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Everything posted by e1grey

  1. Nothing is mentioned on the mod pages about uninstalling them. They don't add any subsections, but only paintings to the "paintings" subsection. I wouldn't be asking about it here, if the modders had put their warnings in the descriptions.
  2. Hi. I downloaded a bunch of standalone paintings to add some variety to decorations, but then I discovered the mod Posters For You, which allows to add my own images to the workshop menu. Now I want to get rid of all the paintings I installed previously, but I know that deleting some workshop mods may mess up my menu. Does anyone know if it's safe?
  3. Totally agree. Head blowing to pieces from small bullets, blade-sharp decapitations from baseball bats, etc. There's even a perk that makes it more rediculous. Most games should learn their lessons from SoF II.
  4. Replacing the face textures from Valkyr to Natural Female seemed to fix the problem, but I don't really want to replace Valkyr. I like it too much.
  5. Is this about the weird back of the neck texture mismatch? This issue is so old, and don't know why but there are hardly any attempts to fix it from anyone. Every thread usually ends with no practical answers, even from the mod authors, as if they all missed it somehow. Sorry. I don't have any info on it; I'm not a mod creator. Just letting you know that, yes, there is an issue related to what you described, and it hasn't been solved in a looong time. There's a mod that's supposed to fix it, but, judging by the bugs tab, it doesn't, and it's not maintained.
  6. I assume they made blocking so that the player wouldn't be able to block every single attack. They should've done a better job with enemy's attack distance and telegraphing. Especcially with ghouls - their animations hardy qualify as punches, yet they drain a lot of hp in just a couple of hits.
  7. Agree. Especially when a bladed weapon is blocked by enemies with no amor on forearms.
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