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Everything posted by Erik005

  1. If your budget is 1200 pounds you should just get a core i5 2500k or 3570k And 1600mhz ram because that is what is used with ivy bridge. And maybe a different graphics card if you want a 560 get the 560ti 448 version. And a Samsung 128gb 830 ssd Do not forget a good case and PSU
  2. I have no idea, I've seen topics about PC's shutting down when the user puts in a flash-drive in their front usb and it looks a bit like that. I don't recall seeing a fix except not using the ports though. The port is probably connected to the motherboard, if that connection is bad it is bad news for the laptop and your wallet
  3. It looks a bit like the grounding problem that front-panel USB-ports sometimes have.
  4. As far as I have read the Llano is the Phenom II with a graphics core. And the motherboard features are very good.
  5. The A8-3850 Llano will be more than enough for your parents.
  6. The fractal case is really quiet and very well built, I've got its huge brother and am very satisfied. But a mini-ITX case with power supply is probably better money wise
  7. Why not a Llano? Maybe even E-450 will be enough http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103994 MOBO http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157273 And for a case http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811352011 Or mini-ITX http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811163171
  8. Unfortunately you can't use the DDR2 and DDR3 slots at he same time. You should check the motherboard user guide for further information. I used to have a motherboard like that and the DDR3 options where not very good, it only supported 4gb DDR3 and was very picky about what brand of RAM.
  9. I think you would be able to play at 1920x1080 at medium to high settings. I mainly advised this card because I don't know what powersupply you have and you can run the 7750 in any case.
  10. The 5450 is pretty weak and not meant for gaming but I didn't expect it to do that bad. For a new card you could look at the Radeon HD7750.
  11. Have you connected your monitor to the correct connector, it should be on the graphics card and not the motherboard connector that is next to the usb-ports. And then still the HD5450 would not run skyrim at more than low settings at 720p
  12. I don't think sitting close to such a large screen is very comfortable, or very good for your eyes. Go to a store with lots of TV's and monitors on display and look at the different sizes to see which one fits for you. Also the panels they use in TV's are different from the ones they use in monitors this makes a lot of TV's unsuitable for gaming.
  13. Shuttle is a very high quality brand you just have to buy a graphics card that blows the air out of the case. And you can't overclock your processor that is a bit of a drawback You can also look for mini-itx cases like this one. http://www.silverstonetek.com/product.php?pid=291&area=
  14. I think you should look for a shuttle barebone and work from there. http://www.shuttle.eu/products/mini-pc/sz77r5/overview/
  15. With the HD3000 you will have low FPS at the lowest settings.
  16. I understand your problem you want to do some gaming on the go the problem is you play the game on your desktop you will get annoyed with a very low quality on a laptop. Then look for a dual core with a separate graphics card like the gt540 You should also look into getting a ssd.
  17. Yes but future processors are going to be more energy efficient but for crossfire/sli 750watt would be better
  18. I think the 650 version would be enough for a single card.
  19. That is still pretty good, I think you can easily run a radeon 7850 or gtx 560ti with that processor. Just don't go cheap on the power supply
  20. Well you say money is a little bit tight right now, the oven method might give it another couple months. What are the rest of your specs right now?
  21. Well I have some bad news for you, Your GPU is dead. The 9800gt has a well known problem with the solder that connects the chip to the PCB. When you use the card it cycles between hot and cold the connection between the chip and PCB starts to crack and the card fails like you described. All card in the 8800/9800 series have this defect. You can revive it by baking it in the oven. there are instructions for that on several forums. Of the new cards the first is superior. http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Dual-DualLink-DisplayPort-Graphics-012-P3-2066-KR/dp/B0069RZ0LW/ref=pd_cp_pc_2 http://uk.hardware.info/productinfo/benchmarks/6/3d-chips A radeon 7850 would also be a good choice http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007709%20600286767%20600298542&IsNodeId=1&name=Radeon%20HD%207850
  22. It is called EIST http://www.intel.com/cd/channel/reseller/asmo-na/eng/203838.htm There is also an option in windows energy management that is called minimum processor status this is at 100% if you have the high performance profile on, this is causing your processor to always be at full speed.
  23. If the driver is stable for win 64bit what is the problem, why do you use 32bit windows if you also have 64bit?
  24. I am downloading the driver now and will update on the performance. But why are you using 32bit and 64bit windows, just use 64bit
  25. I think you might be looking for a capture card.
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