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Posts posted by kleinstaff

  1. well i always try to create a background story for my characters


    a example is my current play thru a female nord warior who who s father was a imperial soldier during the great war and stayed in cyrodill after the war stayed there and got married

    that is why she seems more cultivated than the average nord that is why her love for more advanced armours than just fur or steelnor is she shy of using magic


    another character is a female breton whos mother married a nord and lived in markath her father was murdered when she was still a infant her mother fled from markath and found refuge among the forsworn where she grew up with a hatred to everything nord


    using the alternative start live another life mod makes it more fun making a background story


    creating a background stoy is part of the fun of any RPG paper and dice to PC rpgs

  2. Hey skyrim fans if you are reading this I had actually played through the stormcloack side and while browsing the "palace of kings" I overheard a conversation about Ulfirc's letter to high rock and Galmor told him no news yet so that got me wondering if Ulfric is up to something more than independent skyrim so theories i think?


    1. Is Ulfric trying to manipulate high rock to scede from the empire?


    2. Is Ulfric planning in the future a whole new empire will rise and Skyrim will be the new seat especially when he said "it will be skyrim that will lead Tamreil in these dark days"

    no Ulfric is a Thalmor puppet

    he is trying to destroy the empire

    If you do the thalmor embasyy mission read the thalmor report on Ulfric

    in my opinion he was turned and now does exactly what the thalmor wants him to do without he realizing it himself

  3. I've completed Dawnguard as a member of the Dawnguard and have Serana as a companion. I've asked her about curing herself of vampirism and she says she needs to go away for a bit. However Serana returned to my mansion in Solitude and just sits there drinking up my supply of mead instead of going to see Falion as expected. Every time I approach and talk to her I get a one liner saying that she will be sorting herself out at some point but nothing happens. Can't make her follow me or do anything! Any suggestions?

    no solution except just deop her and move on

    i Found serana probably the most bugged npc in the game

    nor is she that good i usually send her away during the DG quest lines except for those few she is essential


    besides she is a vampire and jusy as evil as her father altho ibn a different matter

    as a ancient vampire she must hav fed on countless of inocent victims to survive and that makes her in my opinion evil

  4. @shadowjin


    classes are a bad idea i was pretty happy they did away with them

    classes only leads to very stereotyping and predictable game play and restrict what your character can do and not do ,

    for me it breaks immersion

    i ve been playing pen and paper rpgs for a long time , since Ad&D first edirion

    and the best games i ever played are those without classes

    it un restrict the players and breaks the traditional roles Same goes for PC rpgs


    that is why i so dislike so many of the current MMO s, limited to the standard tank, rogue mage healer types and all with a very predictable playstyle ( long time EVEplayer here)


    So no classes for me it reminds me too much of the average fantasy rpg and only leads to very predictable gameplay and linear playstyles


    but indeed the game engine could need a serious boost

    but then again beth will need to keep the game simple enough to run it on consoles even the next generation are still only a fraction of what a average pc can handle and console users will be again their main target audience


    my honest opinion



    Bethesda Only cares about the Mods, Not what we say on the Forum, hence the Official Bethesda Forum.

    i do think they keep a eye out on what mods come out a lot of them are even better than the vanilla version and that says a lot about the quality and skills of some of these ùpdders and almost certain that some of the mods are by people who actually worked on several of the TES games

    But yes i do not think they really care or know what we think or wish


    BTW the official bethesdafand are a pool of handholding fanboys and girls who think that every thing they and their sister/parent company made is flawless

    i got permabanned on there for telling all those little fangirls and boys to stop whinning and crying .

    sort of bottom line is that they are pretty bad at taking critisime about their upcomming MMO


    What? Bethesda is making MMO?


    beth zemo all the same group same people

  6. try some different combat mods and you will know how important stamina is


    plus it increases your carrying weight , try hauling your armour weapon,s , tent and bedroll , food and drink and fire wood wiwell you get the idea


    ooh and dual wielding weapon warriors , the more power attacks you can do the faster they die with enough stamina you can litterly whirlwind yourself thru a whole pack of deathlords without even a scratch

  7. why the need to turn into a ugly very cartoonish looking character , beats me why they did it


    with the right mod ( i use the better vampire mod) and plenty of time imy character is more powerfull after time than what that vampire lord will ever be


    and with a mod you can make it as difficulty or easy as you want

    by example better vampire mod setting i am using

    sunlight damages you

    healing potions and spells do not work only bloodpotions and necromanct

    no corp feeding


    like i said with some carefull planning and dedication you will rise rapidly and have much more fun than turning yourself into a vamire lord and mindlessly zapping npc with your ' deadray'

  8. Bethesda Only cares about the Mods, Not what we say on the Forum, hence the Official Bethesda Forum.

    i do think they keep a eye out on what mods come out alot of them are even better than the vanilla version and that says alot about the quality and skills of some of these ùpdders and almost certain that some of the mods are by people who actually worked on several of the TES games

    But yes i do not think they really care or know what we think or wish


    BTW the official bethesdafand are a pool of handholding fanboys and girls who think that every thing they and their sister/parent company made is flawless

    i got permabanned on there for telling all those little fangirls and boys to stop whinning and crying .

    sort of bottom line is that they are pretty bad at taking critisime about their upcomming MMO

  9. While there are some great ideas on here i am afraid beth wwill go for the lots od money fast and make this another consle game and leave us pc players in the cold with a medioric dumb and unfinished game


    a while ago i had to reinstall skyrim ( new pc) and started the game up out of the box unmodded

    Skyrim is not really that good you know , so unfinished, blend and glitchy

    If it hadn't been for the mods the game would have been removed a long time ago

    and like i saud the next game will be the same no matter how many great ideas you post here


    but we can all dream and who knows maybe bethesda will listen to its fans instead to their investors


    one thing i always wanted is a multi player mode /version were you and 3 to 4 friends can enjoy the wonderfull world of TES, without thinking that this is just WoW redone ( so do not mention ESO because for me thats a pure travesty and a attempt to cash in on a wellknown franchise)

  10. usually on expert

    why any higher setting is just ridiculous especially when a low level bandit can instant ly kills you with a iron sword or when a novice icemage instant fries your level 40 dragon born with a simple sparks spell


    just so immersive breaking


    good thing that there are some good mods out there that let you tweak the difficulty without breaking the immersion

  11. there is no choice and consequinces in this game only thing you can do is just ignore the whole quest


    You might wwant to try playing without using magic excluding shouts


    just alchemy and enchanting but no other magic at all ( and no vampire either)


    it is fun and challeging

  12. ESO is part of Zenimax, it has Nothing to do with Bethesda and our TES Series.


    So in other words, they will flunk and Bethesda will Continue with the TES Series.

    indeed , but the fact is that many fans would buy anything with the Elder scrolls name stamped on it and the disilusions , frustrations and outright bad and flawed concepts and fameplay of ESO will give the franchise a bad reputation

  13. because they didn't developed anything , they just bought the license of everything they bringing in the game , the game concept game mechanics , basicly everything you see has been done in another mmo


    12mil + copies sold of skyriù , you would think thars a good target audience for their MMO but no they want WoW subscribers so lets make it more WoW like


    i wouldn't be suprised that within 6 months of launch you will see dragons and dwarves in ESO because the WoW kiddies demand it


    The fans did asked for a multiplayer TES for years , NOT a failed MMO turned into TES


  14. skyrim isn't death just look at the numbers on steam and thats not counting the people with steam oddline


    besides it will be atleast another 2 or 3 years before we might find out what the next Elder scrolls will be named


    First w still need to go thru the agony of that ESO monstrosity

    lets hope that it will not kill the franchise but i have a pretty bad feeling about it

  15. In all the 100's of hours that i played Skyrim on the console and PC. i've never but really never had a follower, they are annoying and

    Always blocking my way, and what's your opinion of this guys?

    nah you not the only one i ve played without followers for a long time and still mostly do with a few exeptions

    just the fact that they can not jump over treelogs or jump off low cliffs when they are following you and make a grand detour alone annoyed me

    one time ireally got so annoyed when farkas was just standing there looking foolish while 5 silverhands where kicking my ass back to whiterun time and time again i stoped using followers

    only now and then i use them some mods do help alot to make them useable but they are not mandatory

    and i prefer the lone wolf adventurer type

  16. and even then if you do all faction quesrs , you probably will never do all quest depending on your choice of faction

    i never did most of the times intentionally , like completely ignoring the thieves and DB quest lines

    that is on one character tho


    never done it in oblivion nor in morrowind

    that is one of the pluspoints of the game





    The console users probably got bored of ES V after they fiished Dragonborn and left



    The console users probably got bored




    The console users

    BUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA who plays skyrim on a console, when theres SOOOOO much content that everyday people are making, makes me want to go on my rant on why gaming companys arent making enough money so they need to stop used games. /sarcasm


    exactly and the longeivity of games like this are what made ESV so succesfull and insure the next game will be even a bigger succes even tho the majority of the saleswill be from console users ,

    only when they stop catering for the pc user will the franchise die

    and i am pretty sure they are well aware of that


    you haven't really played skyrim untill you played it on a pc and modded

  18. tThe community seems so dead... does anyone still play? :(

    looking at the number of mods that still come out and the number of mods that are downloaded i would say yes and still going strong


    The console users probably got bored of ES V after they fiished Dragonborn and left

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