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Posts posted by hollaajith


    Morrowind Acoustic Overhaul has distinct voice for the player, including vampire voices, based on gender and race. Apart from that, it also does much more.

    Okay the game runs but some sounds just aren't working like the footsteps, jumps, weapon swings and a lot of the magic sounds what am I doig wrong??? I have MWSE and the code patch I also installed all the additional addons which also come with the mod.


    Also none of the new sounds are working.


    Did you download the Sound and Music from the links in the PDF?

  2. You can have a global which is set to 1 using B and then you can have a global script which resets it to 0 every so often.


    Valid script part on 'B'

    Set <global> to 1

    This part sets the global to 1 every frame B is present. But the global remains at 1 even after you leave the cell and enter new cell. So you can have a globalscript set as a startscript, so it runs always, like so...

    float timer
    ;resets the global to 0 as soon as you enter new cell
    If ( CellChanged )
    	Set <global> to 0
    ;resets the global to 0 every 2 seconds, just a pre-caution if CellChanged doesn't work
    ; as sometimes it doesn't
    Set timer to ( timer + Getsecondspassed )
    If ( timer > 2 )
    	Set <global> to 0
    	Set timer to 0

    Now you can use that global as an indicator of whether the activator is present or not.


    Note that if 'B' is present in exterior, then this script on 'B' runs even you are on adjacent cell.

  3. Thanks for the info. :happy: Now how do I find out about that info on my tracks? :sweat:


    You can use programs like these.


    As for books, I'm not sure. Also, I think, the image needs to be square and at power of 2, like 32x32 or 512x512. Check the in-game books like "Egg of Time" or "Divine Metaphysics".


    PS : Better yet, use this. BookGen

  4. LOL, yeah I know. I just love my Bethesda games. However, I was able to fix it and this may help others - I had to first install the morrowind code patch 2.1, then I ran code patch, ran mgso and reapplied all the settings, and applied the 4gb patch. I pulled this all out of my rear, but it seems to have worked. Also, I so miss XP - now, that was an OS!

    Well, since you installed MGSO after MCP 2.1, now you have older MCP that comes with MGSO. You need to re-installl MCP 2.1 and then the 4GB patch again.

  5. There is no defenite 'fix' for the problem. Some people have reported having fixed the issue with playing in windowed mode. 4GB patch also seems to help sometimes. In my laptop the crash on exit was fixed by running in windowed mode with MGEXE. But in my desktop even that doesn't seem to solve it. Honestly, morrowind is a very old game running on a mordern hardware/OS, so its bound to have these quirky problems.


    You can change 'Background Keyboard' in Morrowind.ini to 1. It allows you to alt+tab out of the morrowind window, so you can close it manually. It doesn't help with the crash but just as a way to close the program.

  6. P.S. I fixed the problem rather quickly. I simply had to verify my game integrity in steam then I managed the files and selected the required plugins it was rather simple.

    As zzz02 said, don't do this after you install mods. This changes many things that were changed by mods. Now you have to re-apply MCP and 4GB patch since the EXE was reset to original state and the BSA gets its date reset to later date. So your replacers don't work.


    As for the selecting items, its a feature of MCP. When you hold shift while clicking the item, it lets you choose the number of items. Also, if you hold ctrl, it automatically selects only one item. In the future, just change the MCP settings, no need to use steam integrity check.

  7. Some aspects are possible and others, not so much. But keep in mind that the game was designed intentionally with the 'failures' included. It offers a need to raise the relevent skill to be able to perform adequately. So removing failures robs the soul of the game, IMO.


    Like you said, if you remove the failure, you need to compensate it another way. Apart from a couple of mods for combat, I'm not really aware of mods that does what you ask.

  8. I just meant you can add upto two creatures, one under sMagicCreature04ID and other under sMagicCreature05ID. Thats all.


    PS : Also, don't forget to create custom spells for you to be able to summon it. More info here, under the second spoiler.

    PPS: There are more modders at the official forum than here, so you'll get more answers there than here, espescially the technical side of things ;)

  9. First create the summonable spider with unique ID, say 'dwarven_spider_summon'.


    Then in Gameplay>Settings... 'Magic' tab search for 'sMagicCreature04ID' under 'ID' column. Change its 'Value' to 'dwarven_spider_summon'. This tells what should be the creature you summon when you cast the spell.

    Then, search for 'sEffectSummonCreature04' and change its 'value' to what you want call the spell, like say, 'Summon Dwarven Spider' or 'Call Spider'. This is the name you see in the list under GamePlay>Magic Effects.


    Now you can edit that spell in Gameplay>Magic Effects to change the spell type, cost, casting effect etc.


    If you want one more creature, then follow the same step but change 'sMagicCreature05ID' and 'sEffectSummonCreature05'. There are only two extra slots for summonable creature after bloodmoon. If you don't have Bloodmoon loaded, then don't edit the sMagicCreature01ID, sMagicCreature02ID, and sMagicCreature03ID. Those are used for summoning Bears, and wolves in Bloodmoon.

  10. I load MW.esm, Rebirth.esp and modX.esp with modX the active file

    I do some landscaping, add and delete a few rocks in the render window.

    Then I load everything with MMM (modX.esp) being lowest in load order to "override" Rebirth.esp and play

    But while the landscape edits and the additional rocks are all there, the deleted rocks still aren't.


    You cannot move/delete references which were added by another plugin. Thats what I said in my first post. The reason is each ESP act independently, because an ESP cannot 'depend' on another ESP. So, both rebirth.esp and modX.esp do their edits to the references. So in your case Rebirth adds rocks and modX.esp deletes 'imaginary' rocks.



    If I understood right, I have to delete the "references" of anything I want to get rid of from Rebirth.esp? And I can do that if I click the object to open the object window?

    To delete references added by Rebirth, you need to delete the references in rebirth.esp itself. No other way.

    Also, I should apologize for confusing you with the deletion thing. When you 'delete' objects from Object window (like in 'Negative Light Remover' found here), that object itself is deleted. So, if you delete the rock in 'Object Window' the rock ceases to exist. So that rock's references too gets deleted, even the references added by Morrowind.esm. So, it is inadvisable to delete objects in 'Object Window'.


    Another thing. Is it generally better (=cleaner) to clone+delete, move or delete+place new one if manipulating objects from a loaded mod that is not the active one?

    Its never a good idea to manipulate references of one ESP from another ESP. But, you can edit other things like object values, scripts, NPC stats etc. The only problematic bit is the reference bit.

  11. make landscape changes like p.e a deeper river? Those changes will become part of the saved modX but will that still collide if loaded together with MW Rebirth?

    If you had Rebirth loaded while making the patch, then there won't be any problem.


    As for deleting stuff, it depends on what 'deleting' is.

    If you mean deleting objects placed in the world by Rebirth, then the 'deletion' doesn't take effect. More info about References here.

    If you mean deleting the object from the mod in 'Object Window' (not in Render window), then as long as the mod loads later, the deltion works.

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