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About Wolflady500

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    United States
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    ESO/Oblivion/Witcher 3
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    Oblivion/Witcher 3

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  1. I don't know if it's possible, but I'm trying to make a script where, if the player 'activates' a certain custom creature, they are teleported to a interior cell. I've done it on Oblivion, but the similar method is just not working for me, any ideas or help would be appreciated! I did try this script Scriptname TeleportSomewhereScript extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property TargetLocation Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(TargetLocation) EndEvent But it doesn't want to work, it keeps saying compilation failed, after I give the script a proper name and change the (TargetLocation) to the marker I used, which was a XMarker.
  2. Thank you so much~ Yeah I just copy and renamed them and that... didn't work so now I know why lol. I will do this instead.
  3. Ahh~ Yes that's the problem, mountain lions don't have spell casting animations for target/touch and looks like I only have self due to another mod I have installed.
  4. Okay so, i got my WIP mountain lion follower to cast self healing/buffing spells, but I am still struggling with getting him to cast target or touch spells, what may be the problem and how could I fix it? Is it the combat style, or something else?
  5. Ohhh fun~ Good luck to everyone and have a happy new year!
  6. Is there a up to date mod out there that removes or even just increases the limit of how many items can be placed in settlements? I know there's a lot out there but I checked at least five of them and all of them had out of date issues/no DLC support or worse.
  7. Good luck peeps, crossing the fingers and toes~
  8. Okay so no this isn't a request to make one (though you're obviously welcome to do so) but I was wondering, in this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1617 In the first picture, you can see a golden colored dragon sitting between two companions in the farthest back row, to the left and I was wondering, is that one of Karma's added followers or another mod? If so where can i find said mod?
  9. I tried before, it causes a lot of other issues for me, I can't just use any ol armor in the game, I have to have replacers for armor too, which is a even larger load on my game that I don't need.
  10. In response to post #54854513. I play Witcher too (3 ATM but I played 2 as well, though I am far from finished with 3) and I'm a girl, I admit it can be hard to remember, Geralt's a guy and thus, you have that dynamic to remember when talking and dealing with NPCs. But otherwise I have quite a bit of fun, I have no desire to be a girl in the game, Geralt is fun, though I got remember to be careful about getting TOO friendly with females with the mere intention of being nice and it leading to things I did not expect... (Not a fan of sexual content.)
  11. Yeah I'm going to have to just download a bunch of things and look at the textures
  12. This isn't so much of a request as it is a question on whether it already exists. I am actually quite sure it does but I'm not having much luck. Basically, are there any decent retextures of the vanilla khajiit that doesn't require a bady replacer? I love Alanslof's retexture but their' requires a body replacer, which is a no go for personal reasons. If it doesn't exist, I may try my hand at making it myself instead but goodness knows how that will go XD.
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