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Posts posted by hollaajith

  1. You can clear the stolen item flag on items.

    • Rename your save file from ESS to ESP and move it to 'Data Files' folder.
    • Then open CS and select your save. DON'T load it by pressing 'OK'. Instead, click 'Details'.
    • Wait for the list to appear. Sort the list by clicking twice on ID tab. Then scroll down to 'STLN'.
    • Highlight all the items under STLN record, and hit delete. A prompt appears asking you if you mark the records as Ignored. Say 'Yes'. An 'I' should appear in front of the records you selected.
    • Close the window and click 'Cancel'. You don't have to save for it to work.
    • Then move the ESP back and rename it back to ESS. You should no longer have any stolen item problem.

    It's kind of an exploit, but the the theft mechanism is broken, so its fair, IMO.

  2. I once completed all the three MQs and travelled extensively, and it reached nearly 10MBs. But the game ran fine actually.


    If you use Wrye Mash, you can see which take up the most data Right-click on save > Statistics. In my current save, Cell data and map data constitute about 50% of the size followed by NPC and Dialogue/journal.

  3. I've made a mod which does what you want. Want to test it ? CLICK

    Requires Tribunal and Bloodmoon



    This mod adds a spell which teleports you to nearest Mages guild when cast. To get the spell open console and type without quotes "player->addspell UAH_Mages_teleport" and press enter.

    Please test it. See how it works near caldera, in solstheim and mournhold. In mournhold, I made it such that it teleports you to palace courtyard since there are no mages guild there. There will be a brief moment where you appear outside a fort and then instantly transported to the correct mages guild. Its unavoidable.

    If everything works, I'll include this with my "Interevention Improved" mod. So feedback appreciated.

  4. Look for the size of those nif files. They should be several KBs. If not then they were not extracted properly.

    You can get bsa manager for morrowind from morrowind modding history. I can't link write now from mobile.


    Search for morrowind modding history via google and then search for the manager there

  5. I'd try something like this

    begin Seeblick_Button
    float timer
    short doOnce
    ;if ( doOnce == 2 )    <--- This isn't needed if you want to close
    ; return                    \the door using same method
    if ( MenuMode == 1 )
    if ( OnActivate == 1 )
        if ( doOnce == 0 )
            PlaySound "Thunder3"
            MessageBox "You hear mechanical movement far away, above you but from within the house. You suddenly feel frightened without apparent reason."
            set doOnce to 1
        elseif ( doOnce == 2 )
            set doOnce to 3
    if ( doOnce == 1 )
        set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed
        if ( timer <= 1 )
            Move Z -10
    "Seeblick Tapestry 2"->Move Z 200
        if ( timer > 5 )
            Set doOnce to 2
    if ( doOnce == 3 )
        ;do your thing to close the door
        set doOnce to 0    ;<-----Reset 'doOnce' to 0 to make it ready to open again on activate
    end Seeblick_Button

    I didn't really wrote much of it. Basically copy pasted and stole from other scripts and threw them together.

    Thats how I learned scripting too mashing different scripts, studying vanilla scripts etc.

  6. In response to post #20682459.

    Unchecking Better Bodies.esp from the Morrowind Launcher should be sufficient.

    If you want to uninstall completely, delete 'bb' folders from both 'Meshes' and 'Textures' folder.
  7. 75 fps with MGSO high settings is pretty good actually, IMO. Morrowind is an old game pre-multicore and all those. So it doesn't take advantages of modern hardware. Also it more leans towards CPU power than GPU. So having more power per core is better and improves performance.


    Also, you might want to limit your FPS using MGE to , say 60. The more fps means more scripts the game has to process per second and also *might* cause slowdowns in places where there are more NPCs, creatures like Balmora or Sadrith Mora.

  8. Morrowind is prone to crash. If you have more than 2GB of RAM and OS is Vista or higher, try EXE optimizer and 4GB patch.


    PS: Make sure you reapply those patches after changing MCP options. Also, if EXE Optimizer spits out error, try disabling Benchmark, it should be good.

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