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Everything posted by Wolflady500

  1. I don't know if it's possible, but I'm trying to make a script where, if the player 'activates' a certain custom creature, they are teleported to a interior cell. I've done it on Oblivion, but the similar method is just not working for me, any ideas or help would be appreciated! I did try this script Scriptname TeleportSomewhereScript extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property TargetLocation Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(TargetLocation) EndEvent But it doesn't want to work, it keeps saying compilation failed, after I give the script a proper name and change the (TargetLocation) to the marker I used, which was a XMarker.
  2. Thank you so much~ Yeah I just copy and renamed them and that... didn't work so now I know why lol. I will do this instead.
  3. Ahh~ Yes that's the problem, mountain lions don't have spell casting animations for target/touch and looks like I only have self due to another mod I have installed.
  4. Okay so, i got my WIP mountain lion follower to cast self healing/buffing spells, but I am still struggling with getting him to cast target or touch spells, what may be the problem and how could I fix it? Is it the combat style, or something else?
  5. Ohhh fun~ Good luck to everyone and have a happy new year!
  6. Is there a up to date mod out there that removes or even just increases the limit of how many items can be placed in settlements? I know there's a lot out there but I checked at least five of them and all of them had out of date issues/no DLC support or worse.
  7. Good luck peeps, crossing the fingers and toes~
  8. Okay so no this isn't a request to make one (though you're obviously welcome to do so) but I was wondering, in this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1617 In the first picture, you can see a golden colored dragon sitting between two companions in the farthest back row, to the left and I was wondering, is that one of Karma's added followers or another mod? If so where can i find said mod?
  9. I tried before, it causes a lot of other issues for me, I can't just use any ol armor in the game, I have to have replacers for armor too, which is a even larger load on my game that I don't need.
  10. In response to post #54854513. I play Witcher too (3 ATM but I played 2 as well, though I am far from finished with 3) and I'm a girl, I admit it can be hard to remember, Geralt's a guy and thus, you have that dynamic to remember when talking and dealing with NPCs. But otherwise I have quite a bit of fun, I have no desire to be a girl in the game, Geralt is fun, though I got remember to be careful about getting TOO friendly with females with the mere intention of being nice and it leading to things I did not expect... (Not a fan of sexual content.)
  11. Yeah I'm going to have to just download a bunch of things and look at the textures
  12. This isn't so much of a request as it is a question on whether it already exists. I am actually quite sure it does but I'm not having much luck. Basically, are there any decent retextures of the vanilla khajiit that doesn't require a bady replacer? I love Alanslof's retexture but their' requires a body replacer, which is a no go for personal reasons. If it doesn't exist, I may try my hand at making it myself instead but goodness knows how that will go XD.
  13. Ahhh thank you! I just copied the dhole_n and renamed it the same as the recolored texture, but with the _n and now it works, thank you that was driving me nuts.
  14. Okay, so I hope I am not just being lame, but I don't think I am.... So the issue is, I'm trying to make my own recolored wolf, easy, should be anyway, I done it before fine with other things and in other games like FONV, but now there seems to be one problem I keep running into numerous times with textures that are not even of my making, so I know it's not that. Problem is once I rename a new mesh to be separate of the original and link it to the texture in NifSkope, making sure the paths start with the folder Textures, it comes up In-Game and in the CS as all cracked and broken up, not missing mind you, but like glass broken up in pieces but close together enough that you can tell what it is. Now for two reasons I know why it's not the texture or how I edited it in GIMP #1 If I replace, say the original wolf texture with mine, it looks more or less okay (Mesh is a tiny bit different from the custom mesh I'm using, but that's normal) There's no purple, there's no weird cracks, nothing. #2 I used a texture made by someone else for a creature, using as replacer works fine, rename the exact same mesh and link the texture to it and it's all messed up. Has anyone ran into this before? Is it because I am using a newer version of nifskope? Am I doing something wrong? Picture on the left is when I replace a existing texture of a similar working creature, the Dhole, on the right is what happens when I copy that same mesh, rename it and link the new texture to it with Nifskope.
  15. There is some decent infomation out there about how to make your own mod like this,I haven't done it yet but I have seen some successful people who work at it enough. Here's a tutorial here actually. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/31821/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D31821%26page%3D2%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D205583&pUp=1 I may take a stab at it someday, but I am working on a creature project right now sadly.
  16. Yeah, far as I know the mod was abandon, I can't find anything recent about it, worst come the worst I won't be hiding who it belongs to, if someone wants me to take it down then I can.
  17. A dark basement would be good for immersion but actual use it depends on how dark you are talking about, I would have both options so people can pick.
  18. Hello all Oblivion peeps out there! I had a question about some files I found on my PC I downloaded last year while I was looking to see what creature resources I had to use for my mod that I am remaking. Anyway they are dragon models and textures, perfectly working and including the Akatosh mounts by SaidonStorm, but also includes a bunch of other nice, huge dragons. Anyway I found the readme in the folder but it was written in what I believe was Spanish, so I decided to use Google Translator, I know it stinks but I could read it pretty clearly and it said in the readme that the files can be used for other mods as long as credit is given. Now I am hesitant though because the mod doesn't seem to exist anymore, or maybe on another site I found a year ago and downloaded it and never used it, and the readme had to be translated. So my question is, would it be alright to use these dragons as long as credit is given like the readme says? And should I post both non-translated and translated readme in the file for proof? I believe the readme says the mod is called dragons of Cyrodill if that helps.
  19. Awesome! Thank you! Sadly now that I got that figured out, I need to figure out what I did wrong in blender to make the game crash to desktop as soon as I start the savegame with the hat on. But I assume I just need to look around more.
  20. Okay, so I have a small issue, I am a newish user to Blender but not to modding in general, now for Fallout 4 the Militia Hat bugged me with how to bent upwards on the back.... Anyhow I believe I fixed it in Blender to my liking, but now I can't figure out how to convert the saved file of OBJ back to NIF so the game will see it. Any help will be greatly appreciated, I have already tried searching around for hours but sadly so far I see that there doesn't seem to be a way for Fallout 4. Is that still the case today?
  21. Update: Sorry, I have been looking but I can't seem to find this wooly rhino model. Any ideas?
  22. Hmm well I can't promise it will be a mount or about the abilities, but as long as I can find the model then sure! Problem is though my simple system of following and waiting is to simply activate the creature (just as you would do to ride him) However I can test with a horse to see how it acts.
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