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  1. I am now going to do some minor .ini edits and then it's goodbye to everyone who knows me. I will not be seen again until TES VI :P
  2. This. You can be pretty sure that guy was European and that he is mocking you from the grave :P
  3. Yes, it does that at 34% too, which is where I'm at :P
  4. Decrypting as we speak.. Remember to restart Steam to make sure it does it right! :D
  5. It is released on midnight UK time, which is in 60 seconds. So yes, I am also waiting for the game and I hope Steam won't delay for long :P
  6. Bah, Skyrim unlocks in 12 minutes for me and I bought two 1½ litre bottles of soda, made a good sized bowl of candy and bought some cookies. Also, I have pigs in blankets ready to go at any time I feel properly hungry :thumbsup:
  7. I suggest posting it as a bug on the official forums. That said, try making a new character or go back to an earlier save, depending on how far into the game you are. Also, verify file integrety on Steam, as someone already suggested.
  8. Yes, there will be several. You can set up shop in a house you can buy in the various major cities, you can likely murder people in their house and do a "hostile takeover", store stuff in caves or dungeons that don't refill chests and, of course, mod your own place in or download someone who has modded it in. Lots of options for hoarding! :thumbsup:
  9. 5 hours and 43 minutes until release here. Just bought a bunch of snacks, so now all I gotta do is watch TV and browse the web to pass the time :P
  10. For those of us who preloaded, the patch was 18 MB. Nine hours to release for me!
  11. You'd be surprised :P But we'll have to wait and see.
  12. I never understood why people would want to speedrun the game on release. That's something you start doing after doing every quest in the game and generally haven't got much left to do. By speedrunning it on release, not only will you essentially ruin all the exploration, you'll miss the story, the character interaction and so on, only to find out that your time is beaten fairly quickly. Why? Well, not only will someone nearly always do it faster by virtue of some shortcut you don't know of yet, you'll also be painfully slow by definition as you don't know a damn thing about the game you try to speedrun. I've done speedruns back in the day and it's god damn hard work to do it right. Doing a speedrun on the first try doesn't just ruin your experience, it's borderline insulting as you've put no effort into it though knowledge of glitches, exploits, useful spells/shouts and so on.
  13. For a game like this, I believe monster respawns are a good idea, since there's no fun in playing in a dead world. Besides, if monsters can move into a dungeon once, they should be perfectly able to do so again :P
  14. I'd hope it will unlock in time. Steam don't have a great history when it comes to this sort of thing, but I think most people's countdown timers are showing the correct times now. Mine still says 11pm tomorrow night, so Im kinda excited to see how that works out :) It can be, as Steam is based on regions, not timezones. For instance, I get the game at 1 am because my region (Europe) is set to GMT (UK time). So midnight in the UK = 1 am here in Denmark.
  15. Agreed. For me, it is much easier to wait the last couple of days if the game is already on my machine. I mean, I'll be spending at least 8 hours of the remaining time sleeping anyway and with a bit of shopping for snacks and watching some TV shows, it'll be like there was no wait whatsoever :D
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