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Posts posted by gnarly1

  1. Maybe Beth was trying to atone for the (many) deficiencies of FO3.


    In FO3, your father is essentially the main character, he gets to do all the cool stuff and be idolised - you're just following in his wake (shadow?) trying to find him.


    FO4 reverses that - now you're dad (mom?) trying to find your son.


    Meh - I skipped playing the main story entirely and just installed Frost.

  2. I'm completely new to both The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and research and downloading mods. I joined Nexus yesterday evening and was trying to figure out how to download mods to my computer for inclusion to my Skyrim Special Edition (Anniversary Upgrade). Can anyone explain the process to me?

    There's three main ways to mod your game:


    1. Do it yourself: as HeyYou mentioned, install a mod manager like Vortex and when you find a mod here on the Nexus that you'd like to use, click the Download with Manager button and Vortex will automatically download and deploy the mod into your game (assuming you've told Vortex to auto-deploy). As you continue to add more mods to your modlist, the potential for conflicts to occur (two or mods changing the same data record) increases. Vortex helps you to avoid and resolve conflicts, but carefully reading mod descriptions is also highly recommended.


    2. Use a Collection: a Collection is a curated list of mods that you can install via Vortex and is more or less a one-click install for Premium members of Nexus Mods. Additionally, all the heavy lifting of resolving conflicts will (hopefully) have been done as part of collating the Collection so you can be fairly confident that you'll have a stable, bug-free playthrough.


    3. Use a curated modlist, such as STEP. The difference between a curated modlist and a Collection is that you still have to download and install each individual mod, ensuring you chose the right options (some mods have different options for you to choose from when installing) and there may be some requirement to use external utilities to get the desired result.


    The beauty of something like STEP is that it's a strong foundation on which you can build out your preferred Skyrim experience, whereas a Collection will usually be someone else's vision of how Skyrim should be experienced.


    But if you find a collection that appeals to you, then using a collection might be the easiest and quickest method to get adventuring, aside from vanilla Skyrim, of course.


    This is all fairly broadstrokes and general in nature - there's lots of other stuff that's pertinent which you'll no doubt encounter the more mods you use.

  3. nope! not logical.. certainly from a food marketing perspective,


    and electrical devices which used electricity but were misleadingly brand named "Radiation something,"

    would be false advertising :smile:

    I don't think you've thought this through very carefully. You're confusing 'brand name' with claims the manufacturer/retailer makes about a product or service - brand names are generally seen as a signal as opposed to factual claims about product quality, reliability, features etc which are generally the consequential aspects of any claims about false advertising.


    Further, I'm not that familiar with Fallout lore, but it would be totally plausible that the terms 'radiation' and 'nuclear' possessed only good connotations for consumers - a virtually limitless, clean energy source that enabled a superior standard of living. Of course our associations with those terms are coloured by disturbing and catastrophic events in history - Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, nuclear war, etc. They may seem like flaws to you but that's because you're filtering them through your own real-world view.

  4. Well, I tried that suggestion, but still having the same issue. Meanwhile, I uninstalled the game several times, made sure there was nothing making it crash (like virus protector and pop-up blockers), and still can not play offline chars. =(


    The only advice I can give is to methodically work through the results showing from a Google search of the problem.

  5. Hi. I have been enjoying fallout 4 modding for years and i finally want to try and make my own mod. If possible i would love for someone to walk me through the process of making a simple weapon or armor mod. i have very little experience with the programs needed to make a mod ( Blender, Substance painter etc) so i would need basic info on how to use those as well. I would most likely use a free 3d model so that i don't have to model anything myself and i would just give credit to the owner. If anyone can lend a newbie a hand that would be awesome . feel free to drop any helpful info or tutorials you may know of down below. Lots of what im finding is outdated. If you are down to give me a quick master class over discord or something like that than that would also be welcome!

    You'll find most everything you need on YT, at least for beginner/intermediate level anyway.

  6. Ever since the last update of D2R, I have not been able to run D2RMM at all. It keeps giving me the "Failed to join" error. I know I have everything setup properly, but it keeps happening. OK So what AM I doing wrong? Or is this a bug after the last update or two?

    Not sure if you're playing off- or online but this is a solution for offline:



  7. Back when that discussion took place in GMAD, that was true. However, look at what the membership numbers here have done since that time. :smile: I remember when the topic was 'getting 1 million users'.... today, it's over 40 million. Granted, Nexus supports quite a few games, but, the bulk of the files/downloads are for beth games..... none of the others even come close.

    I seem to recall that discussion was only a couple of years ago. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Which topic are you referring to - I'm not following you there?

  8. Actually, I think beth DOES rely on the modding community. It increases the popularity of their games, and it is something they talk about on a regular basis. They made a point to state the Starfield was going to be moddable.....

    I vaguely recall at least one discussion on this forum (likely in GMAD) about the degree to which modding does actually increase the popularity of Beth's games, the gist of which was that since people who mod their game make up only a small fraction of the total player base, modding doesn't have as much of an effect on popularity as you might think.


    So I'm sceptical of the claim that Beth relies on the modding community because we don't know to what degree it increases the popularity of the games. It could be fairly negligible.


    Beth takes ideas from mods, and implements them into subsequent games. Yes indeed. It is a great source of ideas for them, because it comes with NO LEGAL LIABILITY. Now, imagine if they 'copied' an idea from another publishers game..... The lawyers would have a field day.

    That's not how it works. We have genres such as 'souls-like' and 'rogue-like' precisely because developers take ideas from other games and implement them into their own game or use them as inspiration. And I never used the word 'copied' - you used that term so you could strawman my comment.


    Not to mention, Beth has actually HIRED modders. No, I am not talking CC content, I mean HIRED, as in full time employment. :smile: What better way to give yourself a HUGE talent pool to pick and choose from.

    That doesn't mean they rely on the modding community. They hire from other developers as well. That doesn't mean they rely on other developers.

  9. Do you play without the unofficial patches? I don't. That's just one example.

    That benefits you and I, not Bethesda.


    Another is that Bethesda learns from their modding community with so many very, very good ideas and implements some of them into their later games.

    That they do but that still doesn't mean they rely on the modding community. They would get ideas from lots of places - other games is one of the more likely places. You wouldn't say that they rely on other developers, although I think you could make an argument for that that's more convincing than your assertion that Beth relies on modders.


    Also understand that I did not say they 'needed' the modding community, I said they rely on it- want it. There's the difference.

    I understand but I think it's a distinction without a tangible difference.

  10. but that belief is falling now. The rising tide of racism in the world is erasing any gains that were made.



    They were succeeding for a while, but alas the rising subjection of women worldwide is putting women back into shackles.



    Obviously, both these efforts are failing, as geopolitical hatred is on the rise.



    But humanity is wedded to their varied superstitions and defines their very existence by the existence of these imaginary beings.



    But there is a growing movement in the world to tell people what they cannot learn, what they can and cannot be taught, what they can and cannot read, what they can and cannot know, and what they can and cannot question



    But increasingly, a rising tide of anti-intellectualism has begun restoring the credibility of ignorance and superstition, giving it the same status of scientific investigation


    and then you unironically make this statement from which one can only conclude that you seem to lack any self-awareness:


    giving baseless opinions the same credence as measurable facts.


    Your entire post can be quite comprehensively demolished with two words:


    Citation needed.


    But it actually gets worse.



    Western ideology works tirelessly to elevate science above superstition.

    Western ideology can't 'work', let alone tirelessly, as Western ideology is a concept, and it also can't become tired - your statement is just nonsensical. Further, science, or rather the scientific method, doesn't need to be elevated above superstition; it isn't a belief system and is by its very nature a superior method of discovering facts about the universe.


    The rights of every human being to speak their mind and express their beliefs without repercussion or suppression.

    Frankly you don't believe or even practice this yourself as whenever I've criticised your posts in the past, you've always responded with considerable vitriol, but by your standard above, I shouldn't have to endure any repercussion from you. That would be terrific as I recall one of your recent responses to me was so toxic, it was removed by a moderator.


    By your standard above, people who have proudly declared themselves to be 'minor-attracted persons' (a phenomenon that seems to have gained traction recently, judging by the number of stories in the media) should be able to do so without repercussion, even though society considers such behaviour to be abhorrent.


    So it's fairly obvious from that one example alone (and you could think of any number of others) that your assertion about free speech just doesn't work in practice.


    As I recommended to you here, to save yourself embarrassment, at least try to falsify your own assertions before committing them to pixels.

  11. Try running NV without NVAC. Everything else looks fine.


    I recommend using Viva New Vegas to ensure you've got all the essential tools and bug fixes installed, which will ensure the game is a stable as possible. You've got most of them installed already, but there's a few others you will benefit from.

  12. Obviously some folks got stuck on the first sentence. The really important bit was at the end.

    So it's our fault that you contradicted yourself?


    There's good reason why when doing writing (eg newspaper articles, essays etc), you start with the most important & persuasive aspects/arguments.


    You would think that someone with a signature as preachy as yours, containing exultations to have an open mind and be able to laugh at oneself, would also be able to acknowledge when they're wrong, rather than blaming others.



  13. <terminated>

    Point entirely missed. The information quotient of your first answer approximated zero. It didn't help the OP at all.


    OP: "Can someone help me resolve this issue?"

    HeyYou: "Why? If you're prepared to accept mediocrity it's well within normal operating parameters....."


    And calling the Creation Engine a different engine to Gamebryo is a bit of a stretch when it's just an iteration of it.

  14. <snippity>

    Not sure what's causing your issue but this might help and if you check the comments section you'll see there are other people experiencing the same problem as you.

  15. What's wrong with 42 FPS?? Not like this is a shooter, and you need the high frame rates.....

    Are you serious?! OP is clearly asking as 42 fps is below expectations. 42fps doesn't leave much buffer for those parts of the game that are more taxing on the hardware, meaning potential slideshows.


    And 60fps is a smoother gameplay experience.


    Your statement is even more ridiculous considering that, according to your previous posts, you work in a PC hardware shop, so all this should be well known to you....

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