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Everything posted by TerraMcCloud
For the one game I am playing at the moment that has character customization. I like to balance out my number of male and female characters in playthroughs. At the moment I am playing a female breton tribal shaman, level 47 atm(Currently being worked on), my previous character was a breton female heavy armor spellsword, level 53(who sadly was abandoned due to an issue where her saves were leaking memory like mad, making them have memory crashes a lot despite having everything possible to stablize it, new saves like my shaman don't have this problem and run really stable.). I even like to give my characters DND style alignments, Current characters and planned characters are below, In the order they were played (or will be played). Male Nord Jack of all Trades - Neutral Good - (My first ever character - Level 93) Female Breton Heavy Armor Spellsword - Chaotic Good - (Abandoned - See reason above - Level 54) Female Breton Tribal Shaman - True Neutral - (Current - Level 57) Male Nord Barbarian - Chaotic Good - (Planned) Male Orc Blackguard - Lawful Evil - (Planned) Male Breton Tourist - True Neutral - (Planned, think something similar to nethack touist) Female Nord Paladin - Lawful Good - (Planned) So yeah all the planned characters shows I still have a lot of skyrim ahead of me, and I am trying to keep it balanced as much as possible, chances are another female character will be played after the paladin, so that way I will have 4 male characters and 4 female characters, keeping it an even 50-50. So yeah, I have a 50-50 preference for Player Characters.
Okay this is the weirdest issue I have ever come across and I have found no answers for it. On my current character (Level 36 Breton Werewolf) Dragons will not attack me, neither randomly spawned ones or set spawned ones. I am aware about the dragons that just fly over you then fly away but that is not what this problem is, the problem is that literally every single dragon I encounter ignores me, even attacking the dragons does nothing, the dragons will attack NPCs but never attack me. (Yes I have a lot of mods, but I have followed the stability guides so my skyrim on this character is pretty darn stable, I don't get crashes too often, sometimes during a sitting I never crash at all.) I'm not sure if somehow my character got put into the same faction as dragons, I don't see how as I don't have any mods that would add me to the dragon faction. Any help? EDIT: Problem resolved, no need to reply, just let the thread die.
Anyone know if theres any mods out there that add a spell like Icarian Flight from morrowind by chance? Just cast it then you can jump super high. (Death from fall damage likely) Out of all the spells morrowind, I always thought icarian flight was fun to mess around with.
Anyone know if there is a mod that removes annoying spam letters from skyrim? (Such as the Letter from a Friend, Calcelmo's Letter, etc.) So that the courier will stop giving me them? I feel such letters are breaking my immersion. Mainly Calcelmo's letter, because how in the flying flapjack does he find out about me getting random dwarven scrap from dwarven ruins when nobody tells him? Stalker much?
LE Any armor mods that add armor you'd wear in the snow?
TerraMcCloud replied to TheBigT2000's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
The Wayfarer Coat looks like something that would be worn in the snowy areas of skyrim. Maybe that might be what you are looking for? -
Please don't mind my typo, I am aware of the spelling error in "Destruction" in the title, I have these typos from time to time. Anyways... (Sadly I can't edit it, anyone know if a moderator can?) This isn't much a request as it is just a question. Has anyone seen a good "Dark Magic" mod that has dark destruction magic? I've seen ones like "The dark element rises" but that mod makes them conjuration spells instead of destruction. I have an idea about making a skyrim character who uses dark weapons, armor, and spells, but is not a necromancer or vampire, but instead, a "Hex Master". Hex like in the dark magic from dark souls.
An idea for a skyrim mod, one that lets you transfer the magic charge of one weapon to another. Say you are a fighter character, you have an enchanted sword, when suddenly... Oh no! You used up the last of your weapon's magic charge and you don't have any soul gems to recharge it with! Oh hey, I have this useless magic staff in my inventory that I will never use, if only I could transfer the weapon charge of the staff to my sword! Idk if maybe such a mod could be done, but I would love to see such a mod be made, because I run into so many useless magic weapons and would love to just take the charge from them and use them on dawnbreaker. >_<
For some reason in towns and around towns, guards are leaving their weapons and armor everywhere, and I have no idea why. http://i.imgur.com/c8OpLQW.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jGmvera.jpg I'll try to get a list of the mods I use, although I don't really know how. This is on the steam version of skyrim, I only play the steam version. :)
So I looked all over the nexus for a mod that does this and I didn't find one. Which really stinks. All I want is a mod that makes it so the innkeeper's helpers don't ask you if you want a drink when you sit down, I mainly ask this because when you cook in a cooking pot in an inn you are apparently classed as sitting and as such you get asked if you want a drink when you are done, which I find super annoying. (I'm looking at you Saadia in the Bannered Mare) So if theres a mod that does this please link me to it, if not then can someone please make it? Thanks.
Looks like it's back up now. Just DL'd a mod.
yes the filedelivery server is down. I was hoping to get a skyrim mod but I guess not. :( (Also for some reason now chat crashes my browser)
I am trying to make a mod that adds lower tier dragons (level 1 and level 5 dragons, mainly for use with immediate dragons) But I can't get the level list versions of the dragons to give souls, the non leveled scripted ones do but the leveled ones don't, I swear I set them up the same way as the vanilla dragons in the creation kit. Any help?
I hope this request is simple enough, if such a mod exists already please give me a link to it. Simply put, I want a mod that makes it so when you use up all of your current equipped arrows, it will auto equip your next strongest arrows, I get annoyed sometimes when I have dragonbone, ebony and other various strong arrows yet when I use up whatever arrow type I have it auto equips iron or falmer arrows(I am an arrow hoarder). As I said, if such a mod already exists please link me to it.
well thanks for answering that question, I guess this can be locked now.
I decided to make a very simple tweak to the max resistances stat in the skyrim creation kit to increase it from 85 to 999999 just so I could actually have frost immunity on a character(I use a mod someone made for me that gives my character 300% frost resist, don't ask why it is 300%) and I noticed this when testing the tweak mod, nobody would ever cast ice at me, didnt matter if it was Ice Mages, Ice Wizards, Frost Dragons... They would prefer melee over ice magic against me, are the enemies just that smart that they know my character is immune to ice so they never use it? Even disarming an ice mage to make them drop their melee weapon and giving them an ice staff via console still makes them prefer trying to punch me over using the staff. Seriously are enemies just that smart? The reason this is in mod talk is due to the usage of resistance changing mods(300% Frost Resist and Resist Cap changing.) If this is in the wrong part of the forum then the mods are free to move it.
Um... NPCs... are you drunk? I don't use magic!
TerraMcCloud replied to TerraMcCloud's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I honestly don't know why this thread is still going, as I said on an earlier post, I got a mod that just makes NPCs shut up about magic. So I think this thread can be locked. -
Um... NPCs... are you drunk? I don't use magic!
TerraMcCloud replied to TerraMcCloud's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I don't use conjuration though. -
Um... NPCs... are you drunk? I don't use magic!
TerraMcCloud replied to TerraMcCloud's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I decided to go get a mod that makes NPCs no longer mention the magic dialogue. and yes I do use guard dialogue overhaul. One of the things I did notice though was this. http://i.imgur.com/XmunbXM.jpg -
LE A (Hopefully) simple mod request
TerraMcCloud replied to TerraMcCloud's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
What is the item that gives the effect called? Nvm found it. -
If you don't know what I mean, for some reason NPCs keep saying "Keep that magic away from me" and IDK why... I do not use magic, I am a mainly a fighter character, user of swords and maces and stuff, not magic, yet NPCs for some reason keep saying this... I have a feeling it has to do with a mod so I am posting this issue here. If a mod list is needed I will try to provide one, though I don't know how to show my skyrim mod list.
LE A (Hopefully) simple mod request
TerraMcCloud replied to TerraMcCloud's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I want this to be a potion that activates a script effect that gives you it in the form of a passive ability, not just a potion effect. I tried taking a crack at it, I could make the ability, but I had no way to give it to the player, not even via console... I have no clue how to do anything with the Papyrus scripting... I am used to TES Construction for oblivion's scripting. The name of the effect could be somthing along the line of Northern Blood or somthing. The description of it could be somthing like. "Your blood has long adapted to the harsh cold of the north, you take no damage from frost magic, but take extreme damage from fire magic." -
LE A (Hopefully) simple mod request
TerraMcCloud replied to TerraMcCloud's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I thought 300% was triple damage... and I am sure with high enough health it wouldn't. -
I know some basic scripting in the TES construction set for Oblivion, but the Skyrim one is way different with the whole papyrus thing, I don't think I will ever be able to understand it... What I wanted was somthing for a character of mine, (its kinda from a roleplay standpoint), you see my character is supposed to be immune to all ice and cold but very weak to fire and heat... So I feel it doesn't make sense that the local necromancer or ice mage can damage my character with an ice spell... I tried to make an effect to counter this but the skyrim construction set is way more complex for me, I guess I am too used to the TES Construction Set for Oblivion. All I want is a potion you can spawn in via console when consumed gives 300% resist frost(yes 300%, I don't want weakness to frost spells overtaking frost immunity.) and 300% Weakness to fire(Or however much it takes to make fire do triple damage). Many thanks to whoever actually takes their time to do this.
So I want to make a greater power that gives the player a custom set of bound armor w/shield and a custom bound weapon, the thing is, I want the armor to be light or heavy based on which one the player is better at, and I want the weapon to be either a sword or mace, once again dependant on if the player's blunt or blade is better. If Light Armor and Heavy Armor are the same, then it would default to heavy armor. If Blade and Blunt are the same, then it would default to the sword. I have a little bit of scripting knowledge in oblivion, but its very rusty, any help would be nice, and I did take a look at the construction set wiki, but its tutorial is only for a ring, and this is a greater power not a ring. Also if possible, like with vanilla bound armor, it would be nice to see it revert to what the player was wearing before when the bound armor timer runs out.