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HeyYou last won the day on January 6

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Community Answers

  1. Revisit your video drivers, go back another version or two, see if anything improves.
  2. All the suits are slightly different.... I have found the ones with REALLY good stats, are also heavy as all get out..... But, skins for suits need to be for specific varieties.... Can use a Crimson Fleet suit skin, and say, a Bounty Hunters suit....
  3. Are you using a mod manager? Have you activated archive invalidation? Let me warn you in advance, modding has a pretty steep learning curve initially, but, once ya figger it out, you move on to problem number 2. Modding your game is addictive...... You will ALWAYS be tweaking something or other......
  4. Sounds like a missing master crash. Did you try and load a collection, by any chance??
  5. Is that a vanilla game? Or after you add mods?
  6. If you are using StarUI Shipbuild, AND the categories mod, I do believe they conflict... I am still using the StarUI mod, as it is FAR superior to vanilla, and works perfectly.
  7. Yeah, I hear ya on that one. Might try doing a clean install..... Uninstall the game via whatever venue you got it from, then delete the install folder, and also the folders in My Games, and AppData/Local.... (purge your mods first though.) If you are really paranoid, you can restart your machine at this point as well. Then, reinstall the game, and whatever official DLC you have with it, and make sure the base game will actually start and run, and is stable.
  8. Ok, did some playin'. It seems removing ship builder categories from my load list fixed it.....
  9. I am running a few mods, Shipbuild categories, and StarUI Shipbuilder, along with a few mods that add items for ships, and have encountered a problem.... If an item in the menu has multiple options, doesn't matter how many, could be two, could be 8, that menu never loads... I get the spinning circle of doom.... It also doesn't matter if all those parts are vanilla, mod added, or simply additional variations of vanilla objects.... I see a fair few threads about this out on internetland, but, no real fix for it. I am open to suggestions.
  10. Probably moved to a newer operating system as well? I think the best thing you can do for the game, and stability..... is have it installed OUTSIDE of the program files folder. That is a protected folder, and windows is really anal about what it allows to happen there. Also, you want to pick ONE mod manager, and use that exclusively on the game. The both do essentially the same thing, but in two dramatically different ways.... and they ain't compatible. I've been using vortex for years, and it actually works quite well.
  11. I think you just need to point it at the top level Fallout 4 directory.... and MO2 should figger it out from there. The game pass version uses an encrypted executable though, so, the script extender will not work on that version.
  12. I see your point, but... it IS a game after all. Beth likely wanted to have SOME indication you were running into stuff..... Some of the cockpits don't have the best field of view......
  13. Do you take hull damage when you hit it? No? Then the shields are indeed doing their job.
  14. True. The vast majority of members will never even visit the forums.......
  15. Do the shields in starfield work the exact same way though? Apparently not..... seems the shield hugs closer to the hull, rather than forming a bubble around the ship.
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