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Everything posted by Erik005

  1. The g15 is a very common keyboard you can buy it anywhere.
  2. I have the same cooler and it is great, it cools very good and you an get memory with high heat spreaders.
  3. That motherboard is to expensive for what you actually get you will be good with the PRO3. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157249 You are fine with 8gb of ram more than fine. As for the case, antec and coolermaster are good brands the coolermaster 690 II advanced is a classic good case.
  4. Yes that hawk is exactly what I meant. The card is cooler and quieter than most other cards it is really worth the investment. For the CPU cooler if the scythe mugen 2 is to expensive the Cooler Master Hyper TX3 is a cheaper option
  5. Do you what kind of liquid cooler they will put in your system?
  6. You don't really need a separate sound-card unless you use very good speakers in combination with a expensive receiver. The GPU is very good but I would strongly recommend the MSI twin frozer or hawk version. As a last advice you should consider a different CPU cooler because the Intel standard cooler is very bad.
  7. If you're not going to overclock just get a Intel motherboard or Asrock. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007627+50001157+600093976+600008069&QksAutoSuggestion=&ShowDeactivatedMark=False&Configurator=&IsNodeId=1&Subcategory=280&description=&Ntk=&CFG=&SpeTabStoreType=&AdvancedSearch=1&srchInDesc= As for the card, the 460 is end of life. The GTX560 is better. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127593
  8. 8gb would be the best choice at the moment, 1600mhz
  9. A 2500k would do fine to and you would have more budget for your graphics card.
  10. The core i7 you chose is an older model, A core i7-2600k system would be cheaper and faster. Socket 1366 motherboards are expensive. Also consider the Scythe Gouriki 3 Plug-in 700W PSU. And if your budget allows it the 560 TI
  11. It will do fine, although a phenom x4 or x3 will improve performance.
  12. If your screen resolution is 1920*1080 or above the graphics card does most of the work. What kind of processor do you have? If you want to run mods you also need a lot of memory.
  13. Your power supply should be fine. 600W would be only be needed for a gtx580 or SLI.
  14. Obobski is right you should have no trouble with fallout. Your computer sees a gtx295(or any other dual graphics card) as two separate cards, so for more info you should search for how fallout deals with SLI. In 3dmark the gtx295 scores higher than the gtx570 btw.
  15. The price of the 990X is indeed insane but the sandy bridge chips are affordable, unlocked and beat every other processor in games. Do not get a 6 core just because it has 6 cores, for gaming the quadcores are better.
  16. What size laptop are we talking about? Laptops with high-power graphics cards usually have a very short battery life. If you are not going to move it around you should consider a desktop.
  17. Why no Intel? The core i5-2500 and i7-2600 are currently the best gaming cpu's available.
  18. I would strongly advise against a reference cooler design like this one, they are usually hot and loud. The MSI R6850 Cyclone 1GD5 Power Edition OC seems a very good deal. Here are some graphs. http://nl.hardware.info/productinfo/grafiek/6232/107340,107702,107721,107742,110148,115230,111253/?colors=0000FF,0000FF,0000FF,0000FF,0000FF,0000FF,0000FF http://nl.hardware.info/productinfo/grafiek/6226/107340,107702,107721,107742,110148,115230,111253/?colors=0000FF,0000FF,0000FF,0000FF,0000FF,0000FF,0000FF
  19. I would recommend the MSI Lightning or twin frozr version they are cooler and quieter than the standard versions. The asus directcopper II is also a good choice.
  20. It does not matter when you are going to overclock because they both have a free multiplier. You can even go with a 955, when you overclock them to 4.5Ghz it doesn't matter
  21. My advice is instead of the 970 get a 965 with a nice after market cooler.
  22. A good PSU is very important, get a corsair, coolermaster or antec one. Also the stock-cooler is usually noisy and hot. Here are some HD6850's that are a lot better than the standard model. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125353 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127566
  23. You wont need a wired adapter because there is already one integrated in the motherboard.
  24. I don't think you can use an ATI card and a nvidia card for cuda. Maybe a motherboard with an nf200 chip can do that.
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