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About jbranin

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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  1. I'm in the exact same boat. Smithing is at 93, and I've been working forever to make dragon scale. Maybe I'll try making a bunch of ebony daggers. Could get a little expensive.
  2. Mine syncs every time I exit the game, but it only takes a minute or so at most.
  3. I've had it happen when I missed a mudcrab
  4. I do wish that our actions would have a more distinct impact on the game, with some resulting in game changing consequences. As some stated earlier, it would add to the game if we were to get booted from the thieves guild after committing a senseless murder. Although, I'd probably go back to a previous save anyways.
  5. I think I follow the typical route - head to riverwood, do some smithing, grab faendel as a follower, do the bleak falls barrow quest, head to whiterun and talk to the Jarl, turn in the dragonstone and kill the first dragon. By that time i'm usually around 6th or 7th level. Then depending on what type of character I've decided on, I join one of the guilds. I usually don't jump back on the main quest til around 15th -20th level.
  6. Turn off AA and click the FXAA. Works fine for now. Or uninstall 12.2 or 12.3 (whatever they call it) and re-install 12.1. That's what I did and it works fine, although I keep AA off anyways since my GPU isn't all that great.
  7. Probably new drivers. Try turning the A/A off in options
  8. So far so good for me, and I'm running a cheap Radeon HD 6670.
  9. Skyboost is the only Mod I'm aware of that increases FPS, but it hasn't been updated for the latest version of Skyrim. I doubt Sky UI decreases FPS at all, but I know that FXAA mod decreases my FPS by around 5.
  10. This is a great mod that should tell you everything you need http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10675
  11. Skyrim is the best game ever created. That being said, of course you'll get tired of it eventually. C'mon people! Common sense is a forgotten art.
  12. I get tired of all games eventually and move on to something else. Haven't gotten bored with Skyrim yet though. It's bound to happen sometime.
  13. I find it hilarious that people write full on essays on how much they don't like Skyrim. I might write an essay on how much I don't like Donkey Kong. And I'm happy that there is no Armor/weapon degradation. I always thought it was a hassle.
  14. What is power leveling? Smithing Iron Daggers to get to 100?
  15. thanks for the help everyone. It's ok custard, I'll just continue with my main character then. Guess I'll stick to weapons/armor/texture mods from now on.
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