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HeyYou last won the day on January 6

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Community Answers

  1. Well, considering this is the forum for the site in question, and the folks that actually use the site are quite likely to be here, rather than elsewhere....... Isn't the 'consensus' here more likely to reflect the actual sentiments of the site users???
  2. What I find most interesting is, staff here is claiming that the 'reception' is mostly positive, yet, here we have a thread at 135 pages, and from what I am seeing, it is almost universally negative........ How does that work?
  3. There is a whole thread on just this topic in the site updates forum.....
  4. Popups??? Hhhmmm..... I don't see any of those, but, I run an ad-blocker too....... Not sure if that actually matters.
  5. Folks that apparently don't read the terms of service for the site, as it flatly states piracy of a game is an insta-ban offense, yet by and large, the pirates not only freely admit it, they ANNOUNCE it in one of their first few posts......
  6. CK is the same regardless of where you got the game from. According to what I have been reading, you can download from steam for free, even if you don't own the game.... (I have not tested this personally, as I own the game on Steam.....)
  7. I think the format is slightly different with the .pak file... at least, that's what I am reading. I use 7 zip, and I am just not seeing a 'save as' or 'convert to' option. So, no clue how to fix that.
  8. Anything that gets assigned a prefix, 00-FF (hexadecimal I believe, or, base 16...) counts. ESM's get one, therefore, they *should* count..... -1 because the save file gets FF.
  9. Isn't it esm's, and esp's that count toward the limit?? I know esl's don't, at least, to a point. But, if you run out of form ID's.... that'll give you a crash, so, there IS a practical limit to esl's as well, it's just incredibly variable.
  10. The way vortex deploys mods is via hard links, or sym links.... If you move all the files and such around, those break. Need to uninstall/reinstall the game and your mods for that to work properly. And just as an aside, installing games OUTSIDE the program files folders is a GREAT idea..... And yes, you can install any 2.5 inch SATA SSD in place of your mechanical drive. I recommend the Samsung guys. They cost a bit more, but, better warranty, and longevity that the cheap fellers. Going to an SSD from an HDD is the single best upgrade you can do for your laptop.
  11. Is the game installed in the program files folder??? Might try giving the install folder an exception in Defender, and if it is in Program Files, give it an exception in UAC as well.....
  12. That happens everywhere. Various social issues, not to mention political.... will ALWAYS start an argument..... It's predictable as sunrise.
  13. The trick is, do NOT install your games in the program files folder, or even the C drive, if you can avoid it..... UAC went REALLY overboard in win 11, and it gets worse with every update.
  14. Do you have the right version of SKSE for your game version?
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