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Everything posted by MalachiDelacot

  1. *I Like* not having not posted in this thread at all today. (damn :wallbash: )
  2. *I Like* to maintain my hair in what is similar to a military buzz cut. (no maintenance required) and usually cut it about every three weeks. I once read that when a person is in love their hair grows much faster. ...heh...*I Like* needing a haircut every week now... :wub: MHWY
  3. Hey ! No fair baiting Mos, even though you like the way he'd twist it and make some off hand remark that may make you laugh (or not). *I Like* speaking in third person at times, since I see Mos more as an extention of me than actually me. *I Like* the way some of you shall twist that one. ...heh....
  4. You are the one that hit the reply to the message and not a new one...and am I not the center of the Universe.ha I like that I can virtually hold up my three fingers and tell Mos to read between the lines..har...:) Pinky, ring, and middle fingers.....must be a heavy ring youi're showing off. ...heh.... Oh, to be on topic: *I Like* getting my furnace fixed for 450$ instead of the 600-700$ I expected to have to pay.
  5. *I Like* getting up at OdarkThirty and calling a person dear to my heart that lives in a time zone two hours earlier; just to talk to her a few minutes before she goes to work; helping brighten her day. :wub:
  6. That depends on who you are on IM with. *I Like* webcams ! woo hoo *I Like* glazed doughnuts, and the making thereof. *I Like* thinking of myrmaad sitting in her car.....
  7. *I Like* when I mention something that pertains to a lot of people, some people think it's all about them. ...heh...
  8. I like that you crack me up sometimes ;D Ha ha...you said crack...<smirk> I like that I can make Dezi laugh....and anyone else...as it is indeed the best medicine. *I Like* that some of us do practice without a license.
  9. Nope. *I Like* natural flavours, the juices drippin' on out, all over me face. *I Like* my face lookin' like a glazed doughnut. :woot:
  10. Carah released the mod of her character ?!
  11. No Mos, no camera = no Carah.....it's as easy as that. Besides, filming women shopping for shoes and arguing over how much of the lunch bill is whose is just so funny.... What Carah has no mouth, you must answer for her.. :rolleyes: I like when womyn speak for themselves.. You can dish it out, but hard to take it innit it..me Mos.. :whistling: Perhaps her mouth is busy.... :whistling: They should hum more, speak less.....*I Like* that. Easy to take a serving from you, what with such a small spoon ya be using....heh...
  12. Leaving a comment to clutter up your profile.


  13. No Mos, no camera = no Carah.....it's as easy as that. Besides, filming women shopping for shoes and arguing over how much of the lunch bill is whose is just so funny....
  14. Ah can I join you also la.. two of my 3 favourite womyn.. Mos would really like that, the 3 of us... :whistling: 'sokay....*I *Like* that the hard drive on me new camcorder stores 435 mins.... ....heh...hard.... Oh, and Mrymaad mentioned her body at 45.... :woot: ...um...nice face, too. Yes, you younger guys, she does have a face. EDIT: Didn't read all of thread before commenting.....see more has joined in.....too cool....photo op for true. woo hoo !
  15. Me fey babe keeps me busy, and *I Like* it. :woot:
  16. ...oh...going crazy and taking others with you ? *I Like* when some things are just too good to resist. Interpet that like you wish. I know how y'all are.
  17. Forgot I had this one on a word file: "If you can't offend part of your audience, there is no point in being an artist at all." -Hakim B :whistling: ...heh....
  18. We used to blow up model boats floating in a pond, by throwing firecrackers at them. Oh.....to keep on topic, that ties in with family: Of all my relations, *I Like* sex the best, and my sister the least.... ...heh...
  19. I would like to kiss you awake every day....
  20. Way to go....refusing knowledge. Sheesh, why not also eat at McDonalds....forget to use turn signals....don't flush....believe everything you see on BBC and read on the internet.... Oh, before I go ....heh.... *I Like* using my personal version of "lol" McDonalds is just wrong mate i hate anyone who works there No-one on that side of the pond will know why we so dislike MacDonalds..if they only knew where that money goes and what it supports they'd not like it to the extreme also.. Gastronomical is reason enough; much less the financial and sociological reasons I don't like McDs. Oh....to be on topic: *I Like* Carah...the intensity is not open to forum discussion.
  21. Way to go....refusing knowledge. Sheesh, why not also eat at McDonalds....forget to use turn signals....don't flush....believe everything you see on BBC and read on the internet.... Oh, before I go ....heh.... *I Like* using my personal version of "lol"
  22. *I Like* talking (writing) double entendres. :teehee: *I Like* that it shows me what kind of people you all really are. Y'all are nasty......*I Like* you.... :yes:
  23. http://bestsmileys.com/lol/4.gif and a video camera :P ...heh...already did. Sony Handicam...HD will store...oh...about 450 mins of video and the memory stick will store about 300 high quality stills....woo hoo.... Oh, and we also have webcams now.... :whistling:
  24. Don't know where I heard it, and there are variations of it, but I've always liked: "If it was easy, everybody else would be doing it." One I really like: "Given the choice between fame or fortune, I'll pick emotional happiness every time." ~Malachi Kahn Oh, and least y'all forget: "woo hoo" "...heh..." "...um...er....ah...." ~moszibby. ...heh...
  25. Feh. I could subdue her with my stick. ..heh... mmm.... your stick I like Mos's stick I knew you'd like me waving it around in front of you.... EDIT (to not have post overflow) Y'all is nasty. Not me here, but this is the kind of stick I was talking about:
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