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Everything posted by crawe1x

  1. This, for sure. I've got a whole bunch of shows that I was looking forward to at the end of last year - and now the new seasons have come and gone, and I still haven't watched them.
  2. Bearing in mind that FO4 is a single-player with no multiplayer function, I don't get this whole concept of cheating while playing a Bethesda game on PC. On a console, sure. It's a closed system, so anything that breaks the system is a kind of hack. But the PC version was designed to be modified, either by downloading mods from this site or by making tweaks in the console. The game's developers balanced the game one way (based on a whole bunch of reasons, many of them commercially motivated). If you decide that you don't like how they've balanced it, why shouldn't you change it? Right now I have a mod that allows me to build robots to defend my settlements, which obviously makes the game easier. I have another mod that makes my settlers mortal, which makes the game more challenging. Neither is a cheat. They're just different ways of balancing. In the same way, if I want access to something that's isn't readily available in the game (and which I think should be), I just open up the console and get typing. If you do it within moderation, I don't see the problem and it doesn't particularly break immersion. So regarding the OP's original question... It you want to use automatic weapons, just open the console and give yourself a little extra ammo. It won't break the game. It will just allow you to play the game the way you want to play it (and I mean, you paid good money for the damn thing, so might as well enjoy it). Just be thankful Bethesda gave us the option to do this. I've been trying to get into AC Syndicate the past few weeks - but the inability to mod the game to fit my tastes and not those of Ubisoft is really pissing me off.
  3. Yeah, this is definitely a move in the right direction. I think once you get the scratches more area-specific and add the rust it will look really cool. Out of interest, what was the problem with getting the textures to show up in game and how did you resolve it (assuming the explanation isn't too technical)?
  4. So far, I think it looks pretty good - I definitely prefer it to the original. So good work. Once it's in the game, it will be easier to judge. Unfortunately, I have no idea about how to get it to show up in the game. My knowledge of modding Bethesda games is VERY limited. Maybe p.m. one of the other weapons textures guys out there?
  5. For me, I really just want something that looks like it's been around in the wastelands for a while. A bit of rust, a few scratches, etc. In other words, something that doesn't look like it's just been bought off the shelf. Something along the likes of: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4046/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3203/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10814/? Doesn't have to be so extreme as Millenia's scratch shotgun/rifle textures, excellent though they are. Something more subtle is also fine. Anything that fits with the existing vanilla textures would be good. As it stands, in its current state, much as I like this weapon, I just can't bring myself to use it. It just looks odd compared to everything else my character is carrying.
  6. Yeah, that's what I figured. My guess is that it shouldn't be too hard, but then again I have fairly limited modding experience with Bethesda games. I've avoided Any Mod Any Weapons. It just looks too buggy. I use Cut Weapons Mods Restored and Extended Weapons Mods, but this request goes beyond the scope of the former, while the author of the latter has been quiet for several weeks now, so I'm not sure if he is still supporting the mod.
  7. Not sure what this involves, but would someone be interested in adding the double-barrel shotgun's spiked muzzle break as a mod option for the combat shotgun? Stats can be the same as the combat shotgun's large bayonet.
  8. I totally agree. I think the Northlands Digger Crafting mod is exploring some of these ideas. It's a great mod and I'm sure that once the CK comes out, he'll bring in exotic dancers, etc.
  9. Sorry, just reread you original post and saw that you've already spoken to the settler. In that case, I've got no idea i'm afraid.
  10. Sorry, I haven't got a solution in terms of modding, but I've had a few instances in-game where if you just go to the settlement and approach the settler, they will ask for your help directly. You can then do their mission and gain access to the workshop, just as if Garvey had given you the mission himself. Not sure if that helps, but if you haven't done so already, I guess it's worth a try.
  11. Same goes for weapons. A lot of great new weapons have shown up, but many of them look so shiny and clean. There have been a few alternative weathered textures for things like the Glock addition.
  12. Yes, I would very much like to see this too. NPCs can smoke, so why not the Lone Survivor?
  13. Agreed, definitely a few more animals are needed. Rats, rabbits, feral cats, sheep, small lizards, wild pigs, and goats would all be very welcome.
  14. Actually, I found a great mod that does add the vanilla shoes, but it's not for EVB unfortunately.
  15. This is a really good idea. A couple of my larger settlements have a more sleazy Good Neighbor kind of vibe about them and something like this would be a very nice addition.
  16. The magazine and the grip look far too close together. How would you hold the thing? If the mag was moved back a couple of inches... Other than that it looks great and I too would love to see it in the game some day. It definitely has the right rough & ready look.
  17. Definitely agree there should be bows and crossbows (both low-tech and high-tech) within this game. They should be a pretty common weapon. They would be extremely practical (given the fact that their ammo would be more readily available than bullets). I mean, look how useful Daryl's crossbow is in Walking Dead. The use of bows could also be used to differentiate between the different types of factions. Right now, Gunners are just better equipped versions of Raiders. But I'm thinking Raiders should use relatively few firearms, and when they do, it should be almost exclusively pipe guns. Instead, they should make far greater use of melee weapons and bows. Gunners, by comparison, WOULD use firearms as their primary weapons - hence their name. It would definitely help differentiate these factions. It would also force the player to use different tactics.
  18. Nice idea. In terms of immersion, it would suggest that you've been left for dead (rather than actually killed) - kind of like in The Revenant. You then wake up wherever, but have been stripped of all your cool gear and have to start all over.
  19. I second this. I haven't got a problem with the quality of the existing texture, but I would like it to look a little more weathered for the sake of immersion.
  20. Agreed. The burrowing right now is way over the top, both for radscorpions and molerats. It feels very arcadey.
  21. I love the look of the Syringer, but I'm not a fan of its ammo. I also think it's strange there is no pipe shotgun in the game given that shotguns are among the oldest and simplest firearms out there. I know there are a few mods that already allow the existing pipe rifles to fire shotgun shells, but they don't quite hit the spot - the barrels just look too flimsy to handle a big shotgun shell. The Syringer, however, with its big barrel, would fit perfectly as the basis for a standalone pipe shotgun. The existing canister could be removed and swapped with either the standard pipe rifle drum or even the combat shotgun drum. The stats could be similar to the combat shotgun in terms of damage, but with a lot more recoil and slightly less range & accuracy. Anyway,just a thought if anyone's up for it...
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