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Everything posted by elleonblanco

  1. Lol, it's hard to believe many things Bethesda did. More than UI, the whole game seems geared towards console players who don't want to invest too much time carefully building up and role playing a character. Really there are no mage or fighter characters, just characters that use different sets of skills. In many RPGs, the player chooses a class and seeks out class specific armour and weapons to use. In Skyrim (as far as I can tell), a magika user can wear heavy armour, or anything else they want without penalty - other than not being able wear other outfits that give magika bonuses. (Can mage robe bonuses be transferred to heavy armor though enchanting? If yes, then that's another strike against classes in Skyrim.) Yes. You can enchant heavy armor to do everything mage robes do and more. Once you get master in enchanting you can double enchant. Your mage can then wield for example destruction and conjuration spells at ZERO magika cost. I can bring down a dragon so fast now with pure destruction it is almost unbelievable. However since I am built as a mage and have ZERO armor perks he can still one shot me with ease if I don't get out of the way fast enough. :happy:
  2. Well... After countless hours of questing and concluding several of the faction quests I have found that I may not be so fond of radiant questing. I have had a couple of problems with it such as it assigning a location that I have already cleared for a quest. Also... this is the most annoying one to date. After concluding the Dark Brotherhood quest line over the weekend (not near as good as the one from TES IV). You receive a quest called Dark Brotherhood Forever. Forever is about right. What good is being listener if you have to run all the quests yourself? The quests in this recurring quest are supposedly random generated by the radiant system. I ran five of them in a row and was starting to grow bored with them Then it throws the ultimate slam. Off you go to receive the contract and even though a different person is making the request you get to kill the same person that you received in the first quest. Was it poor coding? Simple laziness on Beth's part? Who knows? But. this could have been avoided simply by making sure that not only did the contract giver become checked so as not to repeat but the target should receive the same. I love Bethesda's games and always look forward to the next one coming out no matter how buggy or poorly optimized. I am used to seeing standing dead bodies, floating weapons, disappearing body parts, and what not. That is all part of what makes a Beth game a Beth game. But this radiant thing???? Not so sure about it.
  3. In a word... NO. I wear dragonscale and still get one shotted on a regular basis.
  4. After waiting a couple of days I just installed 1.3. After running an entire dungeon everything seems to be working smoothly. IMHO if you haven-t installed this patch yet go ahead as I have found no issues with it.
  5. I still don't get your frame rate problems. I maintain 60FPS or better with the following setup: EVGA GTX 470 superclocked Intel 3.6 ghz quad core Asus Sabertooth X58 Motherboard 8 gigs Corsair DDR3 Ram Creative X-Fi gamer sound card Had a few issues before updating to latest Nvidia drivers but that went away as soon as I installed them. Now here is an issue that might be affecting you. On machines running SATA 3 in raid for primary drive I have seen serious throughput problems when moving files from a folder to a folder on the same drive. I installed Skyrim on a separate Seagate Barracuda 300 gig drive and have had absolutely no stutter or lag. The reason for this was on the very same machine until I did the same thing with FNV I had very bad stutter and horrible frame rates.
  6. It really is beyond strange to me that there can be a mod that traces out the exact geometry of female genitalia *and* rectal area along with clothes to expose those areas. And there's a huge community that flocks around that. The pages are so full of uplifting, supportive, hopeful, and excited comments, kind of like an Oprah show... Then another mod drops that treats the male character in the same way. And just like dr jekyl - mr. hyde the mood changes, the comments are more negative. Worse than a government agency determined to make all males look hideous and dirty, and make all women into nude smooth delicate sandwich makers. I think we need more modders like AlienSlof. Cause you know it would be nice to leave the 20th century behind and move on to the 21st. You have to remember that a majority of players are adolescent pimple pies and middle aged miscreants that need to get their nighttime fantasies from someplace. I personally think that they go completely overboard with the nude female mods and I don-t use them.
  7. I think I will be one of the smart ones and wait a couple days to see what comes of this. I am still on 1.1 and have very few problems. I wonder if when I do update I can go straight to 1.3 or if I will have to install 1.2 first?
  8. Have you ever tried consoling the required quest item when you are at the spot you should receive it? Don't know if that would work but it is a thought. Many times I have explored an area and later received a quest for it to find that when I return everything has been reset including a duplicate item.
  9. OK... My take on this subject. In the 1960s Honda published an add campaign. Harley riders.... Rough, tough, bike always broken, hooligans = SKYRIM You meet the nicest people on a Honda = Zelda players ... WIMPS! Give me the Harley any day of the week! :thumbsup:
  10. Thanks for showing us that. I had to immediately go check it out. :thumbsup:
  11. It helps if you look at it from a perspective of balance. 1 shot 1 kill dragons is way overpowered. If you want to play in that vein just open the console and type TGM 1. I have dragonscale armor. I had to console it because I will not do the smithing tree. (Very unbalanced). After killing over 30 dragons I feel I have earned the right to have it. I have NO armor perks. I have it that way as at level 50 I should be able to die if hit with one or two shots. The reason I quit wearing mage robes was to be able to take advantage of the 25% per item enchantment value to help cast destruction. Even with the enchantments and 100 points and full destruction tree it takes several shots to kill most NPCs. So destruction spell cost virtually nothing for me to cast as I have 2 armor with 25% each and 2 jewelry with 25% each. However restoration and conjuration spells eat major amounts of mana. Helps add to the balance. I also have 100 archery and ALL archery perks. Using that with regular weapons (NOT LEGENDARY) make my player adequately powered to keep the battles fun without being overpowered. It is a good thing to die!
  12. Sounds like another example of being radically overpowered. Glad I stayed away from smithing.
  13. So I read your original post. AHHHHHHH.... Sounds like you are beating a dead horse. Bethesda is in the business of making games to do what? Give you a great experience? 'fraid not! Bethesda is in it for the money. I will be the first to tell you that STEAM is a leach and problem maker. I have had a Steam account for I can't remember how many years now. Truthfully nothing irritates me more than to see another useless process running on my PC giving my data to some third party for who knows what reason. Hopefully I won't get banned from the site for mentioning that you can get a localhost work around for Steam. That way your game only thinks it is connected to them. I am not pointing this out as a means to promote piracy or bypass copyright protections also many times our internet connection is down as I live in a place with terrible service. I am pointing this out as someone that pays 60 to 70 dollars for a game title and would like to play it when I want to play it. Or only to have some abomination like PATCH 1.2 shoved down my throat without my permission. Consider it self preservation and my personal belief that my PC belongs to me and not the corporate overlords. Likewise you can place the game in offline mode after activation and write a rule for your firewall to block any outgoing connection request from that program. As for paying for mods..... The legal implications of that have been pointed out numerous times. Sites like the Nexus here will hopefully continue to provide a place to download whatever mods are published here for free. I have been a member here since 2007 and I see many folks on here that have been members far longer than I have. I trust that the integrity of this site's administration will continue to provide one of the best platforms for modding and discussion for the benefit of the community they have created.
  14. Please don't screw up this game by making it online multi-player. And.... don't give the devs any ideas to do it either. Nothing screws up a great game like making it multi-player. Once you do that the single player campaign part ALWAYS goes to hell. :wallbash:
  15. Well I agree with the OLD WARRIORS CLUB. I am 50. Voltdude.... I have computers in the garage older than you. I cut my teeth on am IBM 370. I kind of guessed there were a lot of older players like me out there. Who said great gaming was only for kids? As for my opinions on several things about Skyrim.. STEAM is definitely one of my primary concerns. The integration of Steam Workshop to the CK can only create more problems. I loved the Half Life franchise but hated the fact that STEAM had anything to do with it. By the way been playing all Bethesda titles since Oblivion. Missed out on Morrowwind but I think I'll live.
  16. Skyrim so far is great. I have enjoyed many hours of questing and looting. The dungeons are top notch. Of course some things are very lackluster as not all the quests can be an epic journey. If you are not playing in master difficulty you are only gimping yourself. As with all the Beth games that have come out the glitches can even be enjoyable to a point. Dead creatures that are still moving. Dead creatures standing like a statue or frozen in mid air. Weapons and other items frozen in mid air. This all adds to the quirkiness of any of the Beth games. Sometimes I find myself chuckling at these strange artifacted items. As for it being ruined by the 1.2 patch thank goodness I was fortunate enough to tell my firewall to block outgoing connections when I set the game up. I almost allowed it to update when I heard the patch was out but as I had to work that day I hit the Nexus here when I got home and saw all the negative feedback on it before I made that mistake. :thumbsup: Overall I have had very few problems with the game. Hate the UI. Spent well over 100 hours playing already and am still on my first character now at level 47. Was smart enough to specialize in two skill trees and keep an eye on the forums here so as not to do any game breaking thing like power leveling. So, I am having a fantastic game playing experience and have to feel that a lot of the problems people are experiencing are brought on themselves by trying to become a demigod by the level 2.
  17. None of this has worked so far. Data files still greyed out. Edited both .ini files. Put it on top. Did everything mentioned here and no luck. Running Win 7 64 bit. Any more ideas? Sure would like to get to utilize a couple of the mods. :confused: Taking all that back as I just got it working. Stupid me... Make certain you are editing skyrimprefs and not the plain skyrim .ini. DUUHHHH!
  18. I was anxious to get it.... now it sounds like I was fortunate not to. :biggrin:
  19. I have breezehome and proudspire. Both are OK but just OK. Proudspire is much larger than the first but neither have much in the way of storage. Two critical problems with Proudspire are no chest or ingredient sorters near the two labs in the basement. Also the small basement room with a bedroll could actually be furnished for your housecarl and some additional weapon racks would be nice as well.
  20. I think you guys need to get a bit of patience. I remember seeing all of these same comments for Fallout 3 while everyone was crying before the GECK was released. If i recall I think it took them about 6 weeks after the game came out to release it due to some problems with it. If Bethesda is anything it is not stupid. They know exactly why the die hard PC community loves their games. Also.... they lose the chance to pick up on some very creative talent if they turn their back on the modding community. Don't you think that they keep an eye on the mods that are released and scoop up some of the best modders to actually end working for them and help create new and fresh content. So, hang back and enjoy Skyrim as it is and in a couple of weeks I am sure you will see the release of the CK. :thumbsup:
  21. Why not create a completely new vending machine based on the ones from Dead Money? Could place maybe a half dozen or so of them around the map and have them use something like a debit card exclusive to the machines. The only way to get debit cards with credit on them is to find them. Much like the star bottle caps. Also the machine codes idea is one that I liked from Dead Money. So you could have the machines distribute some common items such as stimpacks, purified water, etc. and then some items only available to be purchased from the machine. These of course would require the special code and the codes would only be available after completing mini quests. One thing for certian.... NO GOD GRADE WEAPONS. There are already enough of those out there.
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