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Everything posted by Fonger

  1. just can't imagine a modder having issues with NMM (no that wasn't sarcasm)
  2. I have an issue similar to yours and can only see 3 mods in common armorsmith , keywords and Unofficial Patch wonder what happens if I uninstall these and try again
  3. hard to tell because the published minimums for this game are a Drunken Lie™
  4. you have to be touched by the hand of Akatosh to change the video chip on a notebook
  5. would probably be a file of the month instantly
  6. you want to make it a non-raider settlement kill the 3 raider leaders
  7. save reload that save fast travel load a previous save in that order
  8. what do those red lines in your load list mean
  9. you installed mods before running the game for the very first time otherwise you would have said it used to run therefore you don't have a position to debug from star over from scratch
  10. on first glance a number of your esp's contradict or override each other remove the ones that don't apply and run this through LOOT
  11. set your video settings higher any video card issued after any game comes out will not be identified
  12. don't think so, but this may be interesting to you http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10514/?
  13. your settlements go poof as you convert them to raider control 2 courses of action 1 - go raider and get the achievemts 2 - massacre the raiders and play as a "nice" person selective saves can do this in one play through just don't raise a raider flag before your "selective save"
  14. maybe some of these http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17519/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10482/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13987/? found via advance search on 7.62
  15. the first clue that people forget is that the official published minimum requirements for this game are a Drunken Lie™
  16. play the game with what you already have don't install mega high textures and consider a new card IFF you run into serious troubles - not otherwise documented (like certain areas of certain mods - known FPS killers)
  17. save the game play for the achievements reload where you saved play to obliterate the raiders
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