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About ericthecleric444

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Can I please ask: 1) What is Vortex? What is the benefit of it? 2) Why does it matter that the new site uses "live data"? 3) Is the new site being provided by a different host? Is that why they aren't going back to the old one? Thanks in advance!
  2. Good to hear. And you're right; CA not Arizona. Should have read the passage more carefully. One bit says: "...Fort Irwin, California. Located in the high Mojave desert, the base really did sprawl, over an area larger than the state of Rhode Island..."
  3. The scope of your project is impressive! So, I've been re-reading my Tom Clancy novels, currently on Executive Orders. I don't know if it's in the part of Arizona you're working on, but Fort Irwin is in that state. It's the Army's National Training Center. Apparently it's the size of Vermont, and would have cameras everywhere to catch the exercises that are going on. You could do some research on that place to see if it's in the areas your working on. It might be fun to include that base. What would it be like in 2077, and in time leading up to the Fallout: New Vegas game?
  4. Good luck with this project! Bonus points if you use character names from the 1983 film Wargames!
  5. Thanks for the reply, Darkhoof! That's good news! There is also this project, that looks amazing: http://www.falloutthefrontier.com/
  6. Dubious: Thanks for the help. I'd meant to include Autumn Leaves in the list; it's a good one. MkTavish: That's really interesting. I'd have thought it was the other way around. Do you mind if I PM you?
  7. Hi Dubious, These are some of the ones I most like (in no particular order): New Vegas Bounties III For the Enclave The Rockwell Pursuit Deserters Fortress Fallout New Vegas Christmas Special The North Road Zion Trail Alice in Shadowland Angel Park 2 Project Brazil There are loads more mods that I've played through, but these ones stand out. Of the above, The Rockwell Pursuit is my favourite. I hope that helps!
  8. As the subject says, I wonder if anyone knows what big high-quality quests and adventures are being worked on right now for FNV?
  9. I'd just like to request more high-quality quests and adventures, please. Especially those that are medium-very long in length. I'd love to see more set outside of the standard Fallout New Vegas area, whether in other parts of the USA, in the UK, or other parts of Europe. I'm not bothered if they are lore-friendly, but I do want to see correct English used.
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