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Posts posted by hollaajith

  1. You can also delete those in CS too. In the CS, select your mod and hit Details. In that look for the 'CELL' you want to delete and hit delete. Then close the window and save.


    Also, just make sure you clean the mod with TES3cmd or TESTool for 'evil GMSTs' if the mod has only Morrowind.esm as the master.

  2. Those Eval errors are tricky. First make sure the Journal and scripts all have unique names. and have space between functions and parantheses.


    Also, remove the '_' before the journal name. It is known to cause these type oof errors, not always but sometimes. Its better to have the journal names like in the vanilla Journals, may be just "WI_Coldstone"


    It is unnecessary to name the script after 'End'. The game stops reading after 'End' anyways.

  3. bur don't you think, that a expensive shirt should have a bit more than 7 enchanting capacity? or a glass helmet that has 15. that way it is impossible for me to
    enchant gear usefully.


    Honestly, I prefer enchanting amulets and rings which have plenty more enchanting capacity, and I enchant weapons or armor for those low point enchants like Light or Jump.


    But, if you feel strongly about it, you can easily create a mod changing those. Just export the clothing as TXT ( tab delimited ) in CS and open it in excel or something similar. Then you can just double the enchanting values easily and import the same. I am not telling this to condescend you or something. Sometimes you got to do some stuff yourself :wink: Actually thats how got into modding, too.

  4. Thank you very much for your time with me here. I've installed the 1.66 Unofficial patch but I've been up all night enjoying the scenery in-game. I'll try it again later this evening. Other than the glowing steel armor-not just me, but it also glows on NPCs, as well as the occasional falling leaf, the game looks and plays very smoothly. It is kinda strange seeing my card hit higher temps on Morrowind than on GTA V. heheh

    Can you post the screen shot of the glowing effect, along with the glowing falling leaf?

  5. MGSO is not a single mod, it is a collection of mods packaged foe easy installing. It includes MPP. But, MGSO was released a long time ago, so many mods included have been updated and there are some issues with MGSO. So read this post for info about the updated mods and issues.

  6. 3. If you hate that, then don't do that. You don't *need* to have maximum points every time you level up. You will end up very strong by level 10 even if you don't maximise the point. If you just forget the attribute points and use the skills you normally would use ( Major/Minor skills ), then it becomes enjoyable. Levelling is tedious only if you want it to be :wink:

    But, still you want leveling mods, then here's a comprehensive guide on that.



    Not having MGE and Morrowind set to Fullscreen prevented MGE from hooking. Once set, it would hook but then crash. Morrowind.exe shouldn't have to be set to Run As Administrator. MGE must be, and Morrowind Launcher.exe may have to be. I have to run the launcher as an admin only when changing settings, but a friend needs it set that way indefinitely or MGE won't apply settings. Comparability mode causes serious issues for me on 8.1 and I have yet to use it successfully on any programs, but may be effective for others. Disable Desktop Themes is not an option in 8 and 8.1 from what I can tell, but I know it seriously helped on Windows 7, especially when running Oblivion. Thanks for the help. Cheers.


    The adminstration problem can be avoided if you install the game outside Program Files. Windows doesn't allow Morrowind to change registry settings or to access files, since the game was pre-Vista and hence had different way of doing things. If you install Morrowind outside Program Files, Windows doesn't mind it much. Same is true for almost all games, softwares which were released before Vista came out.
    This is not true. I have it installed in a new directory on C drive and UAC still needs it to run as an admin to rlfunction properly. In theory, you would be right. But when it comes to Windows theory rarely is relevant :wink:


    I have UAC in default level and I have Morrowind installed in D drive. I did not need to run Morrowind or MGE or any tools as admin to make them work correctly. I have custom keyboard mapping ( which is stored in registry ), and it works correctly.

  8. Not having MGE and Morrowind set to Fullscreen prevented MGE from hooking. Once set, it would hook but then crash. Morrowind.exe shouldn't have to be set to Run As Administrator. MGE must be, and Morrowind Launcher.exe may have to be. I have to run the launcher as an admin only when changing settings, but a friend needs it set that way indefinitely or MGE won't apply settings. Comparability mode causes serious issues for me on 8.1 and I have yet to use it successfully on any programs, but may be effective for others. Disable Desktop Themes is not an option in 8 and 8.1 from what I can tell, but I know it seriously helped on Windows 7, especially when running Oblivion. Thanks for the help. Cheers.


    The adminstration problem can be avoided if you install the game outside Program Files. Windows doesn't allow Morrowind to change registry settings or to access files, since the game was pre-Vista and hence had different way of doing things. If you install Morrowind outside Program Files, Windows doesn't mind it much. Same is true for almost all games, softwares which were released before Vista came out.

  9. I am not good at modeling, but this was posted in the official forum. It should tell you what needs to be done for creating new clothes, bodies etc for morrowind. Also, there is a Face and hair tutorial here.


    Also, the official forum has more 'modders' rather than 'mod users' like here. So you are going to get better help with creating mods there.


    PS : Also, ther is this tutorial for armor. I think the procedure is same for clothes too.

  10. The sendspace link doesn't contain the assets for the MPP. It was uploded bu quorn so as to be installed over older version of MPP. But, you can get the link for the same with assets from older version in the Modding wiki page I linked earlier.


    Also, if you decide to use MGSO, then make sure you read this post. :)

  11. If it shows up in the list, then they are probably installed correctly. I have the game installed in D drive, and since the folder virtualiztion doesn't cover outside Program Files, so its better actually for older games to be on a different drive.


    Might be silly to ask, but you have to double-click on them to check them.

  12. Well, Morrowind Code Patch and Morrowind Patch Project for starters. They correct many bugs. Former corrects some engine bugs and the latter fixes many gameplay bugs.


    If you want eye-candy, get atleast Better Bodies and Westly's Head pack. And MGEXE.


    Apart from that, its upto you.You decide what bothers you in game, and you can search a mod for that.


    PS : Oh, and don't forget to read this.

  13. In response to post #23300889. #23302034, #23824879 are all replies on the same post.

    I agree its a genius program. I've always used it with my old PC. I wholesomely recommend this for those who doesn't have a modern system.

    While it might increase FPS someplaces, it does not at all places. What it does is it decreases the view distance in places like Balmora, Sadrith Mora where FPS drain occurs, so that the FPS range you set is maintained. And when you are out in wilderness where there isn't a lot of FPS drain, the view distance is increased so as to 'decrease' the FPS to come in range of the values you set.

    I couldn't utilize the 'n/patch' tab. I got a message that it might not work with my setup or something like that. I forget.

    Also, try checking 'bind AI to view distance' in 'Misc' tab. The AI distance is one of the main culprits for FPS drain in older system.
  14. I never bothered about the level up bonus, but just used the skills as the charachter might. The more you think about level up bonus, the more it takes over the game, just forget its there. You'll be strong as a god by the time you reach 15, anyways. Earlier if you 'micromanage'.


    Creatures have fixed stats, but you'll meet stronger creatures only at higher levels. So, you don't meet dremoras at lower levels, unless they are placed by hand. Unless you go to Mournhold or Solstheim. Enimies there were designed for higher level charachters, so it'll be tough.


    The unarmored bug is fixed by Morrowind Code Patch along with many other engine bugs. I recommend you get it, along with Morrowind Patch Project.

  15. Basically, the amount of failures. You will fail quite often in tasks, espescially with low fatigue. I've heard people complain noot even able to hit Mudcrab or rats. That indicates, they never got into the game. Just picked a weapon skill and use different weapon than that skill.


    If you don't have atleast 40 in the weopon skill you are using, and atleast 35 in Agility, you are going to miss much more than hit. What makes it worse is that there is no 'miss' anumation, so it looks like the weapon passes through the enemy and don't do any damage. So, if you are going to ba a fighter, take 'combat' as specialization, pick a race which has a bonus for a weapon and pick that skill as Major. This will help you :)


    As for magic, don't try to use the stock spells you can buy. There are spellmakers which allow you to make custom spell. Make low cost spells which you are more often succeed in casting and go from there. You will be fragile, with low health. So pick your fight carefully. But I don't recommend to satrt with mages. It takes micromanaging to succeed, espescially at lower levels, with low magicka.


    And, talk to people. Espescially little secrts, advice. There are really good advice there.

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