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Everything posted by Skagens

  1. Hello everyone. I'm trying to find out what's causing this but we'll begin with this (I assume) texture issue. The above is the plains near Whiterun. One is a regular ground texture and the other is what I assume the same texture but with a moist/wet tweak. I hate it, so I'd like to remove the "shine" from it, if that's at all possible. Is this some UV-issue or something else? Now to the second issue. The picture above is snow on a rock. For some reason, my snow turns like this every now and again. My snow texture is actually brilliant but this issue acts as a sort of layer placed on top. I hate it. Is this some texture I can remove or change? Appreciate answers.
  2. Skagens


    If uploaded to the Nexus without the permission of the original mod author, yes. If converted for personal use, no.
  3. Welcome to the forums!
  4. Interesting. I'm not quite sure. If he grew up in this time, I'm not sure I would say anything. Youths today read so much and learn so much from social media nowadays. And as far as I've understood it, everyone watches porn, even though porn alone is not a realistic sense of how normal sex is conducted. It's a tricky question, I suppose I would have a conversation with the mother beforehand and perhaps both of us would sit down and basically let the boy ask anything, nothing hold back, anything at all related to sex or biology in general. I think a complete openness and being clear that there would be no judgement whatsoever would help the boy feel more at ease. I hadn't realized I may end up asking myself this very question in a few years. Again, I'm not quite sure. My own fathers strategy was to avoid the question altogether and just leave me be. I suppose it worked, I have yet to make some poor girl pregnant (to my knowledge). Perhaps the same thing I'd have done with your boy. The mother and I sit him down, let him know there will be no judgement no matter what is asked or discussed, and be completely open. Let him know whatever is happening is completely normal and it's nothing to be shameful about.
  5. Mostly news-articles about certain protests and/or rallies related to the subject but also about businesses being in hot water because they excluded a more qualified white dude over a less qualified African-American or the like. I don't really see arguments, what I see is shouting. The movement known as "Black Lives Matter" is often seen together with this topic. Well, no. The news articles reporting about it are regarding it as an issue today. Was this also an issue back in the day?
  6. I'm sorry, that must have felt really shitty. Do you think this is a problem mostly in the states or do you think it's more in general? As I said in the post, I've never experienced something like this and I live in Europe.
  7. I hear about this topic a lot on social media. It's been made up to be this giant issue in our society, primarily western culture, that somehow white heterosexual middle-aged men have some sort of societal privilege that makes them have a much easier life in general compared to minority groups or other groups that do not fit this bill. I've never had a problem with this topic because I've never encountered it in real life. Now, I understand this is a very sensitive topic to a lot of folks on here, which is why I would like everyone to keep a respectful discussion without namecalling and insults, but I'd like to hear where people are coming from with this. Is this something you've encountered and experienced to be a problem in your lives? This could be related to work and socially.
  8. I not sure if I'd classify Fallout 4 as mediocre. It's a pretty good game with fun and fluid combat, it's just not a good Fallout game. The criticism targeted at Bethesda right now is pretty justified, what with Fallout 76 being filled with bugs on release and then the debacle with the Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition. We haven't seen a new Elder Scrolls since Skyrim, which recently turned 7 years old. So you saying that the Elder Scrolls has been consistently good isn't untrue, but it's also pretty strange seeing as we haven't seen a new one in quite a while. I think it's pretty safe to assume if Bethesda will develop the next Elder Scrolls as well, it will probably be pretty s***.
  9. *I think* he means that sometimes, it can be warranted or even necessary. If someone is quite literally posting "niggers and jews need to die" then yeah, I believe that person should be banned. That's nowhere near what you posted though, and if you actually got banned for the topic you spoke about, FB is increasingly becoming more f*#@ed by each passing day as a social platform. Political correctness can only take you so far.
  10. I think it's partly because of the war on drugs in 1970's. Back then the word "drug" and drug users were associated with words like "wrong" or "evil", and to some it still is to this day. I'd say many of the politicians today that are against recreational marijuana or drugs overall is the product of the war on drugs. People were taught to hate drug users and saw them as filthy or evil people. I think in the near future however, we will see a shift in the drug politics and see people become more open-minded as we learn more about the benefits of certain drugs. I believe weed is just the beginning of this.
  11. And balloon-tittied glossy-skinned hourglassed-figured women makes them better? To each their own I guess I disagree. The lore is the lore and mods doesn't change that, it changes the gameplay of your particular playthrough. *chuckles* I'm getting a deja-vu vibe here. Oh right, I've already answered these "answers".
  12. Unlike you, I did some research with much better results then you've gotten here. I am retired, and yet, in this case I feel like a fee is required for doing the work I did. A token of your appreciation, to put me in a good enough mood to give you the "Answer". You will be amazed and I'll get some thing more out of this then a feeling I just got duped by a college student, or worse, duped by a professional college student into doing their homework on a thesis for them. You know, PROFESSOR! I doubt you really want to know though. Was this an attempt at an insult? I hope not, as I was never trying to insult anyone. I AM genuinely curious, but if you are one who use the types of mods mentioned and don't want to tell me why, that's fine.
  13. I get using the mods for comedic purposes seeing as they're as ridiculous as they are. But not unlike you, I don't get what people get out of it in terms of sexual arousal or such. In my mind, you're reducing Skyrim to a mere porn game fit for a 12 year old boy who has no idea what women are. I just don't get it. I may sound like I'm judging but I'm just genuinely curious what people get out of it besides the occasional laugh.
  14. I actually agree with you on this. Underwear doesn't really make sense for the people on the surface. Then again, I never viewed it as being part of the lore, more like Bethesda not wanting their games to get the nudity tag for their games or whatever. I'm not bothered by nude mods if they make sense.
  15. The world being destroyed by nuclear war is in my mind lore. It's how the world ended, set in stone. If you felt like the world instead should've been ended by lizard people rising from the earth and conquering everything, you can choose to play the game that way but that doesn't make it correct lore-wise. Mutations make sense. Slightly larger breasts is something I'd accept. Breasts so large they look they're about to explode doesn't. You won't be able to convince me of that.
  16. Correct, it's not my business or anybody else's business how you choose to play the game. My question was how someone could want to play their game like that. But I suppose the question comes off as aggressive, as if it's "wrong" to play their game like that. It's not, I was simply curious behind the reasoning. Guess the answer isn't more simple than "Because I can". I would never be able to enjoy the game the way you seem to play it but hey, you do you man.
  17. You can twist and bend the lore of the game with mods to fit your current play-through, but that doesn't make it lore in my opinion. You can circumvent the lore and perhaps fill in the blanks left by the game company but it's still there.
  18. My bad. I do also include the Fallout series, but the fact still remains. The lore is set. The world was ravaged by nuclear war between the major countries of the world. The world didn't end because aliens shot zombie-unicorns at us. Obviously that's a pretty ridiculous comparison but I feel like it illustrates my point.
  19. Exactly my point. From my point of view, using those types of mods only makes the game a porn game. I don't get it. If you're looking for a sex game, there are plenty of options to chose from.
  20. Unfortunately for you, it's an Elder Scrolls game. The lore has already been set.
  21. Oh right, I forgot about your post when I wrote the reply to M4, sorry. I looked up a few of the followers you noted. The few a looked up are just regular followers. I don't mind regular followers, what I'm talking about is completely lore/immersion breaking mods, be they follower or any other mods. I get a few followers have actual backstories and the npc's themselves are interesting. My question was primarily for the people who use followers such as the on in the picture I posted. That's what I don't get. How could on want to play their game that way? Personally, I don't use follower mods at all simply because I prefer playing alone, but I'd still like to understand why the football-tittied hourglass figure tattooed gorehowl-wielding followers are so popular.
  22. Oh, I don't blame Bethesda or modders at all. Being able to mod their games this extensively is amazing. What I don't get is why one would want to have those mods. I mean, in my mind, it ruins the game completely and removes the feel. Idk, maybe I'm ignorant but I just don't see what people get out of it, playing their games that way. Immersion-breaking to the max.
  23. I'd slightly agree with you on this but also disagree. Certain mods improves and others don't. No. Just because it's a single player game doesn't automatically give the player the power to determine the lore. Certain things are lore-friendly for a reason. I doubt it. I get it, but can you answer why?
  24. This is a genuine question I have. How come the most popular mods on the Skyrim/Fallout nexuses are sexy/skimpy follower mods and general non lore-friendly content? I don't get it, what do you get out of it? How can someone enjoy a Bethesda game when your follower has balloon tits with a Frostmourne? I genuinely don't get it. Normally, I wouldn't care about how people play their games but seeing as those types of mods are the most popular on the Nexus, a lot of people seem to have no problem with playing a completely different game they actually bought. If someone would want a shuriken mod from the Naruto series, why not just go play a Naruto game? If you want your character to look like Cloud from Final Fantasy, why not just go play Final Fantasy? In my mind, Skyrim is Skyrim and Fallout is Fallout. This is mainly a question for the people who use these type of mods but all types of people are welcome to help me make sense of it. I'm genuinely curious.
  25. Unfortunately, no. You have to request for your current account to be terminated here, and then create a new account with the desired name.
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