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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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Well, I had been considering upgrading for a while now, but this drove me to it. Ah well, I'm glad to be a supporter, I've used this site long enough.


Also, just wondering if you would ever consider adding 2 step verification? Given how much I've just spent on this account, I want it as secure as possible.

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I first heard about The Nexus sites back in mid 2009. After viewing all the content available I signed-up and purchased a 1 month membership and continued to purchase various monthly or multi-month memberships since then. Every penny was well spent.


The Nexus sites have become a staple in feeding my long, long addiction to gaming. From Oblivion to Fallout 3 on through Fallout: New Vegas, Nexus is has been my primary go to place for new and exciting user created content which has enhanced my gaming experience many times over; of which, I greatly appreciate.


Today, after reading Dark0ne's post, I took a step back and thought about how much The Nexus sites and the community as a whole have given to everyone while asking very little in return. 'Immense' is the word that immediately came to mind yet it doesn't accurately describe the efforts put forth to make The Nexus sites the go to place for a plethora of content for games people play. 'Massive' could be another candidate word yet maybe only one word cannot describe The Nexus sites.


Anyways, even though I'm currently unemployed (not for long!) I felt it more than necessary to do my part to support and promote The Nexus sites in whatever way possible. As such, I've purchased the Lifetime Membership. A trifle amount considering all the content and services available and the efforts of The Nexus sites owner and staff to keep the sites running as smoothly as possible.


Thank you, Dark0ne, staff and community for all that you do.

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In response to post #9029004. #9030525, #9030875, #9031377 are all replies on the same post.

I can totally understand where Dark0ne is coming from on this. The ppl complaining about the price point of the Premium Membership would complain if it was $1 for a year's subscription. Been there done that many times myself. Ppl want everything free and the second the site owners ask for donations you always get the same response from two groups of ppl. You immediately get the ppl that jump on the bandwagon about how you are asking way too much money and how the owners are being greedy for asking at all. They always have examples of how other websites are run without asking for any money or very little money but have no idea how that site is really making their money. And then you have the few users that do donate but they only do so because they think it will automatically give some sort of say in how the website is run because they donated $5 and now they think they own the website.

Steam is able to lower the prices like they do and keep their mod section free because they are selling a buttload of games 24/7, most at retail prices. They have discounted games but not until after they have taken retail pricing from said game from 1000's of ppl first.

There is NOTHING on this website that costs a user money. The Premium Memberships are extra perks for a donation amount. It is not forced on anyone. And from my experience, it does not matter how popular a website is, the donations that ppl send in are few and far btwn. But everyone thinks that the owners are making money hand over fist because they assume everyone else is donating except them.

These guys are not trying to "make money" so they can sit around the pool, sipping margaritas, surrounded by naked women. They are asking for DONATIONS so that they can keep the site up and running with minimal interruptions or security risks. Big difference.

These guys had to invest $187,000 just this year to keep this site up and running. I am sure that some of that money came from donations but I would bet that the majority of it came from side line jobs they do to help with the costs of running this website.

You all have admitted that you are long time users of this site. Even if you consider a year a "long time", one Lifetime Premium membership is only $6.58/mo. for that first year and becomes a lot less the longer you have it. Unless you live in a 3rd world country that is not even close to expensive or too much for someone to donate.

I can totally see where Dark0ne is coming from by saying what he said because anyone who would complain about the extremely reasonable donation levels he has set is just looking for something to complain about and in reality they have no intention of donating at all. They just want to spout off their opinion in hopes of getting more of a free ride while pretending they care so no one thinks they are a douche. If you do not want to donate ( a term meaning YOUR free choice that is not required at all) because you think it is too much then do not do it. But what is the purpose of letting the world know that you have been using the FREE site for years but a donation amount that is the same price as a hamburger once a month is way too much to ask for? Edited by Eglyntine
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I've been meaning to go premium for a while now, but I've been jobless for a couple of months. That's where I can agree with you about the economy, we're definitely taking a hit. Anyway, I would love to see this website work faster, and if my coin can help that, I see no reason to stay a free loader. Tensions are high due to the slow speed of the site, and the economy hits everyone. I think it's best that we all understand this, and not complain about the price of something if we didn't even think about investing earlier. This is a cry for help, don't yell at them for trying to do something productive. If this doesn't make sense, I'm sorry, I just woke up to prissy people without a supporter or premium tag saying they were entitled to something. Irks me a bit. Edited by GigantorTheEND
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Been thinking of getting a premium account for a while now and I just now bought lifetime. The mods here add so much fun and replay value to my games that I think it's well worth it for me. In fact I would blow the $62 on beer in a month anyway so why not? (don't get me wrong, I'm still going to drink the beer too :wink:)
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I just wanna put my 2 cents worth in on a cpl things.....


First, I absolutely love this site, there are a buncha awesome mod creators here, and tons of really cool stuff to play with :)


Second, I totally agree with the price raises, you gotta do what you gotta do to keep things running, and the raises really isnt that much higher than the original, so no complaints there.


Third, and I know im gonna get flamed for this, but dont really care, the site has become alot slower for the past few weeks, I understand that money is needed to fix things, but like someone, somewhere above stated, it seems like everytime major work is done, it gets slower for the majority of users, so there is an issue somewhere.


and Fourth, and lets see what kinda hornets nest I stir up with this, but dont really care. Dark0ne, you are a moderator, act like one instead of a freaking smart ass, which, most of the time, is how you come across, your supposed to help ppl, not flame them and make them feel like idiots, address ALL the points someone makes, instead of the points that allows you to mock someone. If you dont know how to do that, find a new moderator


I have an ad blocker, never even thought about it running, but I have removed it for the nexus, not much help, i k now, but the best that I can do

Edited by shaithlis
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Done. Became a recurring Premium member today. Been using this site since '10, and Nexus made a huge difference in my gaming experience and met wonderful here in the forums as well. Damn, the day I started to use DA:O mods...... *sigh* good times.


Cheers, Robin. And did you enjoy your little vacation? ;)

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In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358 are all replies on the same post.

no, you should never start a fansite and then afterwords blame the public for not buying a premium membership.

your logic is all wrong.

i read somewhere that you said you was a idealist, but your reply is not an idealists answer.
more like an answer of someone who thinks he knows best.

i'm pretty sure that if you take what i said to heart and see it as a constructive comment, that you could actually make the site better then what it is, even with the resources you have available, by asking your programmers to look at their code again.

cause 37 servers should be able to serve the demand of a few thousand visitors at any time.

and FYI, if you have 1000 servers but bad code implemented, the site can still be sluggish.

Edited by Guest
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In response to post #9031334.

i'm a newcomer, did not get much so far, but downtime all the time.
well, not all the time, but a very slow website nonetheless.
and the best and biggest mods are also to be found elsewhere, so you probably should give more then just no ads and twice the amount of images to get people to pay more.
maybe some extra functions for mod authors like the ability to clean up their comment threads, some threads i read are downright filled with filth, mod authors should be able to take the worst stuff out like on moddb.

did you ever read the My Little Pony mod threads ?
i feel for the authors of those mods, they have to ask for removal of a comment everytime to a moderator and every 5 minutes someone else comes along and spews his filth in the thread, that is not very mod author friendly imo, you should really consider opening a think tank to adress and make better the nexus sites.
just not allowing sexy pictures just isn't enough to make a good website. Edited by Guest
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In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358, #9033330, #9033613, #9033675 are all replies on the same post.

Fail to see where Robin blamed anyone for not buying Premium membership. The site has two sources of revenue: ads and donations. If one is not donating, then only ads are the revenue. This is fact, not pointing blame..... hence Catch 22...... a term I've not heard people use in a while :P :P

Majority of people think that by using this site, it automatically entitles them to demand for improvements. This is a free site, be grateful that you're using it for whatever end. Slow-downs or not, you're getting something for free. Donations are done by choice, and are no way meant to be purchases for better or more services. If one thinks that donations equals to receiving better services, then that person really need to consider their outlook on generosity. Edited by ZeroKing
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