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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. apathyisdeath109 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Homophobic comments, as well as a rude, demanding and entitled attitude.


    Some select quotes:

    "i know right, gays just can't be gays, they need to yell about it even in the damn star wars game "

    " when you so dumb you need everyone to know this. if you are gay - just be gay, nobody cares. this is not about this. it's about you being loud and "look at us!!!" kind of retard "

    " go to hell "

    "lame, tasteless and totally unnecessary "

    " who ever wanted that lol are you THAT tasteless? :D "





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, apathyisdeath109 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for the foreseeable future




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  2. DAZassassn100 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Creating an alternate account to endorse their own mods.





    This warning was issued for what took place here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, DAZassassn100 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot endorse mods for the foreseeable future




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  3. Darkzstarr has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Re-uploading a cheat mod that is disruptive to multiplayer environment, after said mod had been removed by staff for said reason.





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, Darkzstarr has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot upload files for the foreseeable future

    This user cannot use file tools for the foreseeable future




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  4. AQERTYUI12345opazxvbnm has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Continued misuse of the bug report sections after being told by staff to stop and receiving a warning for said behaviour.





    This warning was issued for what took place here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, AQERTYUI12345opazxvbnm has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot download any file for 7 days

    This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for the foreseeable future




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  5. It would be pretty hard to limit what people can do with regards to ideas. This is in no way different to how we handle Skyrim->SSE mods. If someone makes an SSE mod that is inspired by a LE mod, then that is perfectly allowed, because you can't own an idea for a mod. This of course, means that it would have to be made entirely from scratch. So they are wrong when they say; "Unfortunately, that conversation revealed Nexus’ stance on ports for Mass Effect will differ dramatically than those for Skyrim to Skyrim SE.". As they say, "A mod for original Skyrim cannot be ported to Skyrim SE without permission." and the same goes for ME mods. However, a SSE mod can be made that is entirely inspired by the LE mod, same as a ME:LE mod can be entirely inspired by a ME mod - as long as it is made from scratch.


    It would be insane for a modding website to allow people to own the ideas of mods. It would contradict everything modding is.


    The ideal situation would be if Bioware opens up porting between ME games the same way they allow porting of assets between DA games. If they do that, then an ME modder would be able to simply port their mod straight to ME:LE.

  6. Some of the best mods that the original trilogy had you won't see for this one. The mod author pulled all his mods from here and stepped away from modding. Thanks Nexus. If you want to know why, look up Thane Mod and following the link that is on there. It will take you to his website with an explanation.


    Only thing I could find on that was the A.L.O.T situation, which as far as I know, was amicably resolved in the end.

  7. Miranda Butt Cam Unfix


    This is one of those hilarious gamer outrage situations. It just astounded me how people could be outraged about Bioware making quite serious scenes focus less on the butt of the character - A character who in one of these "butt-scenes" is talking about how they are not just looks, and in another one is having a heartfelt conversation about her sister. As always, "The Quartering" made an ass out of themselves.

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