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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. You might want to read the latest notes on NMM, the fairly changed their system. Older versions arexstill available via the update notes section i believe.
  2. Dont worry, there have been many before you ;)
  3. Did you revert your INI files after uninstalling ENB?
  4. You might have better luck with posting over at the Oblivion forum, then maybe not if no one is playing it. This is when you try to open OBSE or NMM?
  5. Highly possible all those broken refs/scripts from sexlab corrupted your save beyond repair. When it comes to scripts as has already been said the save usually breaks permanently. This is one of the worst cases so far Ive seen of a mod exploding like that
  6. I imagine it wouldnt have any effect yes, at least if the core isnt threaded. I have to have a look at some documentation on this setting, despite seeming to help keep the cpu activity more efficient, i couldnt say at this point that actually provided any performance gain.
  7. Don't worry, ive got all potential power saving setting cut off and the cpu can only ever be in the c2 state at best (lowest drop is down to 3.3ghz when quiet) . All cores active (will try quad at some point just to document it, maybe even 3 as well) I already realize that these settings are placebo, this is more or less to showcase that very fact to the public. The only new info i have so far feom this is that by turning off the nvidia tweak, the game used more cores but no gain in performance. In fact it used all 6 cores whereas with the tweak it uses 4. So seems Nvidia know something about this. I dont understand this at this stage though. In the case of setting iNumHWThreads you actually have to set it to 5, 0 is a core. This is how it was set by default. These first tests just show clealry that nothing actually changed. During today, i will post the default tests. Ultimately there is just no getting around DX9 and its single pipeline renderer. This is my bottleneck. My 980ti would love some more work :/
  8. That is one hellish log. I dont know how you have been playing the game at all. Sexlab is broken, whether just for you or in general i dont know because i have nver used it. Well actually I've seen other users with it and nothing like this log. Get rid of it entirely. Also mods in position 08 and 0B are spitting up a bit, what are they?
  9. Ill have to keep in mind to get them to try it when i see someone with this issue again. As it was someone was just complaining about black textures on the chat.
  10. I can see a method that can possibly work through adding an active effect (spell) based on a check of the current weight. This would depend on how the characters weight is determined in Pumping Iron, something i have not looked at as of yet. But it is in theory pretty simple to have the said check and application of an active effect, which *scales*, just a matter of how the mod sets the value i should think. And also how to have the script run economically, but that should be fairly straightforward. Most of the reference scripts to make this are in RNAD already.
  11. Kethus - you might try ELO instead of ENB. Although if you want to try ENB again with ELFX, have a look at Vividian, it has a performance option and is designed to work with ELFX. This is what i use.
  12. They are referring to certain sets of gauntlets that have been left out of the game, they want them added to merchants via script.
  13. You might try setting the quest stage with the console. Might not work though.
  14. You will run into a number of problems with enb if you wver use it. You still can but there can be a lot of odd glitches occur
  15. Go to Skyrim.ini, find [papyrus] section and enable the 3 logging settings at the bottom (set to 1) Log will appear in mygames folder in my documents. When you post it, use a spoiler tag plz.
  16. Couple guys setups i looked at i just couldnt explain why this was the case. It just seemed to be dependant on the card, maybe the driver. Agreed that the latency is definitely killer, but they should still be showing textures. One thing i did not ask them to try was to disable the driver memory manager and see if that fixed it. I do believe that is what that setting is for?
  17. Potentially, yes. I have noticed a trend though, seems laptop gpus and also low-mud end AMD 7000 series cards run out of memory even with the ENBoost fixes, and a number of these cards have been 2gb, but mostly 1gb. So you might expect to see this again, but it less likely i would think, especially if you're wise about your mods. If you do at any point start using ENBoost, and you do encounter that problem again, please update this post. I would just like to know. Just if you can. For instance, i know that a 550ti DCU2 can go over its 1GB limit without losing all the textures, but a 640m cant.
  18. No idea because you havent posted your specs, modlist or any specific changes you might have made to INIs or even if you have ENB ;)
  19. It would take a lot more than 4.6ghz to get absolute beautiful performance from Skyrim. Pure grunt is what this game demands. Unfortunately i dont know of any commercially available CPU that has this. Im talking single core grunt, not multi cores, of course it would be ideal to have a quad core with said single cores. But yes, you are best off with 1 GPU in most cases.
  20. Can you post a papyrus log with SkyUI active plz?
  21. When i get back in front of my pc, ill see if i can just get this working for this. Can you list the exact names of these gauntlets? Just for ease of searching.
  22. Skyrim is a game that demands absolute grunt. I would advise you dont use any memory or object increasing mods, such as texture packs or SMIM. Have a try by all means but i think you will find you crash often and stutter outdoors.
  23. Maso, you revive this age old thread just to say that? Wtf are you trying to achieve? And there are a lot of headphones that cant simply be turned around, they are designed to fit a certain way. Whether or not he had a pair like that who knows. Somebody put a mirror in front of your post.
  24. If my Payrus compiler was working, id show you how. Otherwise if it is in option for you, you can easily make a patch at the end of your LO with tesvedit or use Wrye Bash.
  25. What you might try is downloading Third Type Skill Overhauls Smithing plugin. It will return all your perk points from Smithing and then maybe try save, exit, then come back in game in and put the perk points back on, with or without TTRSO plugin. Then try again. It might trick the game see. Probably there are other mods but this one I use and this is my general way of thinking when it comes to troubleshooting. Just remember to keep backed up saves if anything goes wrong
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