "I Like" line
  2. *I Like* Half Life *I Like* Half Life so much, I'm playing it again *I Like* Half Life 2, also....
  3. *I Like* June being over and it is now July. *I Like* some of the older comedy:
  4. Just letting you know, if any of the songs are still copyrighted, your mod will be taken down for copyright infringement and a moderator will give you a formal warning. I have seen that happen a number of times over the years
  5. Edited because too late I realized a better forum area than Skyrim. ...duh...blinded by use of that "S" word.... The Lounge is mostly for non game discussions. You may have better response in one of these forums: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/317-general-gaming/
  6. Pirates have wenches ! oh, and there was a thread like this long ago
  7. A lot of people post problems here, but The Lounge is for misc topics, not game specific. You might have better luck posting here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/414-skyrim-technical-support/
  8. The game is a cross between "Bob the Builder" and "SimCity", but with guns....
  9. *I Like* how Fall Out 4, with all the workbench and settlement building stuff, makes the game a cross between "Bob the Builder" and "SimCity" but with guns.... *I Like* how some people are so unsatisfied with a game, they have to bring elements of other games ( via mods ) into the game they are playing so it will be more like the game they are no longer playing.... *I Like* thinking some day there will be a sarcasm font so I won't have to explain how some of my comments do not mean exactly what I am saying....
  10. I agree we should all be more positive :thumbsup: A long time ago, we did have a thread "You Know What I Hate" it died out. The thread "You Know What I Like" was started months before that one and is still going...
  11. *I Like* that it finally quit raining here every day for a week. *I Like* even though evolution tried, I did not develop gills.... *I Like* wondering what kind of beer AraFox had in the can
  12. You will get better responses if you posted in the forum for the game you are playing. The Lounge is for various topics, not really for game problems.
  13. There is a small mod hidden in the archives that may be of some help: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/41539/ I only know about it because I use it.
  14. Pagafyr and The_Viper are banned for playing Leap Frog
  15. *I Like* remembering my first computer was a 8088, with no hard drive, just two slots for 5 1/4 inch floppies, a CGA monitor that was like the old tube TVs, had a turbo button so when you pushed it, the cpu speed went to the astounding speed of 8, and the memory was 620, not the wimpy 512 *I Like* when I finally got a hard drive for the above said computer. It was a MFM, as big as a child's lunch kit and stored an amazing 20 megabytes of info ! *I Like* even though the graphics were kak, the games were entertaining for days and days, and there were NO mods. People played unaltered games, right out of the package ! Amazing how things have changed....
  16. 3 days since you posted and nobody has welcomed you. Shame on us. Welcome to Nexus. Hope you enjoy it here because some of us have, and we've stayed for years....
  17. You will have better luck getting responses if you took this to the Fallout 4 forums. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=3485,3500 The Lounge is mostly for discussions of things not related to specific games
  18. They call it a "selfie" because "narcissistie" is too difficult to spell
  19. *I Like* how so many noobs first post is a request for people to find them certain items *I Like* that those twits do not know how to do a search or are just too lazy to try *I Like* that I'll be dead when those kinds of people are running the world
  20. *I Like* that in the over 57,000 posts in "The Last Poster Wins" thread, only about 3 can be blamed on me. *I Like* having better things to waste my life on than posting in the above said thread. *I Like* this post is going to annoy some people....
  21. *I Like* AraFox having a date because now I no longer feel guilty about not having asked her out and totally breaking her heart because of it and she no longer feels compelled to pour gasoline ( @$2.54 a gal ) all over herself, light a match to set herself aflame, and throw herself off the nearest cliff, plummeting 2,000 feet into the gathered mob awaiting the return of Hailey's Comet. *I Like* that I'm the one telling this and I can embellish however I wish *I Like* that now people may have figured out why, in polite company, Carah keeps saying to me "you're messed up"
  22. I was level 22, but had a level slow mod installed. It took about 3 years real time. Played about 25-30 hours a week. But then, I had Shivering Isles DLC, went every where and did about every quest I could find and saved the main quest for last.
  23. This area of the forums is for discussing various subjects, not specific game or mod problems. You should try posting in https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/180-oblivion-mod-troubleshooting/
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