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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. LOL No takers. Don't worry about it now, I fixed it by resurrecting Mags. An unlikely solution, but it worked to my amazement. LOL here's something for you, I just played NV from since I posted this to now (2 mins ago) without closing the game and no crashes. YAY!! Damn I'm good at modding XDXDXDXD
  2. I'm having the problem that a lot have, after taking up Mags on her idea I get as far as the shooting practice, but after that cannot engage conversation with her for the explosives part. Seems it only happens to me every so many playthroughs/profiles. Anyhow I know it's a poorly written quest but seems there must be a trigger for it happening as I say it only happens every so many playthroughs and this one I did a lot before Camp Golf. I just want to know the trigger or the solution if anyone knows off hand. I really don't wanna use the console here, I am a man of immersion and lore lol, the console makes me wild. I'll try some more of my theories on the matter, but a quick solution would be nice :smile:. Wow seond post for the day with problems, guess it's that time (after 200 hours modded play) in a save where it starts to get a case of dementia XDXDXD BTW did check out FNVedit to see if there was a weird conflict in there, or even with a little hope maybe find that a fix for it from NVEC or a mod like that getting overridden but nothing, not even an override. Oh well XD EDIT: Also tried waiting a day, fast travelling away and waiting a day, reloading the game and reloading from varioussaves and doing it over and over again. Just seems like it's broken. Looking into that quest stage for answers still.
  3. By the look of that, the records indicated have invalid/wrong reference made to creatures instead of what it's supposed to have. I assume this was FalloutNV.esm, this is no surprise LOL. It won't kill your game, I'm going to have a look at that anyway and see what the exact out of place record is, maybe I can make a mergeable patch just quickly. EDIT: Okay so it's not FalloutNV.esm, that has thousands of erors, as expected XD. Which mod are you checking here?
  4. You're welcome :). So the audio eh? hahaha how typical of NV! You tried looking into what codecs you got running? maybe one of them triggered it. Anyhow good luck on your NV playthrough, don't let the wastes get you down XD
  5. I know one thing also, If you're install directory is under C/program files (steam) then if you're not running the game as admin the game might not be able to write to the directory. Idk if you already done that. Still doesn't help your console problem. My menus and console would disappear if I went over the 140 mod limit (commonly called the magic threshold) but that's about all I can tell you. EDIT: LOL quoted wrong comment. Still get confused about it quoting the comment above not below hahaha.
  6. @Jim - Really? That's an odd kinda bug, never heard that one before.... Do they cause other bugs cos I got one on my DX79SR....
  7. Not running ENB but I am running all of MGE's various visual mods. Speaking of which all lights added by ElectroCity in the same area had the same problem, good from afar but no good near. I'm going to revalidate the cache anyway just to be sure there hasn't been any corruption from a CTD I had a few hours back, something wrong with one of the Rumble Zones from AWOP MoMod patch at Repconn triggers it every time I try to enter, anyway that's a different story lol. Actually you gave me an idea, I might try loading up that save again and playing around with some of the settings in Director's Chair etc etc and seee if I can somehow reset the lights. Might even try disabling HDR and re-enabling just ffs.
  8. I assume you tried Alt-PrtScr and you tried Ctrl-V in a program you could paste it to? You might want to try setting fallowscreenshots in the INI to 1 and then using the PrtScr button again.
  9. The shaders, the cones are still present but the shader displayed is like the low quality version as if HDR isn't active at all. They are fine from the distance but get near em and poof, light goes out. Meh I just went with that other save and did my thing at Hoover and quickly went elsewhere. Just another weird save game bug I think :/
  10. Hi all, Well I've run into an interesting problem after I went to Hoover Dam visitor center and walked back out. All the heavy flood lights and street lights aren't loading! In the distance I can see the lights lighting the ground and the surrounding areas but as soon as I get near they dim out to the low quality versions for some reason. So I tried fast travelling and used PCB whilst away to ensure the cell wasn't loaded in memory still, but no good. It's only the lights at Hoover Dam from what I can tell, Goodsprings and Primm etc all still well lit. I did try loading an old save, the one before I went in the visitor center suffered the same bug but one save about 10mins before that down at Forlorn Hope was fine, and that area contains the same large flood lights as well. Even though I kinda answered my own question by loading a previous save, I'm still kinda weirded out by the whole thing. What made them revert to low quality light models? Why didn't they come back after doing a PCB and fast travel? Second time I've experienced this bug, anyone know the trigger? Or the solution? No answers on google, at least helpful ones anyway... I imagine something made the save game stuff up somehow. I'll go back and disable/enable each of the objects just to be double certain. Cheers ppl's :)
  11. Well I'll double check, but really if I'd like to recommend Wrye Flash for the merged patch now your modding pretty hard. I'll post back with any suggestions if I find any.
  12. Where are your patches for WMX and EVE for the DLC's and the EVE WMX patch? Also you want this: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44757 and this straight after it: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/38961 (always reinstall this after activating ANY mod that alters/adds to the HUD like PN or Advanced Recon). Also i'd look into More Perks Merged here: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44204. It doesn't require NVEC but it's great! Now last of all, YOU REALLY NEED a merged patch. After you get all those patches, get FNVedit. All you have to do is open it, select OK to load all the mods, then wait for it to load and then when it says it's finished loading in the right pane, right click ANYWHERE on the list of mods, a context menu will appear, select "Create merged patch" and just enter a name for it and presto! That LO is pretty good now btw, just that you need the patches. The game will NEVER be crash free, but if you do all that it will be much much much better :). Post again if you run into any hassles with that.
  13. No worries, glad you fixed it. I posted an answer to your question on the other thread :).
  14. That just looks to me like the XML got stuffed up. Go along and get the mod configuration menu, install it, override everything, then reinstall uHUD. In MCM you can move all that stuff around with uHUD's menu, under iHUD or aHUD options, one of the 2. When you reinstall uHUD, be sure to only tick what mods are necessary, i'm sure you did but just to be sure lol. Also be sure o run FOMM as administrator. Everytime you install a new mod that alters/adds ANYTHING to the HUD, reinstall uHUD! IMPORTANT EDIT: You really really want this: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44757 Then do the above!
  15. Hey Xaranth, you don't have to actually launch the game through the launcher to rebuild the reg paths, you just have to open the launcher and close it :). Just a common misconception hahaha.
  16. Please post an LO. Obviously there is a bad conflict somewhere, if your using any overhaul/extensive/intensive mods that may alter scripts or quest references than it is likely that they are being overridden and that will result in immediate CTD. I advise you use FNVedit to look under the quests and scripts section and find out where it's going wrong.
  17. Loving the combat in AC3
  18. This is easy: You cleaned out your ESM files! You can't apply that technique to masters at ll, you end up with too many "Error: could not be resolved" messages if you have a look inside any file that requires that master, therefore making your mods even dirtier, full of missing ref's. Restore all of your plugins, edit by hand. ESPs can be cleaned safely so you can do that as I said EDIT: That's a great little mod that WFO!
  19. If the menu is missing it means that one of those plugins is filthy with invalid references and woould give many "Error:could not be resolved" messages in FNVedit. This is the usual culprit. Try getting rid of OWB tweaks. And yeah that LO is in need of a good sorting :)
  20. Use FOMM and under the Load Order option up top select "copy to clipboard" then just right click and paste :)
  21. Oh I never realised the OP LMAO. You say massive crashes after DarnUI ay? What you need is Unified HUD project. You are experiencing HUD problems due to bad installation and these always cause CTD's, if not at startup not long into play. EDIT: This is on top of what I already mentioned, that LO is still broken.
  22. Is that a vanilla quest? I can't seem to locate it in FNVedit. In any of the DLC's either. Are you 100% that the quest is called "old school ghoul" and doesn't have the prefix "the" or "a" or "an"? I can't find it under names anyway.
  23. That LO is so wrong. SO so so so wrong. Go and find the BOSS tool and sort your mods. Sorry for being blunt but it is so bad. I can't determine off hand which mods would cause this dialogue problem, but really if you sort your LO it will probably go away. However in saying that, theres a good chance your save game is fried from running this LO so you will likely need to start a new game. EDIT: Why are you running both WMX and WME? (weapon mods expanded vs weapon mods expansion). They are way not compatible with each other! Holy s***! In my opinion (and many others for that fact) ONLY USE WMX not WME!!! This is a big problem!
  24. Well you could do the player.setstage command if you knew the quest ID. i don't believe i've done that quest yet, what's the name of the quest? I will then give you the formID to do the setstage command and complete the quest.
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