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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. I like this new feature very much :)


    Okay, guys... If you don't like it because you have to click TWO more clicks to see any new comments, you're just lazy..

    In other words, you're saying that you prioritize the amount of clicks in front of functionality.


    This would probably clutter the file page, but maybe make it possible to see the amount of comments in each topic from the file page.


    General: 13 comments/posts

    Feedback: 3 comments/posts

    Technical: 25 comments/posts


    Anyway, like I said, I like this new feature. But only time will tell if it will be well used or not. :)

  2. Just a little update:


    Episode 1 Quest For Harmondale Progress Report

    BETA 5 Version 0.48


    Dialogue 99%

    Quests 95%

    NPC 100%

    Voice 0%


    Emerald Isle 100%

    Emerald Isle Decoration 100%


    Interior Cells

    Temple of the moon 100%

    The Dragons Lair 100%

    Initiate Guild of Air 100%

    Initiate Guild of Fire 100%

    Initiate Guild of Body 100%

    Initiate Guild of Spirit 100%

    Carolyn Weather's House 100%

    Markham's Headquarters 100%

    Tellmar Residence 100%

    Mia Lucille Home 100%

    Island Training Grounds 100%

    Healer's Tent 100%

    The Lady Margaret Boat 100%

    The Blue Bottle 100%

    Two Palms Tavern 100%

    Erik's Armory 100%

    The Knight's Blade 100%

    Emerald Enchantements 100%

    Donna Wyriths Residence 100%


    Overall progress 97%

  3. I'm definitely gonna try it out. I loved the first game, as it was very fun to just go on a rampage with your minions, killing and destroying everything in your path :D

    Trying to figure out if I'm gonna buy it for PC or for Xbox...

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