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Everything posted by samv96UK

  1. I just need a few MOAR to fill in some empty buildings! More is good, right? ;) Yeah, originally the Staffs, spellbooks and enchanting was all one shop but I split it up to fill in more empty buildings. Barbers! Nice idea :thumbsup:
  2. I never actually thought of that, but it's a pretty nice idea! I could probably just add in Easter eggs of all my previous mods somewhere, on that note. I can imagine one of Rochebere's city guards commenting on how stupid it would be to have a settlement without any protection (a reference to what lots of people said about Syerscote when it was first released). I've already got a tonne of lines in-game for the guards, and I think they would be perfect for relaying these little 'Easter eggs' :thumbsup: Glad you like the ideas (and the lights) littleork! :)
  3. Hey all! Just trying to fill in some gaps of empty buildings in the market area at the moment, so I've resorted to asking all of you wonderful people which shops you recommend I should use to fill in the gaps. At the moment I already have these designated shops (and markets): x2 General Goods (+ 1 market stall per shop)Blacksmith (+ 2 market stalls)Alchemy (+ 2 market stalls)Medicine (+2 market stalls)x3 Taverns/InnsArchery supplies (+ 1 market stall)Hunting goods (+ 1 market stall)Ore + Ingot shop (+ 2 market stallsx2 Pawnbrokers LibrarySouvenir shop (+ 1 market stall)Tailor (+ 1 market stall)Fishery (+1 market stall)House furnishing shopSpellbook shop (+1 market stall)Enchanting shopStaff shop (+ 1 market stall)FloristBakery (+2 market stalls)MeaderyVarious Food vendor stallsJeweller (+1 Market stall) So, any suggestions on what other shops I could add, or any shops you think there should be more of (More Alchemists etc.). Thanks in advance for the feedback! :thumbsup:
  4. Episode 3 out everyone! Took a little longer than expected, sorry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaDA_GCSSDI
  5. My friend Frankdema has kindly put together custom armour sets for the city guards! Don't worry, I am going to see this project through to the end! Thanks, there is no specific release date, but I am hoping around summer-time (from June to end of August).
  6. If it's okay with you, I'm going to talk about this mod in the WIP section of my little weekly YouTube show, Skyrim mod informer weekly. Nice job, I can't wait for this!
  7. I'm not entirely sure on your problem, but console modding is not allowed on these forums.
  8. Hey all! To sum up my problem, I'm working on a part of my mod where I want the player's wealth to be illustrated through his/her vault. I am attempting to make it so that the vault contains lots of things in if the player has a lot of gold in their inventory, and not many things in if they do not have much gold. So basically, I have five static objects (which are different sized mounds of gold), that are all set to initially disabled and I want to somehow make them enabled if the player has more than a certain amount of coins. For example, if the player has 100 gold, the first pile would be enabled, then when they got 1000 Gold in their inventory the second pile would be enabled, but if they lost 900 gold then the second pile would be disabled again. I'm not entirely sure how this would be done though. It tried: Scriptname SanctuaryTreasuryGold extends ObjectReference if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(Gold001) <= 100) SmallGoldPile.Enable() endIf Endevent MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto ObjectReference SmallGoldPile Auto but it doesn't work. I get the error message: c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SanctuaryTreasuryGold.psc(3,0): missing EOF at 'if' No output generated for SanctuaryTreasuryGold, compilation failed. Can anyone enlighten me on what I'm doing wrong, or if it's actually possible? Thanks!
  9. Hello everyone! Just wondering about an issue I've had for as long as I can remember, but I've never been able to solve it. Whenever I try to use a landscape texture in the Tamriel worldspace, most of the textures I use just come out black, like this: http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/2261/errorst.png Normally the only textures that I can put down correctly are the ones that were in that area originally. (For example using Pine textures in an area that had pine textures originally works, but trying to use Fall forest textures in a pine forest area comes out black.) Is this normal, or if not is there a way to solve it? Thank you!
  10. Oh nice, thanks for those! I'm actually quite familiar with the Luftahraan project actually, I've spoken to the lead author a couple of times who said he'd love me to be part of the team some time, so if I finish Rochebere before Luftahraan gets finished then it's likely that I will.
  11. Just thought I'd let you know that I spoke a bit about Issgard in this video, along with your 'Waves' mod: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2RDsiBOfoY
  12. Episode 2 is up everyone! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2RDsiBOfoY
  13. Glad you are impressed with the entrance. The hideout itself is just as curious as the entrance, I'm sure you all look forward to seeing it when it's done. I've been thinking up some steam-punk style Dwemer gadgets and weapons that will be acquirable through the factions nutty (but brilliant) inventor, and at the moment I've had a couple of ideas, but I've just got to figure out how to do some of them! The ideas include: Red= Not sure if it's possible Yellow= Should be possible in theory Green= I know it's possible Smoke bombs (Confuses enemies within a certain radius, allowing you to escape undetected.)Hidden bomb (Disguised as a coin purse, but explodes when touched or trodden on by a hostile.)Distraction mechanism (A device that makes a loud noise 10 seconds after being placed, causing enemies to investigate the sound.)Sleep darts (Exactly what it sounds like.)Spiders (Miniature Dwemer spiders that will attack hostiles for you. They are weak alone but deadly in groups.)Poison bombs (Creates a lethal cloud of gas killing everyone in proximity.)Gas mask (Protects the palyer/NPC's from Poison bombs.)Various potions, poisons and elixirs.Automatic lockpicker (Automatically unlocks doors similar to a key. Can be used 5 times.)Portable Dwemer lantern (Similar to a Torch but it can be turned on and off.)Okay, some of these may be a little too futuristic, but who's to say that a genius inventor couldn't whip these fantastical items up with a supply of Dwemer gear?!
  14. Sorry about the massive wait, I had no idea this comment was here! I'm hoping Summer-time, but not too certain at the moment. Anyways, I have updates for you! Got a video here showing the super-sneaky entrance to the Guardian's hideout. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoobqQaR24A You can also listen to more updates on Rochebere at the end of my Skyrim mod Informer weekly by clicking here!
  15. Shunned out of Whiterun sounds like a great idea! I would never destroy the companions, but I think it is a choice that should be there. And being forced to stay out of Whiterun would be a serious consequence for your actions.
  16. Thank you! I definitely think it's important to show both the popular mods, and the 'hidden gems' as it were, since that way you get the best of both I suppose. I know the feeling of releasing a first mod, but as time goes on you will improve. Trust me! The first mod I released didn't get much attention, but with each mod you release you learn new skills you can put into the next. Good luck! Excellent! Great to have people that will look forward to seeing the show! :thumbsup:
  17. For those of you who may be interested, I've got part 4 and 5 here.
  18. Oh good, I was worried for a second my voice didn't sound good! I added those shouts since I thought they'd sound cool, but I may not add them in next week. Well that's just me, not sure about others, I guess you gonna need more feedback :). Well someone else just told me they spent about two minutes in hysterics after hearing the first shout!
  19. Oh good, I was worried for a second my voice didn't sound good! I added those shouts since I thought they'd sound cool, but I may not add them in next week.
  20. Glad you liked it! Do you mean my voice or the sound effects of the Dragonborn shouting? If you mean my voice, I notice it when I listened back sometimes, but I wanted to make sure that I was loud enough to be hear over the audio.
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