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Everything posted by MalachiDelacot

  1. If you have not already, try looking in the Files Categories on the page where you can download mods. Scroll through them until you find a picture that might match it may be your best bet. Not a lot of help, but I remember there being a number of house mods in that area. Some have been removed by the modders when they lost interest here. I know what it's like to try to find a mod, and wish you luck.
  2. *I Like* my new computer :thumbsup: *I Like* Windows 8... after I bypass all that App kak and get to the Desk Top. :wallbash: *I Like* Carah :dance:
  3. Nobody welcomed you to Nexus ? Shame on us !
  4. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Sure is a lot pf words just to say "Happy Birthday" Here's hoping you have a bunch more of them
    1. Tobjoern


      Thank you very much Malachi! :D
  5. Happy New Year... Y'all !
    1. AurianaValoria1


      Happy New Year, Malachi! :)
    2. Aurasoma


      HAPPY NEW YEAR! I think its midnight in London, Paris, Barcelona and Jamestown as I post this. but I could be wrong.
  6. I know IE has problems dowloading from Nexus, so I use Safari. Might give that one a try.
  7. I'm betting it's one of your mods. I had the same problem and had to deactivate mods until I found the cause. After I went into the saloon, I reactivated the guilty mod and continued the game. I did five at a time so it wouldn't take forever. Never went back in again after I was done there.
  8. *I Like* being home :woot: *I Like* Christmas with Carah :dance: *I Like* Carah :wub:
  9. Looks like it is your ENB. In Oblivion folder: ENBseries.ini Disable "ambient occlusion" or "detailed shadow" Set at "0" or "false" depends on how it was written. See if that works. I've had problems with ENBs so decided not to use them at all.
  10. *I LIke* all the snow we have had of late. *I Like* having a good chance of getting a new job that I need my DOD clearance for. *I Like* my new jacket and pants....
  11. What Carah said. Once you find the mod that causes the problem, sometimes if you move it in the load order, that may solve the problem. If it does not, you may have to do without it. I have had to bypass a few mods I wanted. BOSS comes in handy. Wyre Bash ( also called BAIN ) is really nice for a launcher. I have 304 mods "batched" down to 252 and have no problems with the game. Also, you might want to make sure you have only Oblivion mods. It's happened to a few people...crashing problems because they had a FO3 esp in FONV. I'm only mentioning this last part because some of your mods are not familiar to me.
  12. *I Like* being off for American Thanksgiving. *I Like* also having celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving this year. *I Like* not having to work any nights next week.
  13. *I Like* being the first to comment in this thread this month *I Like* keeping this thread going *I Like* usually posting three lines
  14. Yup, still around.... sort of.. almost maybe...
    1. Pushkatu


      Same here, just not quite
  15. Bans brokenergy for having two posts that makes a sandwich with alex2avs' post.
  16. Just emptied a 20 oz bottle of Dr. Pepper. ....shove small end into their mouth, squeeze the bottle repeatedly so it acts like a bellows, fills head full of air, head pops....move on to next zombie....
  17. I've played Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. Of them all, not counting graphics, Oblivion is, for me, the best of the lot. Finished Skyrim and have returned to playing Oblivion. As per the "essential", you might want to try the looking at the top 100 mods. Depends on what you are looking for. Some people really get into the immersive and landscape mods. Thanks to Wrye Bash, I am running 302 mods, batched down to 248.
  18. One thing you might try is to de-activate about half the mods. Start the game again and if it does not crash, one (or more) of the de-activated mods is the problem. Re-activate half of the mods that were de-activated. Start the game and see if it works. May need to repeat a few times. Takes a bit of trial and error, but you can figure out what mod might be causing the problem. You may then get the game to work if you move the problem mod to last place. Worst thing is you may not be able to use that mod at all. Hope this makes sense. Longer route is to de-activate one mod, restart, if OK, re-activate that mod, de-activate the next, going down the line until you find the guilty mod. It may be something that should not cause a crash, but you never know. I've had a house or armor mod give me problems
  19. Interesting read. Thanks for posting. Number two I've defied all my life by only sleeping 5-6 hours a night except when sick, then I can sleep 7-10 hours.
  20. Kentucky is a state !
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