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HeyYou last won the day on January 6

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Community Answers

  1. Any of your mods need updated for the new version of the game??
  2. Could be a number of things, missing dependencies springs immediately to mind. Are you using a mod manager??
  3. Make sure you are using the correct version of skse for your version of skyrim. I see multiple versions there..... Think I would clean out ALL of them, then reinstall just the version you actually need.
  4. I use a couple creations mods, but, I can count them on one hand, and they are dependencies for other mods I have..... Beth did no one any favors when they did away with their forums, and by extension, mod comments...... You can't even put up a decent description. But, not like Beth has a track record of making 'intelligent decisions' for their boards/downloads/etc. I said way back when that three teenagers with a zero dollar budget could have done a better job, and that is still true today..... And this from a major corporation.... I doubt microsoft owning them is going to make any improvements either....
  5. Cheap, Laptop, and Gaming do not belong in the same sentence. What is your budget? Then we can let ya know if it's doable.
  6. Missing texture, but, not sure it's actually the grass, or a ground texture.....
  7. Base damage is just that. Anything else, ammo type, legendary effects, internal mods, etc, apply a multiplier. Try reducing base damage to 100, or 50. See how that feels. Either that, or look at base damage for the Hard Target, (which also uses .50 cal ammo) and set it that.
  8. Looks like a bad texture? Maybe?? If you have the game on steam, try verifying the game cache. If you are using texture mods.... might be one of those as well. Loose files (not packed into an archive) will always override vanilla.
  9. I think that is from a UI mod....... either try reinstalling it, and see if it helps, or, uninstall it, and call it a day.
  10. Can you just drag and drop the scripts folder into the mods folder? (from the DMF folder) Also, you should reinstall steam outside of program files. That's a protected folder, and win 11 is really anal about it. If you have a second drive, install it on that one... if not, just install to C:\Steam.
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