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Everything posted by MalachiDelacot

  1. I would suggest you watch movies you haven't seen yet.... :biggrin: A lot depends on your tastes. Me, I like action pictures ( everybody shoots everybody), horror, drama. Examples: Best Seller, Payback, Riddick, Taken, Transporter, Lately, Carah and I have been watching DVD set of the TV series Star Trek Voyager.
  2. As little as possible ! No, seriously...too busy thinking about the resident Canadian I have living with me to think about others. Nothing personal, Canada
  3. I'm curious about the condiments you would use. I mean if things were like in FO and we couldn't find food. Good luck on the CK since it's got some different thingies in it than the CS did. Oh, yeah, welcome to Nexus and all that.
  4. Aha ! You're that person that peeked at Carah's profile....we wondered who you was...um...I mean is
  5. Ehh....better to be a FNG than a noob..... Welcome to Nexus and I hope you enjoy it here. Now that the social amenities are over, I'm off to annoy another
  6. Enjoy your stay or get off our lawn !
  7. *I Like* finally getting a settlement from my ex-employer for wages owed. *I Like* the settlement money is enough to keep things going for a few more months. *I Like* how some things can make life a little easier.
  8. Went through old "Profile Feed" and deleted over 100 pages of kak. Hope you put the extra HD space to good use, Dark One !
    1. AurianaValoria1
    2. MalachiDelacot


      248 pages have been now been reduced to 53....
  9. *I Like* the picture I posted in Supporter Images made the top images section there *I LIke* having just plugged my own picture. *I Like* keeping this thread going
  10. Thank you for all you do. Bunny Smooches !
  11. Long distance/internet relationships are not easy. It all depends on where your heart really is, not where you think it is, just like if you are there, seeing the person face to face. Internet or in person, money problems is the worst enemy almost any relationship can have. As per the mother getting upset, I can see her side of things since most people don't want others to know their problems, especially if they are in dire straights because of financial problems. There is also the chance he was tugging at your heart strings to get money out of you. Not saying he was, but there are some not nice people out there that take advantage of others. Just be careful. On a happier note: Long distance romances can work out....if I may quote my "About Me" page: Carah, known in Nexus and TesAlliance for her wonderful house mods, also "Horses Gone Wild", is the other half of my heart. Her and I met in the Nexus Forums thread "You Know What I Like" in May 2008. First comments, then PMs, followed by email, IM, then phone calls and Skype. I had her fly from Canada to Colorado for in person visits. Romance grew and 27 Dec 2011 we started living together in Colorado. She wears a beautiful Black Hills Gold ring with a diamond in it, but no date has yet been set to finalize that transaction...
  12. Seems your problem is almost opposite of mine. I can absorb the souls, but can not unlock them to use shouts. The only shouts I have are the ones taught to me by the Greybeards. So, my character just kicks their butt with weapons and magic. Sorry I'm of no help, but at least you know the game isn't just being mean to you. Luck on your endeavor.
  13. *I Like* knowing Iv000 has a partner *I Like* the new house mod Carah released: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30820 *I LIke* Carah very, very muchly
  14. Carah released house mod Fonnheim: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30820
    1. vvk78


      Ah, great. Another beautiful housemod from Carah. Downloading it now. Thanks for the heads-up!
  15. *I Like* having finished filing for my income tax return. *I Like* getting some money back *I Like* staying home with Carah
  16. I changed my "About Me" page and mentioned your Hoser Hut picture. Hope you don't mind.
  17. *I Like* Dave, a Tech friend that managed to save most of the data off a dead HD *I Like* not having anything else to say except: *I LIke* Carah
  18. *I Like* knowing next month will be better than this one *I Like* when people are polite and considerate to others *I Like* finding a "new" old game that I never thought about looking into before
  19. I looked at all your friends pictured above here and found it interesting so many of them look alike. They all from the same litter ?
  20. buenos días bonita
  21. I look and read them just to find out what other weirdos there are out there.... And if I didn't, I would not have seen Oubliette's comment about LadyMilla's link
  22. *I LIke* being able to spend all day with Carah http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif *I Like* the suggestion EllaFrell made for the mod Carah is working onhttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif *I Like* being able to say for the first time this year in this thread, "I Like Carah"...http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wub.gif
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