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Everything posted by Erik005

  1. The motherboard is not really worth it. The case is good but a dust trap. You will still have to buy windows. You buy $85 of useless software. You cant get a second video card for crossfire Not such a good deal.
  2. Also the i7 2600 has extra features that make it more suitable for video processing and converting. For gaming the core i5-2500 or i5-2500k are currently the best processors. You should ask the store if putting in an i5-2500 gets the price down significantly. If the system is pre assembled you might have to pay extra to have it put in, if the difference is close to $100 get the i5
  3. Go for the h60 when you over clock you will notice lower temperatures. And it doesn't take up much room. I have read strong rumours that the new amd buldozer cpu's will be bundled with watercooling similar to the antec watercooling kits.
  4. I found this one Lite-On iHOS104. It seems good and not to expensive.
  5. They don't need any maintenance. it's a completely closed system.
  6. There are not much cons about these kind of liquid coolers. They don't need maintenance or filling, and you don't have to worry about RAM with high heatspreaders.
  7. Good to see good things about the galaxy S II as I ordered one and it is on its way right now. I also ordered a larger battery which comes with a special back cover, Although I don't think I'm going to need it.
  8. You could buy a good second hand card, Radeon HD4850/4870/4890 or gtx 260/275/285. These are the cards you should look for initially you can find The HD5000 series secondhand if you're lucky. Stay away from the gt430 and 440 the are pretty slow.
  9. 80€ is not enough for a card that can easily play the games you want. Try searching for a gtx 460 or a Radeon 5770
  10. EVGA offers lifetime warranty on all their graphics card. If you are going sli the coolest an quietest card is you best option.
  11. Maybe a corsair h-60 or antec kuhler H2O 620 is an option.
  12. Clock speed isn't everything that's important about a processor. Both are not in any way meant or useful for gaming. Why buy a new computer and modify, it losing warranty in the process? There is a chance that these computers are low profile which means the 5570 is the fastest card you can get.
  13. Upgrading a pentium 4 is a waste of money IMHO. Your better of getting a new rig.
  14. If you are using the stock cooler the temps look pretty normal.
  15. With SLI you have to use the same GPU preferably the same manufacturer and model.
  16. The main differences are the ssd cashing, and the hybrid gpu that does not work yet. With the hybrid gpu you use the gpu of the processor in windows applications and your graphics card when gaming, This is great in theory but in practice it doesn't work yet.
  17. Most items on your list should have a factory warranty. Are there any laws in your country for warranties? In Europe all items bought would have a 1 year standard warranty, as well as a period of time in which the item should work. (a refrigerator has to keep working for five years for example)
  18. It looks very good, I have got just one point though. The motherboard you have chosen has a very old chipset. An asrock 990FX AM3+ motherboard will ensure that if the new amd processors come out you can easily upgrade.
  19. There is only one 2tb high-performance drive you should get, the WD caviar black. expensive but very very good.
  20. When you get AMD you should get a motherboard with the 990FX chipset just to be future proof. You could put in a new bulldozer processor when they come out.
  21. Here in Europe we have actual laws that state the electronic equipment has to consume no power when off. Also modern pc`s clock everything down when idle.
  22. A cooler that works on 1156 will work on 1155
  23. You only need faster ram when you overclock older processors, because you change the ram speed as well when you increase the baseclock. With these new processors you increase the multiplier so 1333 is enough.
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